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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. I will do a new release to increase the version of the file for compatibility with CKAN. But actually it works fine
  2. Hi all, I recorded this video using PRE Extreme range was a must.
  3. Hi all, I have created a new BDAc thread here. Also a new version of BDAc has been release for KSP 1.7. Special thanks to the main contributors of this release @Eidahlil and @SuicidalInsanity
  4. I have created a fresh new Topic to maintain BDAc continuity. For any past forum posts please refer to the Old BDAcTopic here: The old BDAc Forum Topic has been locked by the topic owner. Please note that Physics Range Extender and Module Manager are required dependencies for BD Armory Continued Also be advised that using the World Stabilizer mod will cause problems with PRE as it has it's own world stabilization code we refer to as Black Spell ... Only solution to this is to not use the World Stabilizer mod See spoilers below for release notes, videos, Github issues and download links The BDAc family of mods were all created by @BahamutoD, and in his absence, we have taken it upon ourselves to keep the explosions flowing For anything related to BDAc or mods in the BDAc family, I refer you to the Github link for Papa Joe's Soup (Slightly Over Used Parts) where there is listed download links for the mods in question ... If you have questions or concerns, feel free to post here and the team will do our best to assist you I also refer you to our in game KSPedia where you will find a wealth of information on the operation of BDAc Be aware that forcing opengl will result in many shaders showing as pink ... the only solution is DO NOT force opengl If you think you have come across a gremlin or a bug with BDAc or any of the mods we maintain, feel free to post here, however we ask that you also take a look at the issues list on Github to see if your problem has been addressed. We use the built in Github issues tracker to keep record of bugs, enhancements and feature requests as it is difficult to keep track of bug reports and all the great ideas that the community have come up with on the forum (things can get buried and lost under newer posts) Please note that only the most recent version of BDAc is supported at this time and that BDA needs PhysicsRangeExtender to work properly: https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases Also, to correctly install BDAc, first download the latest release from the BDAc releases link posted below (not the source download) and then extract the BDArmory folder contained within the zip file and place it into your KSP/Gamedata folder ... Do not, I repeat, do not place the Gamedata folder contained within the BDAc zip into your Gamedata folder as this will cause umpteen million conflicts to arise as the BahaTurret pickle looks for textures, configs and whatnot in specific places In regards to support, KSP.log please (Found in the same directory as the KSP executable ... this file is overwritten each time you start KSP ... upload this file to a filesharing site such as dropbox and post the link so the team can take a look) ... I also refer you to the following thread where it describes in detail everything else that is required for us to help you: Best Regards, The BDAc Team @Papa_Joe @jrodriguez @SpannerMonkey(smce) @gomker @TheDog @DoctorDavinci @Eidahlil @TheKurgan BD Armory wiki: http://bdarmory.wikia.com/wiki/BDArmory_Wikia BDAc Release Links: Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues BDAc Multiplayer Release Links: https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDAMultiplayer/releases Physics Range Extender (REQUIRED): https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases BDAc Familiy Mod Links: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/releases https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDModularMissileParts/releases https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ImprovedChaseCamera/releases https://github.com/jrodrigv/DestructionEffects/releases https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BurnTogether/releases https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin/releases BDAc Release Notes (latest only): BD Armory was originally developed by Paolo Encarnacion (BahamutoD) and distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. BahamutoD has moved on to creating VTOL VR, found on Steam. Go check it out! This mod is now called BD Armory Continued, and is being maintained in BahamutoD's absence by the BDAc team. It continues to be distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. Please read about the license at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/before attempting to modify and redistribute it BD Armory Continued contains code based off of Aircraft Carrier Accessories and is used with permission (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152916-14xaircraft-carrier-accessories/) ... Courtesy of @flywlyx BD Armory Continued also contains code based off of Firespitter. To comply with the requirements of Firespitters' license, the following permission notice, applicable to those parts of the code only, is included below: License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking. For reuse of the plugin, please either direct people to download the dll from my official release, OR recompile the wanted partmodule/class with a new class name to avoid conflicts. https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter
  5. Hi all, I have created a new thread for the maintenance of this mod here, I have published a new release recompiled for KSP 1.7
  6. This is a new thread for the maintenance of this awesome mod created by @BahamutoD. If you want to know more about this mod, how it works, etc please visit the original thread here I will be just ensuring that this mod works fine with future versions of KSP but I will not do bug fixing or implement new feature for it. Download https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases
  7. I'm pretty sure the latest release will work from KSP 1.5.X to KSP 1.7.X. I will do some sanity checks and on the next release I'll update the AVC version compatibility.
