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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Oh yuck. I'll have to do something, because right now I hard-coded it to alt. Interesting, I have that installed and didn't have a problem, but maybe it needs to be activated. Thanks for letting me know.
  2. This whole thing started when I saw errors in a log file someone sent me, and I made the (wrong) assumption that it was a problem with the mod. Turns out, I was wrong. If Firespitter is installed correctly, the resource will be there. There is no need to check beyond checking for Firespitter. Anyway, since the mod (SXT) has a number of dependencies on Firespitter, this whole discussion is moot, at least for me, since I'm going to make it a requirement that the entire mod be installed. Thanks for all the responses
  3. Please everyone, let's calm down. @Majorjim! you've given some good examples. @Tarheel1999, your comment is also interesting about it being already close to centered I'll be looking into this when I get home, on a clean install. All comments are good. @Majorjim! I would appreciate a copy of your output_log.txt, if you can get it here in the next few hours. Thanks
  4. Patch was 1.2.1, a few days ago. It's a mod: http://spacedock.info/mod/56/WasdEditorCameraContinued
  5. Oh, that's interesting. I wonder if I can get to that? scratches head, pulls up editor, gets lost for hours
  6. Actually, there is something you can do for me: Make a spreadsheet of all the parts in LLL. list the part name, type, cost, and other pertinent information. you can make multiple tabs if that helps, each tab for a part type. Re. github, if you know how to use it, then fork my repo and put those patches in, commit, push and then create a Pull Request. good practice and I'll have two ways to confirm you did it correctly
  7. No, because that is a function of the mod, not normal EVA
  8. all help is welcome, it's how we all learn. I would ask, if possible, that you create a Github account, and learn how to fork a repo, and use Git to create Pull Requests. If its' too much, don't worry, what you sent is usable.
  9. Patch file is unreadable, sorry. It's 3k, and looks like it might be corrupted It's next on my list. All help is welcome. Keep in mind that this is an old mod, and things have improved a lot. I'll be making a spreadsheet and trying to get things balanced over time
  10. I'll submit a PR this evening. I'll also upload the zip to Github this evening to make it more reliable. In the meantime, if someone has a suggestion to improve, let me know.
  11. FYI, I've decided to remove, for now, the Fine Adjust mode. It has too many issues. I'll be releasing that this evening. If you are using it, let me know and I'll get a separate version with that included.
  12. I accept help from anybody. More eyes, the better. Anyone can fork and submit a PR, if it's good, I accept it.
  13. Here is a totally unofficial release for 1.2.1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y2bd9m0aev7bava/NodeHelper-4-1.2.1-beta.zip?dl=0
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