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Everything posted by RedParadize

  1. hello. Quick bug report: OPT L Cargo Bay does not shield stuff when closed. Thanks
  2. @Shadowmage About KIS and SSTU. KIS only see the default size of the object, regardless of the number of engines or size of the tanks. Thats a problem in itself. On my part, I would like if we could store empty tanks as a IKEA style kit, packed into its empty volume only.
  3. Thats realy nice! Do you plan on having depoyable rigid centrifuge? Ever heard about the pilgrim observer? By the way, the one you have on display could be a Polygon Centrifuge. Yes, I do read atomic rocket!
  4. @ShotgunNinja Since QoL_LivingSpace is no more used, do I have another way to achieve the same result ? With 6.4 scale, I can't get to jool without having a ratio of more than 1/10 in my spaceship, And I don't like lowering degeneration rate as it also allow longer travel in crowded capsule.
  5. Humm, It seem that food production still slow down on the fastest warp speed. do I have to change to redbuild the ship or something ? Edit: Weird, muted messages still pause the game as well... Wait, muted as in CTRL-N works. I trough message could be disactivated individually. Edit 3: QoL_LivingSpace is no more used ? Is there another command to scale it up ? I play 64x scale and I could still reduce degeneration but it feel wrong.
  6. This is great. I want that centrifuge! There is a unexploited niche for massive ship in this game, without massive habitat there is no point for them at all. I will follow your stuff closely. PS: If you want to name it Mother, then you have to make the Nostromo computer room, you have no choice realy.
  7. @ShotgunNinja You are awesome. Out of curiosity, whats next?
  8. @ShotgunNinja I have a bug to report, at the fastest timewarp, food production is slowering down. Another thing: Say you have 10 part that can contain kerbal, you shield all of them exept one. The result is bearly better than no sheild at all. So having a lander attached to a interplaneraty spaceship result in having almost nothing. I realise that if I was using connected living space it would be a lesser problem, but it seem a bit abusive. Same goes with a capsule partialy shield. Keep up the good work, your mod is awesome.
  9. On my side, SSTU fuel tanks made stock rocket tanks else obsolete. And this is true for most of modded rocket tanks as well. There is a notable exeption to this: Near Future Propultion tanks. I already made a patch that add NFP fuel to your tanks. But I could see myself using a SSTU style version of NFP and NFC, mostly for esthetical reason. Don't get me wrong, your tanks look awesome. But for a Space Tug, NFC trust/tanks are looking great. For the Mk2 MK3, I barely use them when building planes. (OPT and MkIV when it will be updated) But I am sure others would find a use for SSTU style Mk2 and Mk3. That sound awesome. Cargo bays and reusable fairing would be great. Same with NF style trust and tanks. I am curious to know how you imagine your crewpod/habitat, will they be customizable? And also, will you do centrifuge? On another topic, I have a suggestion, see it as a wish list from a always-wanting-more-customer. The Rocket-in-a-Box: Do we realy have to carry a empty tank to Duna or a fully assembled trust to space? I am thinking about a IKEA kit. Basicly, If SSTU part could be either converted into "box" or stored in KIS with only thier tankageVolume concidered. I always wanted to carry assemblable booster to Eve and strap them on the spot. It could also be realy usefull for station building. Thanks again for your great mod!
  10. No problem, but know that I am just a amateur compared to real modders. I only looks at their line, try to figure out what does what and then use it to other purpose. I literaly spend most of my playing time rebooting the game. What I posted for you was picked from SSTU-KIS-Integration.cfg. I just changed some stuff in it. I don't know what the ,0[*] really does!
  11. I had the flag crash thingy as well. If I had to bet its a stock bug. 1.1.2 is not quite stable yet.
  12. Sadly I was burning before being out of ablator. If a reduce reentry heat to 40%, it kinda works but I still have to add ablator or increase ablationEfficiency. At 30% then I don't burn even without ablator. There you go: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[SSTUVolumeContainer]]:NEEDS[USILifeSupport] { @MODULE[SSTUVolumeContainer] { @CONTAINER,0[*] { resource = Supplies resource = Mulch } } } // You can fix the volume here: SSTU_RESOURCEVOLUME { name = Supplies volume = 1 } SSTU_RESOURCEVOLUME { name = Mulch volume = 1 } If it doesn't work, it is probably the " :NEEDS[USILifeSupport] " part that is spelled wrong. I no more use USI-LS so I don't know.
  13. Module manager is wonderfull, here is the HeatShield patch for 64k: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[SSTUModularHeatShield]]:NEEDS[64k] { @MODULE[SSTUModularHeatShield] { @ablationEfficiency *= 15 fluxMult = 9 // If fluxMult was present in every part, it would be @fluxMult *= 9 . I think it would be better. } } I noticed during my earlier test that fluxMult is also present in HeatShieldTypes.cfg. However it doesn't work, I raised it up to 400 without any result. You might want to remove it, its confusing.
  14. Thank you so much. I will write a patch note and post it for anyone that is intrested. I have one for engines and tanks as well but balance is... arbitrary. About the Inflatable heat shield, It would be realy nice to do a SSTU version just like you did for for stock heat shield. I don't know if it would be complicated, but it would be cool if "light / medium / heavy" would apply to inflatable heatshield and other heat-soak. So technicly you could make a shuttle that can land on Eve and so on.
  15. Ok, I just can't figure out how to get capsule heatshield balanced with 6.4x. Tried to play with fluxMult in HeatshieldType.cfg and SSTUModularHeatShield in parts config. Whatever I do the SC-A-DM will always explode at the same altitude. I can keep going with trial and error, but I would rather do it the right way. Can you tell us how the new module work ?
  16. Does the "heatSoak = true" still works ? I have been using your heatshield module on the stock inflatable one and I am playing with ablationEfficiency without noticable effect. Do I have to remove feild like baseResourceQuantity and shieldtype? PS: (I am playing with 64x scale.)
  17. Thanks allot, is much less complicated than I anticipated. I tried to add food and oxygen to ResourceVolumes and part config... Another question: When does the stand alone parachute will make its amaizing comeback ? I miss that little part.
  18. Does any one else have a bug with RS-68 engine cluster with more than 3 engine ? The name displayed get stuck on "3 angled" and trust displayed by mechjeb is 0. I am not using the last version of SSTU, its highly modified as well, so I would prefer if someone try this before posting it on github.
  19. Do I have to do something to activate habitation and homesickness ? Its currently stuck on perpetual.
  20. @blowfishIndeed. My post is mostly taken from the Ares I advanture, so is my conclusion. SRB are reliable, but from what I read they present a higher risk if failing. Neverless, you are right, my argument is about gameplay balance, not realism. Stock SRB, while being too cheap to my taste, do not have gimbal and thats a balancing factor. I believe it would be good if SSTU would balance SRB accordingly. Does SSTUVolumeContainer have a cost multiplier field ? it would be quite easy to balance SRB if it had one.
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