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Everything posted by richfiles

  1. Still no response to getting the nodes/thermal/aero on these parts fixed for 1.0.5... I REALLY like these two parts. They feel cozy. The civilian population parts just don't have that same feel, in my opinion. What I want, are these dome/torus parts for my crew, not for civvies.
  2. That was the thing I was missing! DUH!!! I launched "Gilly Vanilli" (the 44 ton rover) that way. sent one to Minmus, and the other to Gilly. Gilly Vanilli was launched in my 0.90 save, on a large launcher rocket, flew itself to a low gravity body on a rear mounted NERV, landed, roved, performed a vertical takeoff, and could then perform the transit back to Kerbin, and safely land on Kerbin using parachutes. it could hold a crew of 4, two scientists, a pilot, and an engineer, preferably. It used docking ports to create a springy rocker bogey suspension (with 32 wheels!), and had landing legs to both protect the wheels during landing, and to lift the vessel off the found for an engineer to be able to repair the wheels (the vehicle is heavy enough, that repairing wheels sometimes fails unless the vessel is off the ground. This is also HILARIOUS when activated on Gilly... Those lander legs can be used AS a VTO system there! There were a bunch of the small stack decouplers attached to the rover's VTOL engines, with struts that then attached to the suspension, to keep it stable during launch. The two vessels were strutted to one another, and to the launch rocket. I don't have a picture of the double Gilly Vanilli launcher, only the individual vessels, but I have another launcher that uses the symmetrical double payload technique: My "Eve'n'Gilly" and "Ike'n'Duna" launchers: Both launchers are identical, save for their destination. I do use Tweakscale in these launchers to produce the nifty little science payload stacks. Rather than try to fit these inline, with the ISRU scanners in place, I decided to mount them side by side. Note the use of the 2-1 stack adapters and the center fuel tank adapter. I forget the actual part names. It gave me an efficiently compact 2 engine rocket for doing my orbital capture burn. Once I have that, I can decouple each of the two payloads, extend the additional solar panels, and use the ion engines to direct them to their final destinations. These payloads feature a combination of reusable science modules, and a redundant supply of reusable modules. Struts are your friend. KSP does NOT like to have loops in it's stack, but you can strut things. Interestingly, you can create parallel stacks with docking ports, but it can be tricky, as the alignment has to be perfect if you want all the docking ports to actually connect. Struts will keep things rigid, even when there is no connection in a stack. These probes are designed to spam science at their destination. each probe can perform 9 Mystery Goo and 9 Science Jr experiments. The reusable experiments are all included. My goal is to get these into a polar orbit, so I can cover as much of the planet's/moon's biomes as possible. If I have any modules leftover, I may try to get some atmospheric science in, hopefully before they reach the ground. The gilly probe actually has legs added... The Ion engines should be enough to biome hop on Gilly's low gravity. This pic would be of the "Ike'n'Duna" probe. Regarding playing a stock game, I can certainly get that some people prefer stock play. If you ever consider moving beyond stock play, KSP is really a game that can be heavily improved upon with mods, and not every mod will bring your computer to a grinding halt. I would make just a few honorable mentions... Tweakscale, GPOSpeedPump, Kerbal Alarm Clock, and KER/MechJeb. Tweakscale REALLY is a beautiful mod. It really fills in the missing parts that the game doesn't really provide. Masses, volumes, and values scale accordingly. Another great mod that really compliments an OTHERWISE near stock game is GPOSpeedFuelPump (formerly Goodspeed Fuel Pump). It just adds some very nice integral fuel pumping and balancing options to the game. I can design a station, lander and refueling tankers that automatically pump fuel in the right direction, without ever having to right click a single tank. Really great for complex little landers that use a dozen tiny tanks situated around the vessel to keep the CoG low. Traditionally, you'd have to right click every one of those to refill. Not with this mod though. Kerbal Alarm Clock is a wonderful, simple tool to keep track of multiple simultaneous missions. It's exactly what it says... a fancy alarm clock, and well worth it. I have two Eve/Gilly and two Duna/Ike missions, along with a lively amount of activity around Kerbin. KAC lets you easily focus on what you want to do int he here and now, and not have to worry about being distracted and forgetting to do a capture burn 76 days from now. The last two, Kerbal Engineer Redux (KER) and MechJeb, are very powerful tools in KSP. It IS true that MechJeb features powerful autopilot functionality, but I understand that can actually be disabled, if you prefer. What's important, are all the fancy spacey numbers that both mods give you. I can tell you this... for a while, i used to have MechJeb launch my ships, and dock them, and rendezvous... truth is, I just don't bother with the auto pilots anymore. the only "auto" tools I use these days are the maneuver planner, the execute maneuver node button, and Smart A.S.S. (a better version of the SAS buttons to the left of the navball). I know how to do all the things. I just let MechJeb point the ship and stop the engines. I get a nice landing projection when i land (which I also still do manually). The thing i don't think I could live without though, are the stat windows. Vessel stats, Orbital stats, Surface stats... I feel the game is not complete without giving me the option to see those "rocket sciency" numbers. If you have that much of an aversion to the temptation of auto piloting, stick with KER. It's just the stat windows. I just happen to see no reason to install both, as I'm already accustomed to the MechJeb interface.
