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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. It already is but won't show up as 0.90 compatible as it has not been noted as 0.90 compatible in the meta data. If you toggle to view incompatible mods you will see it there.
  2. Thanks for the point towards the UI in-game editing. It really helps you visualise what you are doing within the config along with having Unity open to generate key curves. P.S. If anyone is struggling to edit the particles through config text, as above, install the Toolbar plugin and edit the particle effects in game.
  3. Trying to generate smoke trails that cone out behind the rocket and look as if to volumetrically fill all the space lower in the trail whilst keeping small and compact near the tip of the rocket exhaust jet. I have the spread working with the smoke particles but I cannot get the particle size to grow the further down the plume. I cannot see a way to make the energy function a variable within the size function as this would be what I am trying to achieve but then the grow functions work in this way anyway. However, I cannot get my head around the grow functions properly. If I am starting off with a small particle and want it to dramatically increase in size over the course of the particles life, would this be the correct way in formatting it? grow { power = 0 0 power = 1 1 } My smoke particle has an energy duration of 6 seconds so the above would say that at the end of the particle animation at 100% throttle the particle is going to be 16x larger than the standard particle size? When I put this in game the grow function seems to be having no effect though. What am I doing wrong?
  4. Whilst looking through the Add-On Releases and Development forums it is sometimes hard to keep up with whether any add-ons that you may have downloaded/are following development of etc. have been changed or updated since the last version you may have looked at, with the titles of the threads not really following a standardised format. Would it be a good idea to try and encourage and suggest the implementation of an agreed format for thread makers to use to help forum viewers navigate the threads? Something along the lines of: [Version Number] Modifaction/Add-On Name (Version Number) [Date of Last Update YY-MM-DD] An example title would be: [0.25] Modifaction/Add-On Name (0.5) [14-11-30] What do you all think on this matter?
  5. I thought as much as it didn't happen with your Science Crates when I had them on there. Anyway, great mod, I appreciate your efforts a lot.
  6. AH I see now, thanks. Got it figured out and managed to get the rover and deployment system as an in-line sub-assembly for future use. Encountered a big of a bug that wasn't easily reproducible. Sometimes when reentering the control seat after using the KAS storage boxes, they would enlarge (scale change) about twice the size.
  7. How do you utilize the Rover Delivery System part? I can't seem to get anything but the 2 chassis sections in there without failing due to clipping?
  8. I was trying to muck around with the HA-1 Aluminium Hybrid Rocket but the node placements in the VAB were acting strangely when trying to use it in an inline configuration. Is this node placement intended as it would leave a large "ghost" gap when connected to something above?
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