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Everything posted by SmashingKirby148

  1. But how can you have more perfect? Technically, perfect is having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. Basically, complete. If you want a more perfect KSP, then, by definition, it isn't actually perfect yet. Although, I do agree with you. Extra features such as yours would be great, I just don't specifically need them at the moment.
  2. Meh, to me, KSP is already perfect the way it is right now <3 Any other things they start adding are extra treats.
  3. Oh, my god! I never even knew you already started! Nice! A new story for a new year. As for me, though, I've sent a probe to fly by the Mun in a new career! Yep, another one. BUUTTTT, I've got plans for this one. I've already made the ships I want to make end game........ Because I noticed the B9 HX parts work with 1.2.2. >:D
  4. Oh sweet! I was actually wondering if we would get something like this funnily enough! xD
  5. Dammit, just tested it, it didn't work. My selected pad still use RocketParts. TnT What's the difference between a MM patch and a normal cfg file in GameData? Or are they the same thing?
  6. Awww man... well, I wrote a patch anyway based off MKS, just about to test it. ( please work, Kerbal gods ono/)(\ )
  7. K, I'll try and find that patch and see if I can change it to Electric Charge. Thank you!
  8. Actually, this is gonna be harder than I thought. Had a quick little snoop around in the EL folder but the launchpads don't say anything about wanting a specific resource. :S
  9. So after playing Planetary Annihilation, I thought of how cool it was that all ships and bots and everything else are just fabricated into existence. And then this brought my attention to Extraplanetary Launchpads. I have used it several times before, and it was awesome, but I was wondering if it's possible to make not all pads, but a specific few to use Electric Charge to build ships instead of RocketParts, and don't need Kerbal Productivity. Again, just like the fabricators in Planetary Annihilation. Can someone make this possible, or even just tell me how to do it myself? I'd love to have a Sci-Fi fabricator near the end of the tech tree. Thanks in advance.
  10. How have I not seen this for 8 months? That command pod looks fantastic! Can't wait to use it!
  11. The Graphics Card GTX 1060 is up and running! Runs KSP with SVE + Scatterer and SVT like a dream! Probably wouldn't of bothered getting it, because I only considered it after @eddiew's conversation we had a few pages back. Thanks, Edd.
  12. Expect some updates soon guys! Might be ready to release the rest, plus some fixes to the others.
  13. I just want to make it less bumpy and spiky. To have it more smooth, maybe changing the colour to a light brown like Gilly is a bit much, but it would look cool. (also, check our PM. I have a surprise there. )
  14. Finished my mega KSS - Kerbal Space Station, And began a full-scale exploration project for Minmus.
  15. Ok, so how can I change Minmus to keep the changes I made? Also, you're welcome.
  16. That is a good point... As long as Kopernicus works than planet packs should work (well, if they're from 0.90, then....) Thank you, btw! ^^ I wish I knew more, though. For my upcoming KerbinSystemRevamp (KSR) I plan to move Minmus to Duna, but I wanted it to be smaller, like around 23km in radius. But then the planet would appear all spiky and weird, so I tried using KittopiaTech to change it's PQS mods to get something cool looking and fix the spikiness. And I did! It actually looked really good! But when I exported the new config and textures and tried to use them in my mod, none of the changes had an effect, so, I'll have to investigate on how to fix it... And that is the closest I've ever come to spitting out all my breakfast milk. xD Ah! Fantastic! Good to hear. Say, perhaps you'd know what's