  3. 50m Stanford Torus with four 8m biodomes. Yes, I'm aware it's "built wrong. This should be spinning in space, with the domes flipped glass inward. It has a small forest inside. What makes this base significant, other than it's gravity defying silliness, is that I launched and landed it as a single vessel, from KSC to Minmus, in 0.90. The "rover" weighs 44 tons on Kerbin, in comparison to the massive base. I relied on an incredible asparagus staging configuration that spanned the width of the VAB, and exceeded the fuel line length limit. It used triple height stacks of the large LARGE tanks, with mammoths at the bottom of every stack. I forget the cost, but it's the only thing that ever brought my budget back into 6 digits after unlocking the full tech tree (yes, this was a career save). You can see the means of landing here. 4 mammoth engines, with empty Kethane tanks (I've since quit using Kethane) ringed by landing legs. There are 8 of those landing leg stacks. there should be another one just off image to the right of the mammoth tanks. That's one "spoke" of the torus. There are four spokes, with 4 mammoth engine clusters total, one per spoke. There was a Kethane drilling rig at the center. The rings that the mammoths, the kethane storage tanks, and the extra SAS wheels attach to are the radial attachment point. I did use tweak scale to make those WAY bigger. Couplers would have been attached to the bottom of the two kethane ISRU tanks and the SAS wheels on each spoke, plus there was a central stack attached to the drilling rig. This made 13 stacks of the large Kerbodyne S3-14400 tanks, stacked 3 tall, with 12 mammoths at the bottom of those, and 4 on the vessel structure itself. the central tank was stacked one tank taller, and had decouplers all along, staged very late. This tank stack is important for landing. The outer most tanks had girders hanging between the tanks, reaching out for one another, with Oscar-B mini tanks at the end. This let me string 3 fuel lines (first stage to drop across a girder to an Oscar-B, the Oscar-B to another Oscar-B, and finally, the second Oscar-B to the next tank to be staged... The stacks really were that far apart on the stack! the next inner stacks only needed one girder with an Oscar-B to accommodate the distance. The inner ring of stacks could have fuel lines run normally. They all fed to the central tank, and from there, they in turn also feed to the landing motors. I had my control from here screwed up, and had to fly the pancake by adjusting engine throttle, as cantab mentioned. Until i reached orbit, that was my sole control. didn't even bother with RCS or SAS. on a vessel that massive, it's slow anyway. Once in orbit, I found the RIGHT probe core to control from, and flew it to minmus. On the top side, by the biodomes, are a number of LF+O and mono tanks, for resource collection. The general idea was that I lower the entire vessel to the planet on the fuel from the large central stack, and when each tank segment depletes, I drop it, and pray that it blows up and leaves my landing site clear of debris. Once the last stage is depleted, I drop it to be destroyed on impact, and burn the fuel stored in the ISRU LF+O tanks. There was just enough fuel for a safe landing on the numerous landing legs. Part of me wants to recreate this base, or one much like it in my current career. I know what mistakes I made last time, and what to do differently, but i also have no idea if the aerodynamics would ever let me launch this thing again. It IS mostly open space... Four spokes and a ring, but it's still massive. I really need a bigger VAB, as this was at the extreme limits of what I could do in the VAB already. if using tweak scale, I find that the double, triple and quad stack adapter are nice for splitting stacks into multiple columns. It does take some struts, cause of the limits in how KSP likes (or rather doesn't like) cyclical stack connection paths. One joint invariably REFUSES to snap and bond. Struts are your friend. symmetrically applied radial attachment points are really wonderful for creating good patterns of symmetry if you want multiple stacks coming off a central one. Much of the same can apply to mother ships. I have found that the Docking Port Sr is your friend in station/mothership design. Save the regular size and Jr. for probes, landers, and ferries. For any bulk transit, you need the structural strength of the large docking port. Another tip for large vessels, particularly long ones with many assembled segments, is to use a puller engine configuration. You go from wet spaghetti to a space train. Bonus points if you make it actually look like a train! It makes a WORLD of difference... as long as you put your engines far enough out at the ends of girders or radially mounted tanks to CLEAR the trailing ship. KSP will calculate the losses of occluded thrust, not to mention possibly overheat whatever you're burning against, so take diameter into consideration. If you use a design like that though, then you can have a singular rigid engine/control/SAS/RCS unit, and it will always orient correctly for a burn. even if the tail end is kinda floppy, it'll pull it into a straight line by virtue of everything being pulled by a centered force. A pusher configuration works very well in a grid body, but the disadvantages of pullers can overcome the impossibility of pushing a non rigid body. In theory, you could have a literal train made of segments joined by unlocked, pivoting claws, and it'd still ultimately pull in the right direction. **EDIT** And as a number of people have mentioned... GET KJR. Kerbal Joint Reinforcment is your friend. They use it, I use it. My understanding is that the way it works is it "eases" the physics on by ramping from no physics to full physics effects gradually, over the course of a second or two. it also tweaks the joint rigidity and strength to try to balance it out. Something like that. Fewer randomly rapidly disassembling vessels when you come out of warp or load them, and far less wobble when being and orienting vessels.
