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Everything posted by RedParadize

  1. So, I removed the old version and installed the letest. I do see and like the new option, but I only see the single engine mounts. Did I missed something ? Edit: My bad... The new tab is a great idea. Edit2: Thats.... awesome!
  2. [quote name='JoseEduardo']just wondering, which custom mounts did you get? about the mount stuff, I totally agree, that's why I said it was very easy :P[/QUOTE] Was something like: Added 1,875 to generic mount size J-2 in 2x, 3x, 4x RS-25= 2x, 3x, 4x (Jupiter style and others) and Fixed the Direct mount. RL10: Some small variant and tweek that I don't remember. Created a mount without engine for custom stuff and testing. Since I plan to only use SSTU engines, I created temporary engine using existing one: The J-2L: A low altitude variant with average performence and low cost. Created a set mount for it. The RL10-2N: A monopropelant variant with performence similar to Orion SM. Created a set mount for it. [quote name='Shadowmage']Heh, sorry. Tried to give a bit of warning Friday/Saturday that I would be doing a double-release this weekend. Didn't want to too-blatantly advertise it though, in case I couldn't get it all done (which, almost didn't... certainly would not have released it yesterday without JoseEduardo's help). [/QUOTE] Don't be sorry. Its all good. I am sure I will like JoseEduardo works anyway.
  3. [quote name='Shadowmage'] Adds free-scaling to the engine mounts (and engine spacing). Adds -[B]tons[/B]- of new mount/engine/layout combinations. All existing engines have 1-5 engine cluster variants, and many have 6-7 engine layout as well. More to come with future updates. First recompile on 1.05 dev environment, but should still work fine on 1.04 (untested, but no code-side changes that would prevent it that I'm aware of). Moved all the engine clusters into the 'SSTU - Engine Clusters' part tab in the editor; you may now find them there. (If they don't show up, restart the game... if they still don't show up, let me know). A -Huge- thanks goes out to JoseEduardo for helping me get all the stock configs converted. I think we worked for ~10 hours today getting it all worked and moved over to the new system (and he was getting RO configs updated/ready as well).[/QUOTE] Damn, If I would have known I would not have have customize mounts myself! Thanks allot JoseEduardo and Shadowmage. I will try this when I get back home. stratochief66: Not to minimize JoseEduardo skills, but it is true that editing SSTU is quite simple. I would not say easy, but once you understand how it work its fairly staight foward and quick. Quality stuff realy.
  4. It does look good. I mean the overall capsule. But I agree, I would stick with the white Orion for now. The FASA Apollo version is realy nice, I like the parachute housing + cap, it looks cool. You think we could have something like that on the Orion? (there you go, I asked for more again...)
  5. [quote name='JoseEduardo']usually he releases stuff saturday EDIT: seeing these mounts make me wonder what is coming for the upper stages...[/QUOTE] That would be great. EDIT: Don't say stuff like that, I am already full of expectation!
  6. it looks great! Question 1: Does it contain fuel? Question 2: when can I have it?! [B][URL="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droit_des_marques"]â„¢[/URL] [/B]Question 3: When do you publish your update? [SIZE=1](I am waiting for it to rebuilt my stuff in 1.05. Most mod I use, yours included, are tweaked to my presonal taste so its a long and painfull process... No presure, take your time!)[/SIZE]
  7. Hehe, sorry I trough you were a bit like the artist I am surounded with, they never let it go, not even with the movie is in theater. I am a Lead TD environement and Stereoscopy specialist in the movie Industry. I use to teach modeling and animation, but I am a bit old school and didn't follow latest trend in these feild. About the color, small tone difference between pump & stuff and few colored frills would do it. Its more like a flat coloration that is applied under the backed ambiant occlusion/graytone. I am saying that, but I always have been terrible in photoshop, I should probably keep these advise for myslelf. I am surpised that you made these meshs in sketchup. I might take a look at this someday, my personal maya license is pretty old. Can it generate baked ambiant occlusion?
  8. Grayscale is fine for a first pass. A asset may be perfect until you assemble it with the rest. And it may be perfect, but then you do few more asset and when you look back at a older one you realise it would be so much better if only you did this or that... Story of my life. Edit: So you are a engineer/programmer ? what software are you using then?
  9. hard to let it go isn't it ? If you ask me, these texture are good enough. Sure, they could be better, but it can always be better. So let it go as it is, we will all be realy happy to have them anyway.
  10. Most of RoverDude parts don't allow clipping by design. However, its easy to change this in .cfg: Change: attachRules = x,x,x,x,0 to attachRules = x,x,x,x,1
  11. Blowfish is right, it is in the SM. If you don't want to wait, you can try to fix it yourself. You will see, its not hard at all. In my version, I downscaled the Orion and its servise module to 0.8 and had to adjust fairing, it took me 5 min to do.
  12. If you are talking about fairing, they do support these size. If you want a 1.875, set the size to 1.25, then set the size adjust to 0.5. I love this mod!