going on with my modified Minmus? I mean, I was gonna ask @The White Guardian since we already have a PM, but since you're here I might as well just see if you know. If you need a config, here it is: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { @Body[Minmus] { @name = Phobi Debug { exportMesh = true update = true } cacheFile = KerbinSystemRevamp/Cache/Phobi.bin @Properties { description = Phobi is a small moon orbiting Duna. It is the closest moon and was captured when Jools gravity disrupted the asteroid belt and hurled this little guy to Duna. Phobi is slowly spiralling towards the red planet and will either collide, or make a nice ring system. radius = 25000 geeASL = 0.05001708099188 mass = 4.59332978580025E+18 gravParameter = 306562504.568137 rotates = True rotationPeriod = 40400 tidallyLocked = False initialRotation = 230 inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 100000 albedo = 0.5 emissivity = 0.7 coreTemperatureOffset = 1 isHomeWorld = False timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 3000 3000 6000 12000 24000 48000 60000 sphereOfInfluence = 82587.6050288896 hillSphere = 128128.486021337 solarRotationPeriod = False navballSwitchRadiusMult = 0.06 navballSwitchRadiusMultLow = 0.055 biomeMap = BUILTIN/minmus_biome nonExactThreshold = -1 exactSearch = False useTheInName = False selectable = True RDVisibility = VISIBLE maxZoom = 60000 @ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 8 splashedDataValue = 1 flyingLowDataValue = 1 flyingHighDataValue = 1 inSpaceLowDataValue = 7 inSpaceHighDataValue = 5 recoveryValue = 2.5 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 18000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 30000 } } @Orbit { @referenceBody = Duna semiMajorAxis = 1300000 inclination = 7.5 eccentricity = 0.02 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 } ScaledVersion { type = Vacuum fadeStart = 135000 fadeEnd = 140000 sphericalModel = False deferMesh = False Material { color = 0.634328365,0.634328365,0.634328365,1 specColor = 0.119403005,0.119403005,0.119403005,1 shininess = 0.03 texture = KerbinSystemRevamp/KopernicusConfigs/KerbinMoons/PluginData/Phobi_Color.png mainTexScale = 1,1 mainTexOffset = 0,0 normals = KerbinSystemRevamp/KopernicusConfigs/KerbinMoons/PluginData/Phobi_Normal.png bumpMap = KerbinSystemRevamp/KopernicusConfigs/KerbinMoons/PluginData/Phobi_Height.png bumpMapScale = 1,1 bumpMapOffset = 0,0 opacity = 1 resourceMapScale = 1,1 resourceMapOffset = 0,0 } } PQS { minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 5 minDetailDistance = 10 maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03 fadeStart = 140000 fadeEnd = 145000 deactivateAltitude = 180000 mapMaxHeight = 4000 Material { saturation = 1 contrast = 3 tintColor = 1,1,1,0 texTiling = 1024 texPower = 0.75 multiPower = 0.75 groundTexStart = 0 groundTexEnd = 5000 steepTiling = 10 steepPower = 1.65 steepTexStart = 60000 steepTexEnd = 100000 deepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 deepTexScale = 1,1 deepTexOffset = 0,0 deepMultiTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 deepMultiTexScale = 1,1 deepMultiTexOffset = 0,0 deepMultiFactor = 8 mainTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 mainTexScale = 1,1 mainTexOffset = 0,0 mainMultiTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 mainMultiTexScale = 1,1 mainMultiTexOffset = 0,0 mainMultiFactor = 10 highTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 highTexScale = 1,1 highTexOffset = 0,0 highMultiTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 highMultiTexScale = 1,1 highMultiTexOffset = 0,0 highMultiFactor = 12 snowTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 snowTexScale = 1,1 snowTexOffset = 0,0 snowMultiTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 snowMultiTexScale = 1,1 snowMultiTexOffset = 0,0 snowMultiFactor = 14 steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 