  4. My Kerbals know Dres is real... My second launch ever accidentally shot out of the Kerbin SoI, passed Duna, and ended up "over there"... These were the days of unlimited budgets, crazy over-engineering, and having no concept of "aim", or "orbital dynamics". I never retrieved them.
  5. FINALLY... It showed leaving Alaska after the 4th day, and reaching the local sorting location. Arrived at the local post office. I told them to hold it there, at the local office, and I'd pick it up in person... I wanna examine the package in person before walking out with it... Anyway... At least I got this done before staying up till 5 AM playing Fallout 4! I REALLY needed to have done this on a bigger PC board. It really did end up far more cobbled together than it deserves to be. It's still not wired either, but it will be, just as soon as I can pull myself away from Fallout 4. The new addition is the alphanumeric 14 segment displays in the two top AP and PE rows, and in the last reconfigurable row. As I mentioned in my last post, the low cost alpha displays do have a limit. They are common anode parts, so not compatible with the MAX7219 LED driver chip. Not a problem. I'll use diode steering to select the correct segments, and probably a Binary to Decimal converter chip to decode the input. Honestly, a shift register might be fine as well. Either way ought to work, since it is a 1-of-X display (only one result of a limited set will display at any given time). I could even use 2 lines and a CD4017 as a ring counter to select the unit to display. One line would be an input, and would read the start bit (for indexing). The program would clock the 4017 to step the units, rapidly clocking it 9 times to select a previous unit. Basically, there are SEVERAL ways I can do it. THe CD4017 method works fine for me, cause I already have tubes of the chips, cause I use them for nixie tube clocks. I may still try to go with a simple BCD (if I wanna blow I/O lines, 4 I/O per single unit display pair), or a shift register (requires similar clock counting to serially push a single bit to the right line, but can potentially chain all display pairs on one set of I/O lines. This has the need for the fewest number of I/O lines, but takes more complex programming... Something I've not even touched since initially getting my LEDs first lit back in... I think August. The MAX7219 board will be a little bit of a nuisance, but not HARD to install. The LED modules I bought have the same pinout as the Chinese ones did, thus meaning they are pin compatible witht he module, but they use wide pins, and have an even wider gap between module, since the modules are physically larger. I think what i will plan on doing, is to solder a single 6 pin header to the PC board and connect it to the traces on one set of 6 pins on the LED module. I'll solder 6 wire wrap wires to the 6 pins not he same side of the other module (cause they will soon be covered by the PC board, and then mount the PC board and solder it to the 6 header pins. Those, unfortunately, will be the only possible direct connections. I'll need to run 18 short wires PER MODULE to connect the LEDs... The cost of using proto-board instead of custom stuff.fortunately for me, the LED modules had nice long pins, and can be easily wire wrapped. I'll need to do that 5 times for the DSKY display panel (30 header pins to solder, 90 little jumper wires to solder... Oh dear, how fun). I'll have to tie power and ground and link the serial connections as well. Once all that is wired, I will get power wires to the indicators and the Time To X display. Most will just get power. A couple, a dedicated I/O line (for simplicity). I only need 2 I/O lines to display time to data. I might actually consider wiring a matrix to the remaining indicators and see if I can run it off an extra module. Not sure. Ultimately, I am definitely happy with the alpha displays. I particularly like the smaller character size of the units displays in comparison to the number readout. I think it'll look very nice!
  6. I have 0.25, 0.90, 1.0.2, 1.0.4, and 1.0.5 all saved on my hard drive. I can play any one of them that I want. As for small... Most of mine are 2 - 2.5 GB per game folder.
