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Everything posted by KillAshley

  1. from the OP (without the comic sans) surely lava planets and volcanoes weren't part of his original idea, was it?
  2. DO NOT use kopernicustech. It is extremely outdated and lacking in features. Kopernicus is standalone, and everything you need is right there. For examples theres a github with all example cfgs to get you started. There's no set tutorial, and planet creation can be difficult, so take your time and learn how to create things properly. technically yes and no. If you use a template it will display the stock map unless you specify your own. If you want science integration then you'll need to make a map the cached .bin files contain information for scaled space. Just ignore them and remember to delete them when you change the planet (they generate at runtime of KSP) Don't use that, it's outdated and for a different mod. I didn't realize Sigma88 made my atmosphere calculator that everyone uses, maybe i should credit him for all the work i did
  3. Just a heads up, work is still progressing on UL, so far compatibility for DOE, Planetshine & RemoteTech have been added, and small alterations are underway too. For those wanting the patches they are already available from the master branch on my GitHub. Anyone playing with career mode even in this early stage? Any issues with contracts and/or science?
  4. I removed Keelon and it's moons from this pack because IMHO while Keelon itself offers some gameplay changes the moons did not, so it was easier to just trim down the pack to the more interesting worlds. The future of this pack is still uncertain, you still have all the rights you originally had for Kerbol Plus I'm not here to steal your pack from you
  5. It is, but retaking control of this pack is the first step to sorting this ugly mess out once and for all. I havent said anything which wasn't true and confirm-able by multiple people. The main basis for why the explanation in the OP was to explain WHY i ended up doing this. If you step back and try and understand how it is on my end to have my own work used by others and someone else claiming all credit, then maybe you'd understand just why i needed to set the record straight. tbh i didnt think about it until after it was released, maybe I'll change it again, who knows. It's the same reason I ended up with the new New Horizons for my other pack, as the name sounded good at the time and I couldn't remember where it came from. I not using Nova's ideas, which is why i changed the names away from the "Nova names", yet tried to keep them similar enough so they weren't too much of a change. I'm just doing what I promised to do a long time ago and fix these planets. I'm not, don't worry. Planets that are procedural are minor bodies that really shouldn't be sing heightmaps. I still use the heightmaps from KerbolPlus, however they are uncredited because I originally made them (apart from the ones credited in the OP)
  6. biomes and science is available on all planets, but I'm not a writer so there aren't any custom sciDefsfor teh experiments yet. They currently only use default definitions. If anyone would like to contribute feel free to PM me.
  7. before you dig into it further might i remind you that the FlattenMountains.dll has an All Rights Reserved license, meaning the use, modification, and/or distribution of it without the express permission of Thomas P. or myself is strictly prohibited.
  8. i was referring to the "bumpy" effect of gas giants. This is due to the Jool's normal map, gas giants using a Jool template will get this normal map if a new one isn't specified. It's pretty low-res, but gives a nice effect to the world from a perpetually flat sphere. This is most likely the "effect" you are talking about. if you don't want it then create your own normal map to overwrite the builtin one
  9. very cool dude, cheers! I have no idea tbh. Is it a RAM crash? unfortunately only EVE support i have available atm is for my own custom setup. Try it from the OP and see if you still get the crashes. nope, 100% nope. NH is at roughly at "scope-complete" and already has a HUGE selection of moons available. Any new worlds can easily be added through other planet packs, but this one won't be adding any more
  10. hmmmm, most likely it could be a simple install error. Do you have the latest kopernicus? also if you could give me a screenshot of your gamedata folder so i can check all's good. Cheers dude!
