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Everything posted by KillAshley

  1. cool, good to know my old patch still works lol I'll check out the SCANsat issue though
  2. Very odd, I'll add it to the list and get it fixed as soon as i get time free. I had the same issue a long time ago but there is a patch that changes the position to the new KSC location, however something in RT might have changed making the patch void. I'll have a look anyway. Also what do you mean about SCANsat? I've never had any issues using it with UL before.
  3. well technically 2, however I'm leaving one out until I come up with a better way to do what i need to do with it. Well prepare to be disappointed! lol Serran looks how i originally envisioned the planet, before it became a giant blue marble - it's now a dead world. Although i think i a little spicing up the colors a little is still needed..... Well don't worry, i know exactly what you mean now. This is something that I always work hard at fixing in my newer packs, like UL & KASE. The scaledspace transition in stock is utter BS, but my ones work as they should, even though I'm NEVER 100% happy with them....but thats just the perfectionist in me talking. Unfortunately theres some give-and-take with coastlines, as the ocean PQS is a little picky about how it exports, and can make coasts a little off, but there should be a near perfect transition if I do it right I will run a pass over with KSPRC to make sure those who want to use that can still do so too
  4. A small probe sent by the glorious KSC has recently completed it's maneuvers around the infamous Vanor system on the outskirts of the system. Coming into close fly-by of several of Vanor's moons, close up imagery was received in a data dump early this morning. While a lot of shots are distorted two images stood above the rest. One showcasing Etal, a large, extremely dense moon with it unusually deformed surface. It is believed that the surface actually collapsed into itself under Etal's immense gravitational pull. Another shot showcases another unique moon of Vanor, Tidus is know for it's large equatorial moon, liquid only from the immense gravitational forces exerted onto it by it's parent. While the liquid itself has scientists all over intrigued, the rest of the surface appears to be a barren, icy wasteland, and is thus unworthy of any real study according to the KSC
  5. Well i like them in a slightly different light to it really, I prefer the more stock-realistic look instead of the full realism that KSPRC does. Love KSPRC though, cant say that enough! but I work on making planets look the best they can with only kopernicus, and I get pretty awesome results. For a long time I've focused on purely stock features only for planets (although i basically ignored NH) even going so far as to only use ground textures found in the assets, trying to make it look great without scatterer, without EVE, without anything else. If you check out KASE in my sig you'll see what I mean by the look NH2 will have.
  6. complete overhaul tbh, stock planets are still stock, however for my planets im going back to the original ideas for how the planets should look and re-making them to fit the idea and visual goals. I'm going to be reworking them to the same standard as my KASE pack, so they can be played side-by-side. Size and mass will be staying the same for MOST bodies, however some of the smallest bodies (astid, ete, oree, etc....) have been made from scratch, so they will be completely different (I'm super happy with Ete ^o^ ) hopefully theres nothing a little hyperedit can't fix for the players, however it will break everyones game in that regards
  7. thanks ill look into it! hmm very odd, seeing as Mun and dres have a lot lower science values than even stock Mun has. Laythe/Tlyo and Eve are around 7x that of the home system. Dres; landedDataValue = 1.19 inSpaceLowDataValue = 1 inSpaceHighDataValue = 0.94 recoveryValue = 1.19 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 65000 Tylo landedDataValue = 7.6 inSpaceLowDataValue = 6.4 inSpaceHighDataValue = 6 recoveryValue = 7.6 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 400000 any suggestions on how to balance better? lower the stock system overall? I'm trying to be a little passive, as there aren'y that many biomes as compared to stock, so theres less science available for a start. ...oh and ill check out the contracts too, something might have changed >.<
  8. im well over half way, tbh...thats all i can honestly say at this point. Hopefully i can get it finished soon, i want it out as much as you guys lol. Currently i only have 3 more planets to overhaul, then it's just tidying up; getting the PQS transition perfect, making sure ground textures are stable, making sure everything is as it should be....then i need to adjust a few orbits and rebuild the system a little better - ive never like how inner gas giants got bigger moons that the furthest one. I'm hoping i can get it done by next week at this point, however i have a tendency to get distracted easily
  9. cool, could you also send me a copy of the Logs/ folder located in your KSP folder please. It will tell me where the problem lies
  10. can you send me a mod list, as well as a copy of the Logs/ folder located in your KSP folder please. Also what OS are you using?
