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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. Beautiful. I'm thinking on building a X-33 replica BTW @winged I'm working on a new setup of RO for KSP 1.5.1. If you can pass me the list of mods you are using on your current setup I can add them to my list to check their current state and "fix" them if it is required. I already have RSS, RSSVE, FAR, and some others "working" in KSP 1.5.1
  2. Very nice @winged ! To create RO SSTO is always a real challenge. Actually, I'd say that during the last 4 years I have seen very few people doing realistic SSTO. Here you can find my RO SSTO.
  3. I'm not speaking of his behalf at all but I guess he will be more than happy that someone is willing to make his great mod compatible with new new versions of KSP so it still alive. Personally, I doubt you will receive an answer but who knows. My personal story is that we created the fork of BDA more than two years ago and we haven't hear a thing from Bahamuto in this time, nothing for or against our work. So my opinion on this kind of topic is that when someone is willing to fix a mod ( leaving aside the licensing...) we (previous mod owners, other modders, and community) should support and embrace new forks and releases that can keep the ball rolling!
  4. Hi all, I have published a new release recompiled for KSP 1.5.1 (It should work of previous KSP 1.4.X versions too) https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases/tag/1.8.0 Changelog: = v1.8.0 - Recompiled for KSP 1.5.1 - Default range reduced to 50 km - UI simplifed. Removing options that were not used - Added button to disable de mod. - Added message to warn the user when the flickering fix is activated. I have recorded a video doing a quick demo of the PRE UI doing a BDA battle.
  5. Buenas! Si, esto empezo a suceder a partir de la version 1.4 de KSP antes no pasaba. Yo siempre juego con dx12 o dx11 (tengo una gtx 1070 que soporta dx12) Encontre una manera de poder conseguir que se vea bien usando DX11. Si te instalas el mod de HangarExtender, en cuanto pulsas el boton para que el hangar se haga grande podrás volver a ver los iconos con su color normal.
  6. Thanks for the hints @Ruedii I will analyse the behaviour of Parachutes. Given your knowledge of internals I was wondering if you are KSP developer?
  7. @JPLRepo I'm having some issues after testing BDA with KSP 1.5 I have created a thread here. I would need someone from KSP dev team to take a look.
  8. Hi! I belong to the BDArmory team. I was doing some tests on KSP 1.5 yesterday and I have found some issues. We have some code for weapons that creates stage icons for weapons. However an Exception is raised in KSP 1.5. I would like to have some feedback from KSP dev team regarding this. I will attach the code that I think may be causing this. Exception log: EXC 20:43:43.716] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[KSP.UI.Screens.StageGroup].get_Item (Int32 index) KSP.UI.Screens.StageManager.AddHeldIconsToStages (.Part selectedPart, Boolean switchingVessels) KSP.UI.Screens.StageManager.SortIconsSequence (.Part p, Boolean switchingVessels) KSP.UI.Screens.StageManager+<SortIconsSequence>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) My feeling with the ArgumentOutOfRangeException is that the code is iterating through a stagegroup icon list however is accounting for more icons than the icons that are actually in the list. My question for the devs is: ¿Has something changed between 1.4.5 and 1.5 releases in regards of StageManager class and the way the stage icons are managed? Here you can see the code we are using to create the icon, this has been working fine until KSP 1.5. https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/blob/master/BDArmory/Modules/ModuleWeapon.cs#L773 if (part.stackIcon.StageIcon == null) { part.stackIcon.CreateIcon(); }
  9. @Ruedii I don't think this issue has nothing to do with x86 x64 architecture. My feeling with the ArgumentOutOfRangeException is that the code is iterating through a stagegroup icon list however is accounting for more icons than the icons that are actually in the list. My question for the devs is: ¿Have something changed between 1.4.5 and 1.5 releases in regards of StageManager class and the way the stage icons are managed? Here you can see the code we are using to create the icon, this has been working fine until KSP 1.5. https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/blob/master/BDArmory/Modules/ModuleWeapon.cs#L773 if (part.stackIcon.StageIcon == null) { part.stackIcon.CreateIcon(); }
  10. Hi! I belong to the BDArmory team. I was doing some tests on KSP 1.5 yesterday and I have found some issues. We have some code for weapons that creates stage icons for weapons. However an Exception is raised in KSP 1.5. I would like to have some feedback from KSP dev team regarding this. I will attach the code that I think may be causing this. Exception log: EXC 20:43:43.716] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[KSP.UI.Screens.StageGroup].get_Item (Int32 index) KSP.UI.Screens.StageManager.AddHeldIconsToStages (.Part selectedPart, Boolean switchingVessels) KSP.UI.Screens.StageManager.SortIconsSequence (.Part p, Boolean switchingVessels) KSP.UI.Screens.StageManager+<SortIconsSequence>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)
  11. Sorry, from my point of view this discussion is finished. This one of the videos I have recorded in the past that I feel more proud of (and of course always using FAR). Please let me know if you find something more realistic (by PM not here)
  12. We already told you that the unofficial fork works just fine! So I don't even need to look at your log file to conclude that the problem is on your side. You can sit and wait for an official release but I doubt that will ever happen.
  13. @panzer1b there is no hard dependency. You can remove PRE from your mods and play. And regarding any issues with PRE I recommend to reduce the range as much as you can , 20-30km should be fine for you I guess.
  14. There is an unofficial release. Invest some of your time looking at the GitHub forks instead of begging.
  15. Yes, I know. I'm just being honest. I'm not expecting anything else official from this thread. At some point I'm expecting someone to take over and create a new thread for a new FARContinued mod. RO team should be releasing as well using this latest fork working in 1.4.5.
  16. Are you really expecting to have an "official" release? That is the best thing you are going to get.
  17. @Toonu This is something expected when you plan with an extended range. Are you using the lastest version of PRE? You can reduce the range to help with the jitter. However, the jitter will never disappear, unless you remove PRE from your mods (but if you do that then you will be using stock ranges and that is crap!). And now to be honest, I have a 40 mods set up with PRE, huge KK runways, and RSS. I have a 200 parts plane that can easily land on a KK runway without any issues. Can I see the jitter effect? Of course I can! But the question is. Can I live with it? And the answer is always YES
  18. Hi @Ultimate Steve this is by design in order to extend the terrain properly. Without it, other vessels landed on terrain will collide and be destroyed. In a future release I will add a switch to disable the extended terrain option.
  19. Hi @Isenderen what do you mean with be updated? At the moment it works fine with the latest KSP version.
  20. I agree, FAR is very complex to take over. You need to be an expert in Aerodynamics. However, there are a lot of software developers (modders) here with enough knowledge to keep FAR up to date
  21. Yes, I'm pretty sure you have vessels/debris loaded that are quite far away from each other. You can mitigate this by reducing the 500 km or removing the debris.
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