  11. not really shots fired. He has been warned about his atitude towards other people multiple times. Anyway at the moment I'm not sure if it us compatible with UL, as UL is in such an early stage atm, it should run together fine, however I don't know if orbital lines will cross, etc. In the future I'll probably have a patch that will reorganize these worlds into the UL system as I do with New Horizons. I try to make things difficult
  12. Help me stay motivated in my endeavors to create more interesting and diverse mods for KSP. Every little support helps! [ What is this version of Kerbol Plus? Kerbol Plus is a planetary expansion for KSP, aiming to add new and exciting worlds for players to explore. Kerbol Plus adds in 6 new planets and 6 moons for players to discover. Created by KillAshley (New Horizons, Uncharted Lands) and Thomas P (Kopernicus), this pack hopes to add in various bodies in a more stock-like feel. This pack includes completely re-envisioned planets carefully created. This pack also offers FULL CAREER INEGRATION! Including biomes, correct science multiplers & more! Contributors KillAshley Configs & Textures Thomas P Configs, Textures & Custom PQSMods Amarius1 Original concept and heightmaps for; Havet, Pregas & Vatil Yaeah Heightmap for Shay (which is unaccredited in Amarius1's KerbolPlus) Olympic1 Fixing my spelling mistakes and things i forgot about. Screenshots Downloads: Github Dependency: Kopernicus Install Instructions: Simply Download the .zip file and merge the GameData folder into your KSP game directory. The base Windows 64-bit version of the game a lot of bugs, I have been informed Kopernicus packs all work on it and I also use it in my personal game, however any bugs resulting from x64 are unknown presently and as always will be un-supported. Included Mod Support: Distant Object Enhancement PlanetShine Incompatible Mods: KerbolPlus: Not compatible with Amarius1's version of Kerbol Plus StarSystems: Not compatible with Kopernicus PlanetFactory CE: Not compatible with Kopernicus KopernicusTech: Not compatible with Kopernicus Known Bugs: Please note although i have been testing as i go, i haven't had time to sit down and do a full play through, so I'm sure there are bugs I'm unaware of! None at the moment Changelog: v1.1 -File structure change for On-Demand loading -Cfg tweaks too -Converted Corote's color & normal maps to .dds format (didnt notice they were still .png) Credits: Sarbian for maintaining ModuleManager Kcreator for making the origional KittopiaTech Gravitasi for updating the Kopernicus/Kittopia plugins BryceSchroeder, Teknoman117, Thomas.P and NathanKell for making & maintaining the Kopernicus plugin this mod relies on. Sigma88 for his feedback and support GregroxMun for his feedback and support Olympic1 for helping when i make stupid mistakes License: This version of KerbolPlus by KillAshley & Thomas P is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The FlattenMountain & Vulcano(temprarily removed) plugin's are distibuted with All Rights Reserved by Thomas P. & KillAshley
  13. Small update no live on Github, will update mirrors later tonight. just timewarp modifications really, small tweak to color of Lave's orbit (the brightness was bugging me) enjoy!
  14. I feel the same as CobaltWolf above, while i love the idea of what you're proposing, but what really is needed is a experiment system that defines the type of "science" you receive. A complete overhaul of the stock tech tree would probably have to happen to accommodate this, but getting a temperature scan at Mun should in no way allow you to unlock engines, and so on. If there was a way to create multiple different types of science that different experiments produce that can only unlock certain parts of the tech tree then that'd be something worth looking into, and something a lot of people have been wishing for for a long time. Perhaps instead of a multiple experiments per part as proposed you could look at a more tiered approach where you must unlock "improvements" to the science parts that allow them to get results faster & increase the science given. That may be a bit more of an incentive for the progression rather than making parts do multiple things. Have all parts require time to gather the science or process the data and the lowest tier takes quite a while, whereas highest tier would be relatively fast in comparison. That would be helpful so that say with atmospheric scans you need to stay withing a certain altitude limit from the altitude you started the process at, or the scan will fail. Having a higher tier could not only speed up the time it takes to gather atmospheric samples, but increases the boundary significantly......just food for thought. However the idea that surface samples would have weight and different "science" yields is a great idea, although i would also recommend a MM compatible cfg that defines planets & value ranges so that planet creators such as myself can modify our worlds.
  15. ill raise the timewarp limits, I'm surprised noone has mentioned it before now really! It's been set as that by default for months lol. It was mainly a default timewarp i put in and intended to change, but kind of forgot about
  16. good start, however there are a few small gripes (my own opinion, not an attack or anything!) There are a LOT of moons in such a tiny area, im pretty sure that is even more unstable then urania! Perhaps focusing on having a few less, but more interesting moons would be a better plan. Also I'd try and develop a "style" of planets, have them all look like they belong in the same system. At the moment it's very clashing seeing all these moons together. The style of them changes so dramatically (especially the copy-paste of my UL Kerbin) that it's kind of unnerving. Some are insanely bright, some more realistic looking. Having them in the same field as each other would be the first step to making your pack better. Also it's great to take the inspiration from UL, however you should probably try and differentiate the packs a little, make it your own "style" as i said before. One more thing is that when you export maps using Kittopia or Kopernicus they can cut off pretty easily, you can see this when there are flat areas where there shouldn't be (quite a few of the moons have them) you can raise the export height in Kittopia. This normally happens when the terrain is higher than the set export level. but other than that it's a good first attempt, looking forward to seeing what you make of this.
  17. it did? ffs ok ill have a look all of the stock worlds are the same, apart from their orbits. So yeah they are all still there. As for easter eggs on the worlds, not at the moment, finding enough things to add onto all 19 boodies is a pretty tiring job! Enjoy! Yeah i probably should have given out a patch that did that, bit of an oversight, sorry. At least you sorted yourself out, thanks for sharing the patch for the others! when i saw that flag on Eli i laughed so hard, then i remembered why it was there. Sry dude! looking forward to the next vid
  18. Amarius, I'm pretty sure Faz isnt meant to look like this stock install of latest version (kerbalstuff download link) updated to the Kopernicus 0.4 with only hyperedit and GCMonitor installed
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