  7. "Columbia Titanic Fitzgerald"... My very first launch, playing sandbox mode... I failed to do a proper gravity turn at the right time... As in, at all. oops! So, Jeb, Bill and Bob are now in a relatively circular Kerbol orbit, drifting... drifting... I also had no RCS, cause I TOTALLY expected this to be a sub-orbital "hop". It was the reason i did no gravity turn. I had no idea I'd used the sandbox to SO over engineer the vessel to have enough ∆v to blow the Kerbin SoI. No one took photos of the first launch, because Kerbals invented Moar Boosters™ before inventing photography. I built this to rescue them... The "Columbia Titanic Fitzgerald II". No one speaks of it, because it ended up somewhere in the void between Duna and Dres... And no one speaks of Dres. I switched to Career mode before ever rescuing them... They're still out there. I did continue trying to rescue the "A-Team" before I switched, though. Behold the "Columbia Titanic Fitzgerald III". It was a complete success... In that no one was lost... Of course, no one was recovered either. I got to within 1400 km of the pod, but hit my "point of no return" fuel level and overshot... Had to burn for home and leave them. Neilmon would have gone on to be part of the first Mun landing crew... But alas, the apocalypse occurred and time stopped, only for the universe to be replaced with one where science and money actually matter. Wilsy went to the moon in this new "alternate reality"... but that was yet to come... (aka, I later switched to that afore mentioned career mode so my Mun landing would have MEANING... Still, I had to rescue the A-Team before I did that. B-Team can still wipe Dres dust off their viewports though! ) Then I decided, my problem was clearly in the name. I repurposed my station launcher and put up the Kolumbia Gassburgers II (South Park reference). The original launch put up a pair of Kerbodyne tanks with all sizes of docking port and a science lab + habitat module. It was suppose to be place where you could stop to eat snacks and get gas. I ditched one of the Kerbodyne tanks in favor of a -TON TONS of RCS and XENON and RTGs. i think there was 78000 units of Xenon alone on this thing, and enough RTGs to run it all without solar. I forget how many ion drives were on it. I figured, once I had my captures, I could burn off any remaining RCS, dump those tanks, and finish the fine tuning home by ions. I had also installed MechJeb, to help guide me to my destination... which was now TWO destinations... You see, Bill got out to push... He had trouble getting oriented to the hatch, and ended up running out of EVA fuel and drifting... drifting... Jeb got really bored with Bob... And Bob ate all the snacks. This was the final rescue vessel, once it shed all that asparagus staging. It still carried some of it's station traits, such as the docking ports. I figured I'd leave them, incase i needed to top off any fuel before I left... I didn't... I actually had some orange tanks left to burn. Note the Klaw at the end... That was for catching the pod. I decided to go after Bill first. So, I know some people rip on MechJeb for being cheating. Others say it's fair game, since REAL space ships have navigational computers and aides. I actually learned more from using MechJeb than I did from any in game tutorial. That and Scott Manley videos! Regardless though, it taught me HOW to properly perform a rendezvous... and how not to... You see, quick saves are your friend... the reason is that that wonderfully sharp "Klaw" skewered Bill into a poof of space dust! MechJeb had my aim true... but the vessel was so big and bulky and the burn times didn't take time to slow into consideration. I hit Bill at over 150 m/s. With the Klaw. And he poofed. 45 years of waiting... and the first ride blows passed him without stopping. 96 years waiting... and he's impaled by a 129 ton vessel with 4 sharp grabbery bits aimed at his torso. THANKFULLY, Bill paid his health insurance, and they came through with a quicksave policy. Tried it a second time on zombie Bill, back from the dead, and... couldn't get him to stick to the Klaw. I literally could not make the claw attach to him. I had hoped that by him "joining" the vessel, that it'd restore his EVA fuel, and I could then EVA him to the capsule. No such luck... I had to bring the door of a 129 ton vessel TO HIM... In the CORECT orientation for him to grab... I eventually did it! Here we see zombie quicksave resurrected Bill VERY happy to have -kerbal contact snacks once again, for the first time in 9 decades! Lanfall is just happy there was a large enough supply of snacks in the habitat module to keep zombie Bill from eating his brains! Remember kids... Bill was impaled for those snacks! Remember that 78000 units of Xenon... Well, I ended up with 400 units left by the time I'd slowed down enough to get captured into an orbit around Kerbin that I could aerobrake off of! After that, I abandoned the one vessel we don't talk about anymore, switched to a Career mode game, and launched my first Mun mission after spamming science at the KSC. Here we see the Columbia Titanic Fitzgerald IV. The first of the series to not only NOT fail... but to exceed it's goals. The vessel was supposed to use ions to fulfill a test contract, and get an orbit around Mun. After collecting science from orbit... I realized I'd barely used any fuel, and decided to go to Minmus... And after seeing how slow orbital velocity was, and doing some math... LANDED the vessel ON Minmus, using only RCS and ions! Set her down right on the ion engines themselves. No ladder... She was never meant to land. Fortunately EVA can fly up to the hatch. Collected science and planted flags in 5 biomes on minmus. Ran low on EVA fuel with a botched 30 km hop... set weights on my keyboard's W and Shift keys, did a quick calculation and set my alarm clock so I could sleep. Alarm goes off a few hours later, and I'm about 150 meters from the vessel. use my little EVA fuel to get back to the hatch and fly home, taking a metric buttload of science home in the process! And my learning to fly orbital space vessels proficiently ONLY took impaling Bill with a 129 ton vessel with sharp stabby bits on the nose to teach me!
