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Colonel of Ferocity

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Everything posted by Colonel of Ferocity

  1. The Voyager (and many other probes) are part of the Probes Plus! mod. I even think that the creators of both BDB and Probes Plus! have some regular contact to make sure their mods go together quite well.
  2. I managed to solve the problem myself already, however. I just gave everything a clean reinstall minus some other mods that weren't need. Might have been ReScale (didn't realise I don't need that one) or KSRSS textures, installed wrongly.
  3. Does anyone know why I'm getting this weird surface texture bug? Whenever I get below a certain altitude near the moon, the crafts and textures do this the whole time through. It makes landing on the moon completely impossible. As you can see, some terrain textures are very detailed, while the rest aren't. As soon as I move the camera, everything becomes blurry again and other parts get loaded. It makes seeing things impossible. I've also been reading stuff on this forum about a black moon. I don't have that problem, but it might be relevant info. Also, when I zoom in on the moon too closely in the Tracking Station, that black moon does appear.
  4. So, about the entire Gemini program. Is it me or do some parts appear to be missing? I'm trying my best to recreate the Big Gemini crafts. For the Advanced Big G, I can't seem to find a retro module, for example, that would be able to de-orbit the capsule. There's not part that really manages to connect to the Boticelli pod and the Matisse service module, nor can I find the docking grabber that goes on top of the Leo docking adapter. Am I doing something wrong here? I'm using Friznit's wiki as well here, by the way, but it seems to me the Leo parts have been revamped lately and it hasn't updated to the new parts just yet.
  5. Well, I've been messing around with recreating the rockets on your wiki and I've been pretty succesful so far. At the beginning I wasn't really aware of how the wiki works, so that may have been the reason I can't navigate it as well. Terribly great job you did though on all the different configurations of every launcher, upper stage and so on. Really, great job! What wasn't exactly as obvious when I first started using the mod and consulting the wiki, though, is how the BDB mod sometimes handles engine shrouds or in this instance configurable adapters. It's fine now, but I did have to ask you where to find it :p
  6. I'm aware of that, but I'm not yet used that I can configure parts to different settings after selecting them in the VAB. Yes, started using those too.
  7. I had actually been searching that wiki up and down to find an answer, but I either couldn't find it, or the wiki requires some prior level of knowledge I sometimes do not have, it would seem.
  8. Thank you for the extremely quick reply! Just installed the mod a couple of days ago and am still figuring out all the parts, so I didn't know about this adaptor. Literally installed the Rescale mod just to make these parts balanced and more fun and this mod keeps blowing my mind day after day.
  9. This has probably been asked tons of times, but I couldn't find the answer, unfortunately. I tried recreating the Atlas IV-3B rocket, but I noticed that the Bossart and Hermes parts do not fit together perfectly. It would appear the Hermes (Mercury) module is built for 1.25m diameter, but the Bossarts are 1.5m, while these should in theory fit together perfectly. I did rescale the Kerbol system using Sigma Dimensions and Rescale (2.5x), but I do not suppose that has got anything to do with it.
  10. Sorry to bother you with stupid questions like this, but can anyone explain to me how decouplers work in this mod? The modded engines are great, but when I try to create an upper stage byt putting a decoupler beneath the engine (just like in vanilla), the engine doesn't get a shroud and it just looks awful and is really instable. So, how do I use interstages/decouplers/stack separators with this mod? Oh, and something else: great work with the mod! I still don't understand why there are no mini-probe cores in the base game. I always wanted to build really tiny probes, so thank you and this mod for that! Very keen to see what's coming next.
  11. Does anyone by any chance know why I no longer get the storage parts with Dmagic Science modules in them?
  12. I'm having the problem that I can no longer select the orbit I need to get my satellite in and designate it as a target. I used to be able to do so in previous version, so does anyone know why I can no longer do that?
  13. So, whenever I open up the VAB for about the third time, the game crashes on me. I have no idea why this is happening. It also only appears to happen in career mode, for it doesn't happen when I tested it in sandbox. I'd also like to know wheree I can post my crash report. Kind regards
  14. I seem to have some trouble with the Electron and the Water Purifier: they both don't seem to work? Any ideas on what went wrong?
  15. I'm having issues with a couple of the fairings (the ones where you only need to set two of them at the side and they automatically form). They don't seem to work any longer, so I'm waiting for an update.
  16. For one reason or another, my Eureka's don't seem to get stored, is there anyone who knows what's going on?
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