  11. well time for another tease then! Breaking News! Local observational probes sent throughout our parental system have sent back this preliminary observation of one of our most mythological neighbours. Legends of old paint Serran in a more glamorous light, however the truth is that this world has been long dead. Large crystalline areas of land containing a thick layer of ground salts show that while the planet is dead now, a thriving ecosystem used to exist with large oceans surrounding continents just like Kerbin. Many artisans like to paint what Serran used to be like when it was life-bearing, and the majority of them paint blue vegetation across the planet. It is unknown why they chose this specific color. One thing for sure is that despite it's current situation, the body seems to hold a rudimentary oxygen atmosphere, breathable by Kerbal-kind, however the pressure is too low for extended exposure. Despite this however, talks are already underway about settling colonies in the not-too-distant future.
  12. i guess i can tone it back a little...my idea was to originally inject a little color into it as in stock its so bland, but i guess i got a little carried away. When i get around to updating it ill tone Mun back
  13. i still need to tweak the curve so it's not an almost instant overheat....but yeah, any science report flying over it will tell you it's biome is called "Superheated Oceans" so it may be a little toasty
  14. are you running on 1.1.x? the current version for NH is made for 1.0.5 so it might be buggy until i release the update well then start looking forward to the update where they will not only look better, but be more interesting too yeah sorry for making you guys wait longer lol, the tip jar does give me a good poke to get back to work too been kinda caught up playing Stellaris lately, but i digress.....BACK TO WORK!
  15. Breaking News! One of our deep space observation drones has slipped deep into the gravity well of a far out world. This unusual planet seems to be a super-terra, an incredibly dense planet with a thick atmosphere. While preliminary analysis shows a thick oxygen-rich atmosphere, it appears that the temperature at the planets surface would be far too cold to sustain any viable life. Politicians have already begun discussing plans on the viability of a surface colony, seemingly unaware of the crushing pressure generated not only by it's incredibly thick atmosphere, but by it's surface gravity which appears to be over twice as strong as our homeworld. While the probe itself is preparing for it's descent into the body's ring system to run experiments about it's composition, initial observations already spot at least one shepherding moon in it's outer layers. The body itself only has one noticeable moon, however KSC scientists argue that there could be more that are simply too small to detect with the on-board sensors. As always, more information will become available once the glorious KSC finishes it's experiments.
  16. photoshop, thats all. However if you are talking about the old, ugly heightmaps then i cant really remember tbh.
  17. OK so before the situation goes further, yes sub-satellites are possible, but they are very VERY rare as the orbits they have would be inherently unstable. I was given the suggestion for a sub satellite over a year ago during the first few months of NH's creation, however it's something that i wont do given it's instability. The compromise i made was to create a "new Minmus" and have it relatively easy to get to, which is how Aptur came to be. Although I will be juggling things around to create a more stable structure to the system, adding a moon to Kerbin, or considering any other sub-satellite idea, isn't on the agenda. Also in regards to the suggestion by @Therlun about the "normal start" principle, this has been asked for in the past and I have always said no, as the main challenge for NH was the starting point, and having to re-balance everything to adjust for a normal Kerbin start position is more work than I'm willing to do Also one more thing; Breaking News! While coming into the gravity well of Jool, one of the KSC's prize probes spotted a glimpse of one of the more unusual moons of Jool. It has been reported by scientists all over Kerbin that this newly-discovered moon would be made up of almost pure ice with a lot of impurities the further down into the terrain you go. Although Scientists are unsure of the composition of the subterranean chemicals present in the moon, as the probe was only able to get a distant, passing glimpse, they are only certain of one thing; it's pink color is VERY pleasing to the eye. While current information is till very limited due to the distance at which the probe passed the moon, it appears that would resemble deep tectonic cracks run across it's surface. Scientists hypothesize that these cracks are not from internal planetary activity, but merely crevasses formed due to the constant melting and movement of it's glacier-like surface.
  18. Breaking News! A probe on a standard flyby of Jool has provided fleeting footage of what appears to be one of Jool's most mysterious moons. It appears this small moon is in the process of literally tearing itself apart, with what appears to be deep chasms across it's surface. Scientists think that due to the material loss of the body, it is definitely not dense enough to support any kind of atmosphere, however limited thermal imaging has revealed intense heat in the chasms leading down into the mantle of this small moon. A large debris field of smaller asteroids has been detected in the vicinity of the body, leading to the conclusion that it could very well be debris flung from the crust. While footage and facts remain very limited at this current stage, we hope to bring you more news in the future.
  19. No, I need to see the Logs/ folder in your main directory. Not a screenshot of the GameData folder. Could you please put the Logs/ folder into a .zip and send me a link to it.
  20. Could you upload the Logs/ folder that is located in your main KSP directory for me? It should be able to tell me if somethings going wrong with Kopernicus.
  21. v0.2 is now available! PQS brightness, & saturations levels tweaked PQSMaterials refitted to 1.1 types. Tweaked Moho to have a dull specular shine to imitate it's heat
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