  8. As a thought... It occurs to me that a GREAT way to simplify the solar orbits contracts would be to include some basic text descriptors, based on ranges of the periapsis and apoapsis of the desired orbit... For example: Jebs Junkyard wants you to put X into Solar Orbit between Eve and Kerbin. (a relatively circular orbit that lies within that range) Sean's Cannery wants you to put Y into a Polar Solar orbit between Moho and Jool (an eccentric polar orbit with a Pe between Moho & Eve, and an Ap between Dres & Jool) Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics wants you to put Z into a Retrograde Solar Orbit between Low Kerbol Orbit and Eeloo (SCREW THIS MISSION!!!) Other details could include Near X for an orbit that lies very close to a body's SoI (eg. ...Solar orbit Near Kerbin). The designation "Very High" Solar Orbit could specify an orbit that passes the orbit of all the planets. You could also specify a Slightly Inclined, Inclined, or Highly Inclined orbit to specify an orbit's general inclination between prograde, polar, and retrograde. A number is fine too though... It just flows nicely with the whole described in plain language concept. It'd provide a good designator of what a contract expects, without whipping out the pen and paper to figure out what those numbers mean.
  9. I was woefully unprepared for this particular ejection... I did it manned, so I had the ejection pass through Kerbin's SoI, so I could catch my crew. Look at the acceleration, the TWR, and the total thrust... Not m/s... mm/s! I didn't pay attention to the size of this thing either! XD I used KAS winches to attach to the asteroid and pull it... Bulk Ions and thrust limited NERVs. Full thrust on the NERVs would tear the anchors out of the rock. I had to limit it to about 10%, plus my ions to keep it all together. I did shopping, ate out, and hung out with a friend while I did this burn! Then I went to bed... THEN I ended the burn, the next morning.
  10. I'm a FREQUENT visitor to these forums... Then Fallout 4 happened! I didn't even KNOW the forums were getting changed, or that they had even gone down... I'd have backed up my thread subs if I'd have known. To "think" the forum is "dying" due to the normal rise and fall of use in relation to various events is just ca-raaaayzee! I might have been gone for most of a month, but most of that month was spent groaning at how little I got done on my hardware Kerbal Controller cause of Fallout 4!
  11. I Repped the Sh▓▓ out of that pic! LOL!
  12. I think I'd go nuts doing one mission at a time. Kerbal Alarm Clock is a wonderful tool, and so is MechJeb. I tend to launch manually, and do a lot of things manually. I let it execute my maneuver nodes for me, since that's trivial. I still tend to setup my own maneuvers though. The ∆V calculator is a joy to have on hand though. I tend to always over engineer my vessels, and then see if I can snag any mission bonuses out of them once the main mission is complete! LOL Of course... I've also had MechJeb turn a rocket 180°, fiery bit up, pointy end down, at about 900 meters up... Yeah... There are occasional issues with it's... sanity.
  13. I know the feeling... I LOVE the rescue missions, cause I find rendezvous to be enjoyable, and getting new crew for free, cause they are grateful for being rescued is FAR cheaper than hiring them! So... just a minor rescue... Oh... You want me to RECOVER THAT VESSEL TOO!!! Get a load of that insane orbit too! Did I mention it's HIGHLY eccentric, and is retrograde! If I recall correctly, I think it's 250 tons. I've landed one of these on MINMUS... but dear God, not on Kerbin! Even that stunt took a few loads of the quicksave to get right! It took 4 Mammoths and quite a few drop tanks. Basically, I'd stage the tanks, let them fall, and blow up (hope they blow up, cause they land where you plan to land!). The ISRU (Kethane, back then), Had holding tanks for resources, and basically, the staging was meant to happen in such a way that you dropped your hanging tanks, and then had JUST enough int he storage tanks to touch down... and run out of fuel. That was with NO atmosphere though... I may just cancel the contract, and take the hit to my rep.