steepTexScale = 1,1 steepTexOffset = 0,0 deepStart = 0 deepEnd = 0.01 mainLoStart = 0 mainLoEnd = 0.05 mainHiStart = 0.1 mainHiEnd = 0.15 hiLoStart = 0.1 hiLoEnd = 0.15 hiHiStart = 0.2 hiHiEnd = 0.25 snowStart = 0.2 snowEnd = 0.25 planetOpacity = 0 } FallbackMaterial { saturation = 1 contrast = 3 tintColor = 1,1,1,0 texTiling = 1024 texPower = 0.75 multiPower = 0.75 groundTexStart = 0 groundTexEnd = 5000 multiFactor = 0.5 mainTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00 mainTexScale = 1,1 mainTexOffset = 0,0 planetOpacity = 0 } PhysicsMaterial { bounceCombine = Average frictionCombine = Maximum bounciness = 0 staticFriction = 0.8 dynamicFriction = 0.6 } Mods { AltitudeAlpha { atmosphereDepth = 8000 invert = False order = 0 enabled = True name = _Material_ModProjection index = 0 } VertexPlanet { buildHeightColors = False colorDeformity = 6000 deformity = 4000 oceanDepth = 0 oceanLevel = 0 oceanSnap = False oceanStep = 0 seed = 16352 terrainRidgeBalance = 0.1 terrainRidgesMax = 1 terrainRidgesMin = 0.4 terrainShapeEnd = -2 terrainShapeStart = 2 terrainSmoothing = 0.100000001490116 order = 100 enabled = True name = VertexPlanet index = 0 ContinentalSimplex { deformity = 0.5 frequency = 1 octaves = 5 persistance = 0.400000005960464 seed = 0 } RuggednessSimplex { deformity = 5 frequency = 0.5 octaves = 2 persistance = 0.5 seed = 0 } SharpnessNoise { deformity = 0.00100000004749745 frequency = 0.5 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.5 seed = 0 } SharpnessSimplexMap { deformity = 25 frequency = 1.5 octaves = 2 persistance = 0.550000011920929 seed = 0 } TerrainTypeSimplex { deformity = 1 frequency = 4 octaves = 12 persistance = 0.7 seed = 0 } LandClasses { Class { name = AbyPl baseColor = 0.529293835,0.716417909,0.642553151,1 colorNoise = 0.492314547,0.776119411,0.664091229,1 colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232 fractalEnd = 0.00100000004749745 fractalStart = 0 lerpToNext = True fractalDelta = 0.00100000004749745 endHeight = 0 startHeight = 0 delete = False SimplexNoiseMap { deformity = 1 frequency = 4 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.600000023841858 seed = 0 } } Class { name = Beach baseColor = 0.625529051,0.776119411,0.719253123,1 colorNoise = 0.332423717,0.350746274,0.333064348,1 colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232 fractalEnd = 0.449999988079071 fractalStart = 0.00100000004749745 lerpToNext = True fractalDelta = 0.448999988031574 endHeight = 0 startHeight = 0 delete = False SimplexNoiseMap { deformity = 1 frequency = 4 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.600000023841858 seed = 0 } } Class { name = Grass baseColor = 0.710904419,0.828358173,0.715011179,1 colorNoise = 0.5,0.5,0.425373137,1 colorNoiseAmount = 0.300000011920929 fractalEnd = 0.899999976158142 fractalStart = 0.449999988079071 lerpToNext = True fractalDelta = 0.449999988079071 endHeight = 0 startHeight = 0 delete = False SimplexNoiseMap { deformity = 1 frequency = 3 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.600000023841858 seed = 0 } } Class { name = Snow baseColor = 0.250612617,0.335820913,0.278618157,1 colorNoise = 0.430215567,0.432835817,0.339162409,1 colorNoiseAmount = 0.400000005960464 fractalEnd = 2 fractalStart = 0.899999976158142 lerpToNext = False fractalDelta = 1.10000002384186 endHeight = 0 startHeight = 0 delete = False SimplexNoiseMap { deformity = 1 frequency = 2 octaves = 4 persistance = 0.600000023841858 seed = 0 } } } } LandControl { altitudeBlend = 0 altitudeFrequency = 1 altitudeOctaves = 1 altitudePersistance = 1 altitudeSeed = 1 createColors = False createScatter = True latitudeBlend = 0 latitudeFrequency = 1 latitudeOctaves = 1 latitudePersistance = 1 latitudeSeed = 1 longitudeBlend = 0 longitudeFrequency = 1 longitudeOctaves = 1 longitudePersistance = 1 longitudeSeed = 1 useHeightMap = False vHeightMax = 10000 order = 999999 enabled = True name = Scatter index = 0 altitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } latitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } longitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } landClasses { Class { alterApparentHeight = 0 alterRealHeight = 0 color = 0,0,0,0 coverageBlend = 0 coverageFrequency = 1 coverageOctaves = 1 coveragePersistance = 1 coverageSeed = 1 name = Base latDelta = 1 latitudeDouble = False lonDelta = 1 minimumRealHeight = 0 noiseBlend = 0 noiseColor = 0,0,0,0 noiseFrequency = 1 noiseOctaves = 1 noisePersistance = 1 noiseSeed = 1 delete = False altitudeRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } coverageSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } latitudeDoubleRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } latitudeRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } longitudeRange { endEnd = 2 endStart = 2 startEnd = -1 startStart = -1 } noiseSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } scatters { Scatter { density = 1 scatterName = Rock00 } } } } scatters { Scatter { materialType = DiffuseWrapped mesh = BUILTIN/boulder castShadows = False densityFactor = 1 maxCache = 512 maxCacheDelta = 32 maxLevelOffset = 0 maxScale = 3 maxScatter = 20 maxSpeed = 1000 minScale = 0.5 recieveShadows = False name = Rock00 seed = 231123 verticalOffset = 0 delete = False collide = False science = False Material { mainTex = BUILTIN/rock00 mainTexScale = 1,1 mainTexOffset = 0,0 color = 0.227201387,0.286764681,0.219290644,0.686274529 diff = 0.6 } Experiment { } } } } City { debugOrientated = False frameDelta = 1 randomizeOnSphere = False reorientToSphere = True reorientFinalAngle = 67.65 reorientInitialUp = 0,1,0 repositionRadial = 1666,1470,2891 repositionRadiusOffset = -1 repositionToSphere = True repositionToSphereSurface = True repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = True visibilityRange = 10000 commnetStation = False order = 100 enabled = True name = Monolith00 index = 0 } City { debugOrientated = False frameDelta = 1 randomizeOnSphere = True reorientToSphere = True reorientFinalAngle = 60.94339 reorientInitialUp = 0,1,0 repositionRadial = -6488.48535,-24109.6875,1273.79175 repositionRadiusOffset = 2948.5 repositionToSphere = True repositionToSphereSurface = True repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = False visibilityRange = 10000 commnetStation = False order = 100 enabled = True name = Randolith index = 0 } } } } } And yes, I know the config seems all over the place, but that's what happens with Copy and Paste for some reason. :S Also, around here: ScaledVersion { type = Vacuum fadeStart = 135000 fadeEnd = 140000 sphericalModel = False deferMesh = False Material { color = 0.634328365,0.634328365,0.634328365,1 specColor = 0.119403005,0.119403005,0.119403005,1 shininess = 0.03 texture = KerbinSystemRevamp/KopernicusConfigs/KerbinMoons/PluginData/Phobi_Color.png mainTexScale = 1,1 mainTexOffset = 0,0 normals = KerbinSystemRevamp/KopernicusConfigs/KerbinMoons/PluginData/Phobi_Normal.png bumpMap = KerbinSystemRevamp/KopernicusConfigs/KerbinMoons/PluginData/Phobi_Height.png bumpMapScale = 1,1 bumpMapOffset = 0,0 opacity = 1 resourceMapScale = 1,1 resourceMapOffset = 0,0 } } The Texture, Normals and BumpMap all used to say something about built in, but I changed them to the textures that got exported by Kittopia and made sure they had their own folder.
  17. Attempting to have Kerbals first step afoot onto the Mun. BUUUUT, because I'm a dummy I forgot pictures of the launch. Yaaaaay.
  18. Well, not anymore, I have a new career now and haven't unlocked those parts yet. But before, I had two of the big 10m tanks, and a fairing. But I forget the payload.
  19. Ahhh, ok. Would adding 3.75m liquid fuel + oxidizer boosters with another two, four or six Emu engines help the thrust? Or would the fuel in the tanks weigh it down more?
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