  8. Well , I get the point of having a realistic replica of an engine. However I still feeling the need of having the possibility of scaling up/down a realistic replica in other to have a realistic-ish big/small brother of the engine.
  9. Regarding TweakScale and RO. I usually remove the disabling TweakScale patch that RO includes and I added one to enable TweakScale on every engine. However I have seen strange behaviours when I try to tweakscale a RO patched engine. Magic forces appear on the vessel!
  10. Hi everyone, I have started to release BDArmory dependencies for KSP 1.7 (PRE and VesselMover have been already released and they can be found using CKAN). The next one will be BDArmory itself and afterwards CameraTools and DestructionEffects. By the way, we will create a new thread too due to long the absence of @Papa_Joe For the moment, I just created this video tutorial explaining how to create modular missiles:
  11. I just released a new PRE release with a complete rework of the Terrain extension logic. The binaries can be found here: https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases/tag/1.11.0
  12. Hi all, Due to the long abscence of @Papa_Joe I have decided to create a new thread for the maintenance of this mod here: I will be doing the basic maintenance of this mod from now on. Moderators I suggest to close this thread to further replies.
  13. VesselMover Continued Pick up, move, rotate, place, or drop landed vessels quickly and easily. NOTE: Since BahamutoD is now busy with real life and has graciously made it known that we can continue support in his stead, I'm reviving the mod in this thread and will continue its support.  The original VesselMover thread is here: Download Locations: https://github.com/jrodrigv/VesselMover/releases Installation: Extract the folder called "VesselMover" to KSP's GameData folder. For installation convenience, VesselMover is now CKAN listed, and supports KSP-AVC. Usage: Use the toolbar menu buttons to pick up, place, or drop a vessel. It must be landed or splashed down in order to pick it up. Use Tab key to change Movement Mode. This changes the base altitude and movement speeds For long distances, it works well to use "Ludicrous speed" in map mode! New!* Use the Throttle Up and Down (Shift and Control by default) to raise and lower the Altitude New!* Use Throttle Cuttoff (X by default) to Reset the Movement Mode Altitude if changes have been made. Use pitch/yaw (WASD by default) to move around. Use roll (Q/E by default) to roll, and translation buttons (IJKL by default) to rotate pitch and yaw. Use translate fwd/back (H or N by default) to auto rotate planes and rockets respectively to level/upright. Click spawn vessel to open the craft browser. Select a craft, then select a place to spawn it. It will spawn in vessel-move mode so you can reposition it or rotate it before placing it down or dropping it (free fall baby!). License: MIT Source code: https://github.com/jrodrigv/VesselMover
  14. @The White Guardian Of course I can help with whatever you need. I haven't seen any new commits in your KS3P repo though https://github.com/TheWhiteGuardian/KS3P . If you can push a Dev branch with your latest changes I will do a new Pull Request during next week for the assetsbundle recompiled using the Unity 2017.1 and pragma SM5.0 for DX11 only.
  15. No worries. I have found the issue and I'll be creating a new release very soon. Until I do the new release the best option is to still using PRE 1.9
  16. Not sure if you are using the latest release but the latest is currently broken and I'm working on a fix for it (please use the 1.9.0 version for KSP 1.6.X) . However, it is expected that during the load of the flight scene PRE will iterate through each landed vessel and you will see a quick hover then it will switch back the original active vessel and then you are good to go. This is done on purpose to ensure that the terrain is correctly extended under every landed vessel.
  17. Thanks for the feedback. I will do more testing. Would you mind to create an issue and to attach your KSP.log here? https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender
  18. Hi all! I just release a new PRE version for KSP 1.7 https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases/tag/1.10.0 In this version I have fixed a long standing issue that was causing landed vessel to fall through the ground when entering into physics range. During the following weeks I will be doing intensive testing to ensure that scenarios using reusable boosters are completely covered by PRE. That means that should you decide to stay watching from ground the launch (like in this video): Or if you decide to focus always on the rocket, both scenarios should work flawlessly and all the booster should be able to land safely and automatically saved for future actions.
  19. Are you using this release? https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases
  20. Yes, it works You should always try yourself before asking and then if it fails give me a heads up I will do a new release for KSP 1.7 as soon as it is released.
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