  14. @KSK The reason those of us doing hardware mods might hold a little hostility on the subject matter lies in the difference between a modification of game play versus a fully derivitave work. Art, fiction, sculpture, etc are interperetations of the game by the author/artist upon another medium. A hardware controller/cockpit, on the other hand, fundamentally changes the gameplay experience by directly altering the manner by which the game is actually played and experienced. One is a contributive element, while the other is a derivative element. A person could have went to a university to study writing, philosphy, the arts, etc, and they could create an exquisite masterpiece, inspired by KSP! or they could be a freshman in high school. Maybe the freshman ends up creating a masterpiece, and the Uni grad writes horseapples! Regardless, both are derivitave works, and hold no influence upon the game or the gameplay itself. I would even go so far as to say that RP doesn't count as contributive either, since it's still simply you playing your game "based" on your interperated story line. It's still a derivative behavior, inspired by your own creative elements attached to the way you choose to play the game. It's simply a narrative interpretation of the way you play. A hardware controler or even a full cockpit, however, fundamentally alters gameplay. It creates a new interface into the game that gives you a new way to control it, to recieve telemetry, and to play. Combining mods and hardware, some people on the forums have even succeeded in playing a full IVA mission control/capsule pilot scenario, where a mission control team in one room guides another player in another room, purely on remote telemetry and "radio" contact. The Pilot enters IVA and never leaves for the duration of the mission. Even a simple controller stands to aid in immersion. My own project will feature a mechanical FDAI (Flight Director Attitude Indicator... aka the navball), A "DSKY" inspired by the Apollo DSKY (DiSplay KeYboard) to handle "meta" functions (Save and load, time warp, etc), enormous 6 inch (14.7 cm) edgewise meters for resource indicators, and a giant round 4 inch (9.8 cm) vertical velocity meter (just like the one on screen... only, bigger) to tell me if I'm gunna die she I land! I'll have digital readouts of orbital and surface values that the game normally doesn't even share with the player, without using mods. I'll have dual joysticks for controlling attitude and translation, a physical throttle lever, clunky toggle switches to control the various ship functions, and big red and green blowy buttons for staging and abort... Cause how could I say no to big red and big green blowy buttons! Long story short, hardware influences the game, how you play the game. That is the difference. Hardware controllers and readouts are fundamentally different from derivative works, and I, at least, feel hardware builds are more in line with mods than they are with fan works. The original argument that moved them out of mods, and into fanworks, was (the software centric) view, that you cant "download" a controller, thus it isn't a mod... which is absurd! You can download the plans, buy a soldering iron, learn how to build it, and "mod" how you play the game forever! It just takes more work on your part than strictly software mods. That's my stance on the subject. For fundamentally altering the gameplay experience, it feels unfair to be told "no, you are not a mod, cause you take too much work to implement, so we're gonna just call you some form of nondescript interactive sculpture". Software guys... amirite? Of course, I've totally derailed the discussion, so back on topic! I still hate having to hit Shift+Enter to produce a single line. Topic restored! Also... I'm glad I copied my text. I had some odd double edit box thing happening, with two copies of the post text. I must have clicked something wrong. When I saved, it ONLY recorded the smilies I had clicked, and placed them all at the front of the post, but saved none of my new text (it kept the old text)... How odd... Like I said, I saw odd things, and copied all my text before clicking on the save button.
  15. @Mulbin Since you are the OP on this thread, can you check it over and make sure this has a hardware tag... I think that is something that can be added, but I've not seen a way to do that myself, so maybe it's something the OP has to add themselves, under the new system??? I dunno. I just miss the old, easy to search hardware label these posts used to have... Having to manually add a tag back in still doesn't help find all the other hardware threads, sadly. Stupid Fallout 4 and it's stupidly addictive settlement building... I haven't TOUCHED my controller build since it came out! Anyway... Free weekend... 1: Keyboard Matrix2: FDAI controller3: DSKY readouts4: Fallout 4Hmm, which one will happen... Hint... bet on 4, with possibly a hint of 3! On a side note, my package from All Electronics has taken a 3 day detour to Anchorage Alaska... Make that 4 days... Stupid postal service... What they heck are they doing?!
  16. I think the point trying to be made, is that regardless of if you change it yourself or not, being silent is USELESS. The option to change it should be available BY DEFAULT. It will never GET changed if no one speaks out. The BAD thing to do is to "shut up and mod it". I use my phone, computers in the break room at work, and multiple browsers at home. I don't have the option to mod some of those (like the work ones), and the utility that at least one mod for the site uses only runs on Firefox and Chrome. "Just mod it" is a horrible response! It literally is the response of "I don't care to actually get anything fixed". How about you stop trying to put down the people who want REAL fixes. They aren't lazy. They are arguing for change. You're just settling with a quick fix... the true lazy act.
  17. Interesting... It is working for me now, but absolutely refused to work last night. Must have already been dealt with. Cool! You know, regarding those new emoticons being added... I still stand by my belief that these need to be kerbalized. Aditionally, I think a nifty little set of either green hands or gloved hands need to be used for a Thumbs Up and a Thumbs Down emote. Remember, "Green is keen!"
