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Everything posted by RedParadize

  1. I have a balance issue to raise concerning the SRB, they are just too good. Unlike real SRB they present no security risk and they have a gimbal. There is no reason to go for anything else than a SRB for first and even second stage. I think the easiest way to fix this is to split the SRB in two family, gimbaled or not. Gimbaled SRB would be much more expensive than the regular one. I don't know if its possible but it would be cool to disable the trust limiter bar, that would be a quite acceptable nerf as well.
  2. I was wondering. If someone were to make a 64k config for heatshield, would you be willing to integrate it to your mod ? or alternatly a link download for it ?
  3. Wonderfull mod! Its clean, easy to understand and to work with. I have only one request, a config file to tweak consumption rate, radiation multiplyer etc... great work!
  4. I trough the first stage used the same engine as the second stage. Edit: my bad, its clearly not the case.
  5. Quick question: The MUS tanks RCS power displayed in the context menu, is it per truster, per direction or overall?
  6. I think its modeled around a direct return Apollo style. This is the capsule that do Earth reentry, which make no sence if you have a capable and expensive ship like the hermes. Edit: I see no reason to do not this in kerbal. Most of my Duna ride have been done with low tech and trow away tug.
  7. Question 2: why would you bring a +3 tons heat shield to mars surface and lunch it afterward? Its not even being used in mars decent! Having said that, that capsule is realy cool, I am sure I will use the full MAV when its released.
  8. I opened it up quickly, the orion servise module make funny stuff happen on the lunch pad, I will test it further tomorrow. Your stuff looks nice on full rez!
  9. Few things: 1: For some obscure reason, the fuselage engines are active at lunch. 2: The cargo bay doesn't seem to sheild whats inside. 3: How to seat on the bay seat ? And a suggestion: Nertea have a ajustable ramp, you might want to check it out. We will be watching you commander!
  10. Sounds good. I was a bit worry about the new interface. The nice thing about the old one was that it was quick. I could built a SLS style luncher in 5 min. Would have been sad to lose that.
  11. Go at your own pace indeed. But if you want us to test something feel free. And don't worry about savegame breaking, this is pre-release after all.
  12. Thanks Claw! You guys at Squad are awesome! Is it too optimistic to expect a 1.1 patch for the weekend? No pressure, but your mod is just too good and I can't play without it any more.
  13. Yeah, ship manifest is still very useful, it allow you to transfer fix amount of fuel/stuff to specific part. Much easier to balance fuel that way. You don't need to select part as they are listed, thats great for big rocket with many part!
  14. lol. I don't want to be rude but reading last few comment could have answer that!
  15. 100km orbital speed is just 2000ms, mach 6 basicly... You can fly a plane at that speed without leaving atmo.
  16. Hahahaha You can't stand playing stock right ? I am playing around with mkIV and OPM while waiting. Rocket in stock size are too easy anyway.
  17. Thumbs Up. I will wait patiently. 1.1 is promising but still quite buggy. Its a pre-release after all. Edit: Bug + better performence = interesting result. I reached the speed of light using phantom force, and it was not even lagging!
  18. I will test this. BTW, Blowfish, Where do I get these Logs again? The only logs I know about are crash logs...
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