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Everything posted by Starslinger999

  1. it could be leading to the last part of Jeb/Arties warning. "There Coming! You must prepare!" Maybe this is what he ment by "There Coming!"....
  2. Kip-666, Very suspicious indeed. No wonder it has a planet with life. (Question, would that life be like trees and grass, or like another KSC and stuff?)
  3. Ah OPT Space Plane parts. Otherwise known as Over Powered Technologys space plane parts
  4. Its because its a "combination" of Jeb and Artie!! They were both destroyed at the same time! The font is like Jeb, the Text color is like Artie!
  5. I agree, And i think thats why its breaking up! because the monolith is technically non existant anymore. Also, i have translated his last words to roughly "I have come to warn you, There Coming! Prepare!" Possible an previously unknown enemy thats out there. Basically, Winter is coming Also, Its not "Its me Jebidiah!" because its too short in comic. What hes really saying "Its Me Artie!" DUN DUN DUN!!!
  6. I cant wait to launch my Epic Constaltion Mission with the Cargo lander! Also, I made a space shuttle with this mod and Cormrant Areospace's shuttle parts Pack.
  7. I Just read it so far. It Looks really good! I think i know what the Joolian Anomoly is.... Heres what i think it is:
  8. Remember when this first came out? We all thought jeb, bill, bob all died and everyone was like OMG WILL DEY RESPAWN?!?!?! Waited a little longer turns out to be a story from Glery about her universe and how they died. So we just have to wait to see if jeb is alive
  9. Jebidiah is littarly flying a ship named after the line of code determing if he has his personality of him never losing his grin (BadS=True in his case) I reject ur reality and substitute my own <- Jeb's face right now I also watched way too much Interstellar with the confusing ending scene, if that was in sections and it cut off after Cooper fell into gargantua, people would be thinking the same way as with Jebidiah's "Death" (Aka Arguing about his "Death"). But we must wait to see the real truth come out.
  10. What i mean is that im open to theorys and things like that. (And i sometimes make my own ) (Except the Faked moon landing Crap that people belive these days. Thats just crap because the evidence is overwhelming) Also, about the Life universe and everything part, do u mean 42?
  11. Im just a theroist. Im just a guy making theory's to Jeb's possible death/Survival (Because Jebidiah is all the hype these days :P) My true motive is.....
  12. Woops. And Jeb, HE IS ALIVE AND WELL!! HE CAN SURVIVE ANYTHING!!!! That blast was one that made all the other kerbals time travel in the Previous "S.A.V.E's" So why wouldnt it do the same to jeb? Also they detected no debris from his ship if it really did destroy him.
  13. It said in the Recent Posts "[Insert Name here] Kerman is one of 50 kerbals left in the universe" And earlier Val said Jeb was dead so the count went to 49 So this therefore means...... JEB IS ALIVE
  14. Thats one way to solve a problem Quick Question: Are u doing this on ParkaBoys Savegame?(If so how u do dis?) Or just a regular game?
  15. Currently, Im Waiting for Squad to stop with all the fixes that are ruining my mods and Games!!!!

  16. YES!!! #MartainConfirmed Also, Maybe The source of the anomlies are coming from Bop..... I think you know what im going to say next
  17. Are they Going To go to Another star system? (Like the Valintine Star System) Or maybe Laythe? (Laythe Space Program) or Possibly Millars planet?(Interstellar). But Im loving This Series. Cant Wait for more. I want to see what happens with Jeb. He cant be dead, If he is dead, This story will be boring With only the Mechjebs
  18. plz have download plz plz i luv saturn;.;, also clouds for tel? cuse my fav moon/planet/dwarf planet is Titan.Quote Ception
  19. How would one install this exactly? im not getting how i would install this into my folder
  20. Ok. I have a A Class Astroid coming about 1 Mil KM from Kerbin. Im thinking of landing it because i have a E Class in orbit (More like a Kolyia Orbit Under Minmus's orbit or something ) So any tips for landing An A class astroid Safely in 1.0.4. Please help me
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