  18. Just with fewer SJWs... Still just as much whining though... I'm doing my part to contribute to the droning sound of unrest!
  19. Off hand, no I don't know how many. The hardware label really was useful for that. I know that we aren't a huge segment of the community. Not everyone has the skill to solder and assemble the parts needed to physically create something like this. Still, in terms of effort... I mean, common! People building custom "controllers" and even cockpits to play a game! That's modding cranked to 11! I guess in regards to the other point... I think as long as a topic gets X hits per X time, I think the redirect links ought to potentially stay active, longer. If a thread (and it's redirect link) are not popular, then let it clear, but it it's getting active discussion, i say let the redirect link stay for a while till it cools down, and then let the redirect expire? Is that possible? It could manually be killed by mods to nuke wildly off topic discussions that simply have no pertinence toward active, ongoing current events. Just a minor thought.
  20. Don't need to show me EuSouONumero345, cause I say exactly that in my own post. The bug is that if you place a spoiler FIRST, before ANY other text, it's not possible to type text OUTSIDE the spoiler box, unless you first delete the spoiler box... I make that pretty clear. And I'm sorry, but I play a game where rocket science is a fundamental element of my experience. I don't need a dang babysitter editor to tell me how to type Curveball Anders! Not one text editor or word processing application I own is configured to insert line breaks like that for me. I can... you know, do it all by myself? I've grown passed needing training wheels. I'm still annoyed by the whole loss of proper BBcode thing. Just because you rely on editors with training wheels, doesn't mean the rest of us do!
  21. General's 319773 vs Network's 14376 posts... Yup... Always send the popular, topical to recent events, and informative discussions where no one will actually SEE them. Just like hardware mods got banned from the Mods forums and got thrown into Fan Works, to get subjected to the same level as fan fiction, sketches, screenshots, and shipping... Thanks a lot! I would propose that topics relevant to CURENT, ONGOING EVENTS ought to be accepted as VALID General discussion, for a limited time period of time. NO ONE GOES TO KERBAL NETWORK as their first thought. It's always "To General!". People THINK General when they think discussion of current events... So why are the people who run this place blind to this? Come on! Are ALL of us "the crazy ones" for feeling current events should, at least temporarily, while still being current events, considered General Discussion? At least leave some manner of link in General for up to a week or two that directs to a moved to Network thread. Not just some link that appears for a moment and is gone. Also, oh wow LordFerret, That made me LOL! That was an awesome comeback! I love it! I'm sick of interfaces hiding the workings beneath them. I don't want to take my hand from the keyboard when typing! I WANT to be able to use the text I type to define bold and italic and links, and URLs, and stuff! I don't want an editor to do things for me without me choosing to do so. I am FINE with using a WYSIWYG editor, and I'm fine with it existing. I am just NOT fine with it replacing code entry, and I'm not fine with it doing crap without my wanting it to do so! I double Shift+Enter if I want a paragraph break, cause I refuse to conform to this babysitter of a WYSIWYG editor. Screw it!
  22. Okay... ^ THAT above is a most definitely bug! I bumped the mouse and hit spoiler as the very first click in a new message... The result was that I was **unable to select the spoiler box to delete it, and I found clicking the spoiler button again did not remove it, but rather nested spoilers within spoilers. **I can not see any way of deleting the spoiler. I also can not enter text OUTSIDE of the spoiler, as the only area in the comment where you can click for an active cursor is INSIDE the spoiler box. Just pointing out that odd quirk. **click the WORD "Spoiler" on the top left corner of the spoiler box and hit delete, and you can delete the box. Unfortunately, if a spoiler is placed FIRST... you still can not type any text, nor get a text cursor outside of the spoiler box, unless you delete the spoiler box first, type text, and THEN add the spoiler box afterwards. The functionality of deleting the spoiler box was not obvious, and more so, the inability to type text outside the spoiler box if the spoiler box is the first item placed is most definitely a bug. Also, is there any chance of getting hover over type inline spoilers... The click to reveal spoilers are great for images, but these types of spoilers are very disruptive to the flow of text if you just have small text spoilers. ANother bug seems to be related to the Enter vs Shift+Enter. If I select a double enter, and then, with text selected, Press Shift+Enter, it ends up adding 3.5 lines of space, and as soon as you start typing or click anywhere, the half line disappears... You currently have to manually delete the auto-double space, and then type a fresh Shtift+Enter. INCREDIBLY annoying, this forced double spacing trash! One more thing... I frequent the hardware building threads. We got thoughtlessly tossed in with "KSP Fan Works" Even though we are fundamentally modding the way we play the game... Non-hardware types just DON'T get it... This forum is run by software types, and for all the work, all the years of developing my electronics and mechanical engineering knowledge, the personal hobby time, and the years in college... It's... Infuriating to be tossed aside like that... Oh, you built a cockpit to play the game from. A Mod? Oh NOOOOOO... you are not making "mods"! You're in the same class as fan fiction, sketches and shipping. So... if we are gonna continue to deal with this... Can we get the CONTENT TAG LABELS BACK!!! There used to be color coded labels that indicated if content was HARDWARE, Writing, Art, Screenshots, Etc... These appeared at the front of EVERY thread subject, and could be seen in the forum thread list. We also had the option to show only content of a particular label, so I could hide everything else, and see only my fellow hardware builder's threads. Can we PLEASE get this back, especially if you're still insisting that our hardware belongs in fan works, and not mods...