  13. If I am wrong, please correct me. I don't think you don't edit tank empty mass directly. But, what you do is you edit the fractional volume lost in data\Fueltypes.cfg. Basicly, it will affect all part proportionaly to its volume (Parts\ShipCore\series_b\SC-B-TANK.cfg). I didn't test if it affect the empty mass as well, but a easy way to test that is to set it to 0.0 and 1.0 and compare the empty mass. Anyway, even if it doesn't you can still set the tank to fit 3,2x 6,4x & real scale quite easily. I have my fractional volume lost set at 0,12. get the job done in 6,4x!
  14. Hi Shadowmage I realy like your stuff, realy. Your orion capsule is top of the line quality and have fonctionality that can't be found elsewhere. Its neat, combine many part and these jetisonable panel that act like cargo and sheild stuff inside is just awesome. I realy hope you keep going with this, and maybe do other capsule as well. I know there is many clone of the soyuz already. But I would love to have one that incorporate fonctionality that your Orion have. If you are going this way, may I ask for more stuff? Could you do a customisable engine? With a choice of feeding mechanism, gimbals and bells? And maybe even multiple bell like the RD-170 family? That would be something!
  15. I am sure that I am not the only one to notice that the front docking port is not aligned to the center of mass. Since the other docking port are even more off center, its will be hard to carry anything external. Do you have a idea on how to deal with this problem ?
  16. Short answer: A insanely high one. To do 2 trip to mars, 2 trip back to earth, two of these trip can be at the best window, but the two other have to be at almost the worst. You need a bare minimum of what, 20000 dV? Now, notice the size of the fuel tanks. unless its fill with mercury, it will be a very small portion of the full weight of the ship. What would happen if you would create a ship with a much higher fuel ratio?
  17. Looks great! If I may suggest, yellow/orange should be 15% darker and slightly less saturated. The disk on the insice of the wheel look a bit plain, even on the original. Edit: Do not overuse normal map, it might look different ingame anyway.
  18. Hi RoverDude I was wondering, How can I scale up the Habitation Ring? I tryed with both Rescale but it doesn't work. I could try with tweakscale I guess... the thing is I want to give it unique propreties. If one day you have free time, could you do a huge Habitation ring? With transparent top and plants inside, that would be realy cool.
  19. Sorry, thats not what i meant. I am saying that 10% trottle produce more trust than 100%. Consumption is higher, but trust is lower. If I understand correctly, pulses trust is not cumulative, it might have something to do with the powercurve. I think that if a pulse happen at the peak of the curve of the previous one, it will simply interrupt it and start from 0.
  20. I scaled down the kontainer_03 to 3.75 meter, it now fit perfectly behind the Medusa. It have much less nuke than the original tank. 600 NPU-250, 400 NPU-500, 200 NPU-1000 or 100 NPU-2500. Added a sheild to protect against radiation. Only the alcor pod can see ahead, but don't look at the flash! http://imgur.com/a/ujWDI I don't want to be harsh, but my english kinda bad... Sorry if my answer is a bit blunt. Producing a NERVA would be "easy" compared to building a nuclear weapon. The level of precision for machined part doesn't need to that high. To produce a modern bomb, you need high precision for everything, cable, electronics etc. These thing require other rare material, some of them are even less common than high quality uranium. Reprocessing fuel is also "easy" compared to geting new fuel, because it doesn't require to dig literaly thousand of tons of rocks to just to get few Kilo of Uranium. And you will still need to enrich it... and that take allot of energy to do. All these operation require huge infrastructure, manpower and time. Barrel bomb would indeed be the easiest solution, that we agree on. But you won't get anything stronger than few dozens of kilotons, and its a heavy, unefficient and a unsafe design. I think that if we ever colonise Mars, nuke will be one of the last thing that we can produce localy.
  21. Its Awsome! With the medusa, playing with trottle don't seem to change much in term of G force. On the other hand, it does consume more nuke. Edit: You know what would be realy cool? If "round" would be stored in a Kontainer, and it would not feed directly the engine. The engine itself would have a "clip" of X number of "round". But thats just a suggestion. Its just that the rounded tanks suggest some kind of gas. Edit #2: I tried it with the Kontainer Pod. The one that have fixed kontainer with a central mass. It realy look cool
  22. I don't see how nuke could be produced without a giant industry behind it. I understand that it doesn't have to be realistic. But still, nuke could be the thing that justify regular resupply fight to colony.
  23. You cannot use the context menu to start the engine I think. You need to stage it.
  24. Hi Roverdude. First, try this: Alexustas Alcor + Roverdude Orion = Alarm, Light and panel flashing. Very funny to watch, and a accurate description of +15 g push. Second: I can reach 10% of the speed of light if few second. It seem a bit too much. I would like to try fixing this myself, Can you provide us a description of USI_PulseDrive attribute ? Third: I think someone else mentioned this already, but a ship will spin out of control if trottled to 100%. I think is because of exessive trust, the ship oscillate under such force, so the center of push and the center of gravity are no more aligned. The thing is, its a chain reaction, if then next explosion happen when the ship is bent, then it will spin even more after each explosion... I guess it can be fixed by reducing the trust, or reducing the frequency of the explosion. ( And having the command post right next to the engine, not at the other extremity of the ship.) Thanks for your awesome mod!
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