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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. Could you record a video showing how you build the missile and how you fire it? I will help you with it
  2. I'm not completely sure but I think guns will not fire unless there is a clean line of sight to the target. Maybe @SpannerMonkey(smce) can correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. That is very strange regarding Scatterer. You should do a stock test with only Scatterer to ensure that it is not a interaction between others mods. If you substitute your whole game data folder with mine it should work fine (it is my custom RO setup for KSP 1.6)
  4. Regarding DX11, using my setup ( which has a Dev version of Scatterer with new shaders compiled for dx11) the only issue I have seen so far is a white flickering at certain altitude (<140 km) when using reflective module from Texture Replacer.
  5. Your KSP.log seems ok. Regarding settings, you can download my whole KSP setup from here https://1drv.ms/u/s!AixZLrjtqp-Rgr8zMWmGdItbzFHZfg I have done more tweaks to the settings.
  6. Everytime you execute KSP_x64.exe a KSP.log file is generated in the very same folder where the exe is located. This log file is mandatory to perform any troubleshooting.
  7. Muy buena explicación @Janderklander. Creo que jugar sin mods durante el comienzo esta bien. El ir añadiendo mods es un proceso natural de curiosidad. Personalmente los mods de automatización como Mechjeb o KOS me parecen muy útiles. Y de hecho es más realista. En la vida real un cohete no se maneja, todo el proceso está completamente automatizado por lo que para mí lo interesante es comprobar si mi cohete/nave son capaces de soportar la automatización de la misión
  8. @The White Guardian If you can push your code to a Dev branch I will perform some testing to see if I can find something
  9. @The White Guardian Thank you for your work on this mod, and regarding the 2.0 PostProcessing stack if at some point in the future you find time to work on that, let me know I will help BTW I have recorded a beautiful video with my KSP 1.6 RSS setup using DX11 (ensure you are watching at max resolution and turn the volume up)
  10. If you are attaching the experimental missile module or if you are using this: https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDModularMissileParts You need to read this wiki carefully and use the same approach: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/wiki/2.1-Building-your-first-Modular-Missile
  11. @The White Guardian yesterday I found this Unity repository where they are developing the 2.0 post processing stack. https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/tree/v2/PostProcessing/Shaders/Builtins
  12. KS3P compiled for KSP 1.6 and only for DX11. https://github.com/jrodrigv/KS3P/releases/tag/dx11 The config inside is based on the recommend configuration but with the bloom effect very attenuated during flight scene.
  13. Thanks! Yes I had NREs with the EyeAdaptation Component stuff. I changed the way the Computed shader is loaded to fix it. Besides, I changed also the shaders #pragma target to use 5.0 level for DX11. I will push all the changes to a fork of KS3P and I will post here the release binaries for dx11. BTW do you have any suggestions for the bloom effect?
  14. Ok, so after a busy afternoon of troubleshooting, doing some code fixes & tweaking the shaders for dx11. I have finally manage to have this working for KSP 1.6 /DX11 I have recorded a video using a new setup that I have been building for KSP 1.6 (RO/RSS/RSSVE/KSP3P) The video has 2K res:
  15. If someone has the shaders files I can try to rebuild the assets bundle using Unity 2017.1 for Dx11.
  16. Hi, I have one question. Have been the shaders of this mod finally recompiled for Dx11 or still only working in Dx9?
  17. That sounds very strange. Because this mod was implemented to enable BDArmory to do such things. Would you mind to open a issue here: https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/issues Please attach your KSP.log after running the scenario. Thanks
  18. Thanks @linuxgurugamer . I will review it and do a new release
  19. @Acid_Burn9 @Xd the great This is not the best place to have such a discussion about a possible bug. Bear in mind that every KSP player subscribed might be receiving one email per message posted. Would you mind to open an issue in our GitHub repo and continue the discussion/troubleshooting there? https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues
  20. Hi @Ger_space, When I was doing the initial development of the mod I tested different approaches to achieve the extended range for every vessel. I tried to use just a MMPatch overriding the default values but it didn't work as expected. (you can see more about it here : https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/issues/1) I will give a try again, maybe it works now.
  21. Relative velocity. This RCS guidance calculate its direction based on the relative velocity
  22. Hi all, A new release has been published. You can find it here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/tag/v1.2.4.0
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