  23. 1: Never seen a jumping cursor here... And NEVER EVER seen "vibrations" affect the sensing of a trackpad. 2: JUST had dropped text. (in the word never). 3: COOL!!! Shift+Enter WORKS!!! Imagine now, if this was the DEFAULT FUNCTIONALITY, SUCH AS IN EVERY NORMAL TEXT EDITOR EVER!!! 4: Let me check out what all my old threads are up to now... Gone... All gone... 5: Oh my God! The threads! They're all gone! I need to go tell my friends here about this insanity! Checks contacts... 6: Views??? Are those dead too! I like to gauge the popularity of threads by their views too. I imagine it's on the to do list... But... **Pokes with stick** 7: You guys really need to get some artsy fartsy types to "kerbalize" the new smilies. NO ONE wants a generic yellow smily ( Lame, boring, meh generic ), when we all know "green is keen"! 8: Does the forum auto save your work as you type it, because that feature in the old forum saved my butt FAR TOO MANY TIMES when I was flipping from tab to tab, trying to reference different bits of data and inadvertently closed the tab I was working on, or scrolled up to reference something earlier in the thread, hit the top, and clicked the pervious page button without thinking about it. Even browser crashes! I am a heavy tab user. Just earlier this past week (was discussing the virtues of a 32 GB system to someone, hence why I looked) I'd had 19 GB of active memory with 9 GB in Chrome and 4 GB in Safari! I tend to run a LOT of open tabs. Sometimes, it crashes. My browsers can reload my tabs in that scenario, so I don't lose my place, but if that auto-backup feature's gone... I'm gonna cry! I've had that feature save small NOVELS with of technical mumbo-jumbo before.
  24. Yeah... I don't know if it "really" affected the forums, but I can honestly tell you that when Fallout 4 came out, I COMPLETELY CEASED visiting the forums till a few days ago when I tried accessing them, and found the site to be down. Choosing to do the upgrade when one of the most anticipated competitor's games releases is... actually a VERY good idea. Doesn't help those who don't care for Fallout, but I guess you can't please everyone. What NEEDED to have happened though, was for a month or two PRIOR to that, EVERY SINGLE SUB FORUM should have had a BIG BOLD STICKY that read FORUM MIGRATION: BACK UP ANY DATA (SUBS, CONTACTS, THREAD CONTENT, ETC) THAT YOU WISH TO PRESERVE, IN CASE OF MIGRATION ISSUES. Something like that would have been great. It should have been at the top of EVERY sub forum. If vBulletin supported colored stickies, then they should have Considered a BIG RED NOTICE before the rest of the title (but not ALL red, cause some people are color blind). I've been burned before by short notice updates that killed my access to data before I could back it up. I know the lack of notice for the forum migration is due to a simple lack of foresight, and maybe a touch of incompetence on the part of planning, and is not at all meant to be malicious in any way, but it still ticks me off royally! The extreme fallout (data loss) resulting from the lack of notice has brought back old memories of another unrelated incident which used a short notice update to (maliciously) destroy data and remove functionality. I still remember when Sony killed Linux on PS3s on April 1, 2010. The Firmware update gave NO WARNING AT ALL during the installation procedure that Other OS features were about to be removed, or that a backup should be made prior to the update. You simply LOST access to the partition from your hard drive... didn't even get the space back! Sony didn't offer any recourse for backup once the firmware was installed. The earliest indications they would do this were a blog post on March 29, a mere 3 days before the April Fools firmware release. You would need to have actually been paying attention to a Sony blog to see the news. It trickled out slowly, and was counter to a statement just a month or two earlier that reassured customers that Other OS on older "Phat" PS3s was not being touched, and that only the new Slim PS3s would not have it, and simply because it was not shipping as a feature of the new units. On April 1st... April Fools day, even when people started shouting "OH MY GOD! Sony is killing OtherOS with this firmware update!"... A lot of people actually thought it was a prank and updated anyway... I mean, the update said NOTHING about Other OS removal, and that would be silly! Thank God that you guys aren't like that... But the short notice of data purging STILL had the same effect. We lost data, and had no time to ever see a warning, or to take action to save it, and that just plain sucks!
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