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Everything posted by jhousen

  1. Max persistent debris is unlimited Kessler syndrome, I'm working on (I'll probably rescue some of it later on, Kas is useful for stuff like that)
  2. so far, crashed into the vab at 70km (only the once...so far) the rest were landing attempts (okay, controlled crashes into the runway terrain)
  3. This is just me tossing a random failure into the mix to see what others would do as for me it would go something like: why can't I switch into map mode?... okay jeb, don't turn off the kos module I'll see you in orbit now to change the batteries. fwiw, it's a much more annoying failure while writing code or designing databases, kinda knocks me out of the thought process
  4. new rocket z t space and the keyboard dies just replaced the batteries in my wireless keyboard and thought about the second worst time for them to die (I'm not even going to think about a failure like this on landing).
  5. if I count everything that's docked: 48 ships 15 comms satellites (I count these as infrastructure, not ships, remotetech) two major ground bases (mun, minmus) 48 debris and two flags and I haven't left kerbin's soi yet edit, kraken just ate the 550 part minmus station...I now have a lot more debris...
  6. He's currently aboard a crew transfer vehicle docked at mun station, waiting for enough fuel to head for minmus (okay he's waiting for bill to send up some fuel...from the resource mining base...using kis...waiting for the cargo ship with the attachment parts...
  7. too much gimbal causes this, with all the mods I run I have a lot of high gimbal engines, best results I've found so far (for me, anyway) is 1-2 degrees of gimbal at take off and only increase to 3 or 4 degrees if you absolutely need it, any more than that results in severe wobble
  8. [quote name='Thegamer211']What is this, 2008?[/QUOTE] ~ I was avoiding putting a link to roflmao, wow edition, but since you insist. This video is not mine, I post only a link to the original... [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEWgs6YQR9A"][SIZE=2]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEWgs6YQR9A [/SIZE][/URL][SIZE=2][/SIZE]
  9. [quote name='selfish_meme']Seriously my chutes never deploy[/QUOTE] Epic LOL, just Epic
  10. Once you leave a flight it goes "on rails" ie no changes with one exception If the periapsis is deep enough into the atmosphere, the craft will despawn (it was 14km in beta, not sure what it is now) once it gets to some magic altitude Warnings there is not Course changes there is not in this context, even autopilot mods like mechjeb require the vessel they are controlling to be the active vessel
  11. [quote name='Deutherius']Because generally you do not want to fire the next stage engines until [I]after[/I] the engine bells have cleared the interstage fairing. Bad stuff could and would happen. In real life, that is.[/QUOTE] unless you're Russian... hot staging, anyone
  12. second level sph has basic action groups, weird use for abort, but it works
  13. This bug was common in windows x64, I've seen it a few times in x86. the buildings aren't actually upgraded, just the overlays, and no way to upgrade them while glitched. entering and leaving a building will normally clear it in x86. x64 was thoroughly random, one of the many reasons Squad dropped x64 (that and the mouse bug)
  14. basic calculation for effective mod count: n = u - 1 where n is the number of mods for a fun game and n is the number of mods at which the game is no longer fun
  15. I usually just enable steering on the front gear...it's disabled by default
  16. I've been running the opening tweakable at .63-.64 also, you can right click the parachute on the way down and it will tell you if it's safe to deploy (unsafe, risky, safe) safe seems to reliably start at 265m/s. (from testing, YMMV)
  17. I've been playing on a surface pro 1 i5 with 128GB and 4GB, bought specifically for this game mid graphics until I started adding mods (base game only takes a couple gigs hdd space, mem is more of an issue) only downside is the clock is yellow for the entire launch to orbit runs okay - - - Updated - - - one word of warning, touchscreen compatibility does not exist...yet
  18. I went to Eeloo in .25, didn't do much since I was in sandbox (land, plant flag, return)
  19. I'm thinking it's time to do the intel/AMD debate...for the umpteen thousandth time (pick your game, this argument has come up...multiple times) the fx8150 in my main comp has no issues (beyond the known). and I like 1500 part ships... I have an i7 comp here, let me do some copying and testing this might be interesting...
  20. what altitude have you been opening them at? what speed were you travelling?
  21. hmm, I've got a blank where the navigation is supposed to be... so far I've redownloaded the mod, installed it into an unmodded ksp install right now I'm redownloading ksp to see if that helps. edit: found it, [WRN 12:21:41.841] File 'C:/1.0.4/KSP_win/KSP_Data/../GameData/WhitecatIndustries/BoatNavigation/VesselData.cfg' does not exist [EXC 12:21:41.844] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object WhitecatIndustries.VesselData.CheckNavigating (.Vessel vessel) WhitecatIndustries.UserInterface.NavigationTab () WhitecatIndustries.UserInterface.OnWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) moving your mods into a new folder titled WhitecatIndustries fixed it amazing mod
  22. The last I saw of this was before I put ActiveTextureManagement into my build (modlist was just big enough to cause this and not big enough to directly crash the game) since you already have atm, which compression set are you using (normal, or aggressive)?
  23. There is one item I haven't seen listed yet... Check your target, there is nothing like travelling halfway across the system, lining up a perfect rendezvous, maneuvering to dock...and that's a piece of debris, where's the other ship... a long distance away
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