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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. You should read this guide regarding modular missiles: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/wiki/2.1-Building-your-first-Modular-Missile https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/wiki/2.1.2-Adding-a-modular-missile-to-your-plane Regarding GPS guidance. It is meant for static targets only.
  2. That you can select between a different range of altitude to cruise (modular missiles)
  3. Haha thank you I will check that. I might consider upgrading my KSP 1.6 RSS/RO version to KSP 1.6.1 although I might wait for KSP 1.7. It took several weeks of compiles, fixes and tweaks to achieve this
  4. Hi @SuicidalInsanity First of all thank you for this mod. I'd like to ask you regarding a bug I'm having. I'm using the mod together with RO, RealFuels, etc and when using for example the Scramjet engine the exhaust plume is always visible even if the engine is switch off. I have seen something similar in the past but I'm not sure if it is due to an incompatibility with Smokescreen or other mods. (BTW I'm using KSP 1.6.0)
  5. Maybe then there is an issue with the boresight angle. Would you mind to report it on GitHub? Thanks!
  6. If I remember correctly, if during the flight the angle between the velocity vector of the missile and the target vessel COM exceed the boresight angle the missile will not be able to keep the lock
  7. Not sure if it will help but try the following: - Check that max boresight is 360 degrees. - Disable roll correction. - Given that you are using FAR increase the authority of the fins to the max (I think is 40 or something like that) - For AAM Missiles I suggest a min detonation range of 20-30 meters
  8. There is a lead time up to 8 seconds of the calculated time to impact. I developed the guidance and that guidance is used for both Modular Missiles and normal missiles. Without the lead most part of the missiles will just miss to hit their targets. Regarding 2. there is a parameter called min velocity I think. That means the missile will fly straight until it gets that velocity and then it will activate the guidance.
  9. We have found situations where a part that seems to be half the size of the other has actually a much bigger "bounds" internally for Unity. Also the other way around where a part has a smaller size but actually the mass is very high for such a small object. I can not tell you which is the case for that specific part. If you want to change the hitpoints value for a part you can always create a MMPatch for it.
  10. The hitpoint formula is very generic, it calculates the hitpoints based on the mass and size of the part. There is not logic to say that a Wing Connector has X points. If you want to know more regarding how the HP are calculated you can take a look to the code here: https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDAMultiplayer/blob/367e809bae656fc9950ef1c03d9d67471941af44/BDArmory.Core/Module/HitpointTracker.cs#L175
  11. Well, I had to do tradeoffs to use Mechjeb. But I understand that it is far from ideal. Regarding RO-mode I haven't see anything but I will double check. There is a RSS ascent guidance.
  12. You are completely right. Mechjeb doesn't have any logic internally to account for the RO-Engines features, so if you want to use Mechjeb successfully this is my recommendation: - Disable limited ignitions (you can disable the limited ignitions for every engine changing the RealFuels settings I think) - Disable unstable ignitions,etc. - Create a MMPatch for the engines you want to use in order to: set minThrust to 0 if it has a greater number, disable throttleResponse, disable throttleCurve. - If you experience problems with the gimbal , you will need to remove the gimbalresponserate too. - Regarding the delayed engine startup. I haven't managed to completely solve this problem. What I recommend is to switch from Landing At X to Land somewhere when you are close to land ( altitude < 10k) also I recommend to have a TWR at landing not greater than 2.2-2.5 because it will be too late when Mechjeb starts the engine. Once you have done all this things you will have a Mechjeb-friendly setup which will allow you to do things like this video I recorded last week.
  13. I just came here to say that I don't want any mods to be part of the stock game. Why? Because then Squad has to also maintain more code and mods. Do you believe Squad has more resources that the whole mod community to maintain and evolve new features? The answer is no.
  14. I recorded this epic RSS/RO video this weekend. I'm using here RO master branch compiled for KSP 1.6 (plus all the RO dependencies).
  15. Nice one @The White Guardian . Maybe I forgot to state that constraint. The shaders were compiled with the #pragma target 5.0 (dx11 shader model) and that means that it will not work without a GPU supporting DX11.
  16. Para acoplar (dock) dos naves necesitas que ambas tengan exactamente el mismo tipo de puerto (docking port) . Si ambas naves tienen exactamente el mismo puerto no tendrás ningún problema en poder acoplarlas.
  17. BTW I have some YouTube videos demonstrating remote Mechjeb operations on different vessels.
  18. @Tonas1997 Regarding the version for KSP 1.4 I would suggest to try to use the latest version. In case something is not working as expected I suggest to use an older version ( 1.7.0) Regarding to fly back bosters and landing them you can certainly do it, how do you plan to do it ? Mechjeb? I can give you some tips
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