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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. If I remember correctly, there is no code in BDA for orbital mechanics. Most part of the position prediction code is based on standard uniform accelerated movement equations, relative Velocity, etc. The relative velocity method is used only for the RCS/vacuum missile and it is enough accurate to end up hitting an orbiting target. In order to shot bullets with enough precision to an orbiting target, it is necessary to resolve a two equations system where a) the future orbital position of the target is taken into account based on current orbit equation b) the future bullet position based on muzzle velocity, initial position and initial velocity.
  2. Have you read the readme file of the GitHub page? https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDModularMissileParts
  3. Hi, I just released a new version of PRE that fixes some critical issues. This version works fine in KSP 1.6.X - 1.7.2 https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases/tag/1.15.0 Enjoy!
  4. Thanks, yes I saw it yesterday when doing some testing. I'd like to fix it on the next release that I'd like to do this weekend. Stay tuned!
  5. Do you have installed Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued ? It is almost mandatory to have it.
  6. No, modular missile module will not disable nothing from being triggered by actions group.
  7. I think that specific problem has been fixed on the lastest release 1.14 which I released yesterday. https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases/tag/1.14.0
  8. Yeah, if you read the previous posts you will see that there are some bugs related with the terrain extension. I still working on it. Each release is getting a bit better but still work to do.
  9. Maybe you can try the latest I published yesterday. I still doing fixes and I might publish new version soon.
  10. It is due to PRE. Latest version of PRE has some issues. I'm working on a fix for it Which version of PRE are you using?
  11. I have seen both issues in KSP 1.7.2 only. I hope I can find a solution for it.
  12. Sorry guys I need to do Hotfix for the latest version. I will let you know once it is ready so you can re-test.
  13. If your SRBs can land safely then yes, depending on whether you plan to land them on the sea (Shuttle SRBs) or perform a powered landing (Falcon 9). However, If you want to land them on land, it is required to focus the booster, land it and then switch back to the 2nd stage.
  14. Thanks! And regarding the staging, I suggest to use SmartParts mod to trigger the Stage action group when the remaining fuel is below a specific percentage. This an example using SmartParts:
  15. Hi! I think I know what might be happening. There is a limitation (implemented on purpose) to avoid landed vessels to blow up when the inertial frame changes ( 140 km altitude in RSS). This means that if you are focusing the 2nd stage and you are expecting that the booster will be able to land safely...it will likely disappear as soon as it "lands" or even crash depending on the altitude of the 2nd stage . If you want to avoid this you need to the following(l'll do the assumption that you are using RSS): - Set PRE range to 1000km. - Launch the rocket. - After separation, focus the booster and let the 2nd stage to continue the ascent. - Land the booster and switch to the 2nd stage. The booster will get automatically unloaded gracefully to avoid autodestruction. - Finish the ascent. - If at this point you have any plans to try to land the 2nd stage or a probe, close to the booster. I suggest to reduce the PRE range to 200-250 km because re-entry is so critical that the shaking can be fatal if you are playing with Deadly Reentry
  16. Hey! I haven't tested Scatterer or KS3P in KSP 1.7 so I'm not sure which is the current state. Maybe you can try my curated Visual Mods bundle for dx11. (it has a custom Scatterer version for dx11) https://1drv.ms/u/s!AixZLrjtqp-RgsIIoX0UUIeK_pDz6Q If you feel with enough energy and time. You might want to start upgrading the shaders to the V2 stack https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing
  17. Open a GitHub issue attaching your KSP.log please. I haven't tested it yet.
  18. It should not be difficult to do it but sorry I'll not be doing it.
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