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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. Hi all, I have done a new release: https://github.com/jrodrigv/OfCourseIStillLoveYou/releases/tag/v1.0.97 Changelog: Desktop Client: For better cinematic view it is possible now to hide telemetry and UI controls by doing double-tap on the UI. Fixes #1 Desktop Client: Adding camera name to window title.
  2. Sure. Would you mind to create a feature request on my Github? @Zoeille made me the same request actually
  3. Hi all, I have finally made the official release, I think all Hullcam fans will find it very interesting
  4. MAKING POSSIBLE TO WATCH ALL YOUR BOOSTERS AND STAGES AT THE SAME TIME! WITHIN KSP OR ON DIFFERENT MONITORS OR PCs! Requirements: KSP 1.12.5 NET 7 runtime https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0 Latest HullcamVDS https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/HullcamVDSContinued/releases Highly recommended mods: Physics Range Extender Scatterer 0.0838 or newer https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/releases If you want to use TUFX you need to use this version -> TUFX JR edition https://github.com/jrodrigv/TUFX/releases Mod Only Installation: Download the zip file for Windows, Linux or Mac from https://github.com/jrodrigv/OfCourseIStillLoveYou/releases Copy the GameData folder into your KSP root folder Desktop & Server app setup: Execute the server located in \OfCourseIStillLoveYou.DesktopClient\OfCourseIStillLoveYou.DesktopClient.exe Execute the desktop client located in \OfCourseIStillLoveYou.Server\OfCourseIStillLoveYou.Server.exe By default the mod, the server and the desktop client will connect to localhost:5077 but you can modify it: Server: OfCourseIStillLoveYou.Server.exe --endpoint --port 5001 . DesktopClient: Open the settings.json inside OfCourseIStillLoveYou.DesktopClient and modify the endpoint and port. Mod: Inside the mod folder there is a settings.cfg file with the endpoint and port. Execute the OfCourseIStillLoveYou.Server.exe first, then OfCourseIStillLoveYou.DesktopClient.exe and finally start KSP Tutorial Full multi-camera tracking heavy launch SpaceX style
  5. I think it should not be blocker, at the end of the day I just need a camera transform to position properly all the Camera copies. Let me know if at some point you have a branch with Neptune camera thing and I will begin adapting the mod
  6. They stay, IVA works just fine, however in mapview KSP renders differents stuff that will affect the camera views (terrain, skybox and light sources) At this moment both. I'm looking for MuMechModuleHullCamera modules and using the cameraTransformName etc to properly set all the Camera copies for each camera that wants to be displayed.
  7. At the moment it is locked to 768x768. I could unlock it but the impact on both GPU and CPU can be quite significant, specially on low end PCs
  8. You can disable the TerrainExtender in settings.cfg TerrainExtenderEnabled = False . But bear in mind that if you are far from them, the terrain colliders will be disabled and your vessels will go into Oblivion! I have decided to come here to explain it after your inquire Honestly I have never seen that flickering issue with Hullcam. I guess it could be due to the fact that I always use it with PRE (Physics Range Extender). Regarding the cam fix code in PRE, I spent quite some time trying to figure out how to mitigate the flickering that begins when an active vessel gets too far from the origin. The flickering starts to be noticeable after 50 km or so. By increasing the FlightCamera.fetch.mainCamera.nearClipPlane this flickering is mitigated ( at the cost of losing the near view of your vessel if the camera position is very close to the vessel). The code that I have in PRE dynamically increase or reduce the nearClipPlane. However, there is something that I don't understand. With PRE this was only an issue when I had two vessels loaded that are far from each other, the greater the distance the worst it gets (expected). But if you only have one vessel loaded and the hullcam camera that is active is from your active vessel, you should not experience any flickering at all. And finally this leads to me think that if PRE is fixing the issue when only one vessel is loaded, it has to be related with the default nearClipPlane value that I'm forcing: _initialClippingPlane = 0.21f; @linuxgurugamer On a different note I'd like to share with you a new mod that I have been developing for the last few weeks. It depends on HullCam actually ( I haven't done yet an official release, but I think It should be ready in one week or so) Not only this, but also I have created a gRPC server and a crossplatform Desktop client to extract the cameras and watch them on different computers:
  9. I think EVO includes a new TUFX profile. It is very easy to test it, just open the TUFX UI and disable the AmbientOcclusion or reduce the intensity to a very low value like 0.01
  10. This is a problem with the AmbienOcclusion in TUFX. I suggest to reduce the intensity and radius to something like 0.01 or even to completely disable it.
  11. Kerbal runs on DX 11 by default I think he has been away for quite sometime now
  12. I will need to add some logic to avoid switching to flags. The switch is expected for normal vessels. Basically it is a way to do a "physics ease" for those vessels that are landed and entering into Physics zone.
  13. ups, my bad! Thanks for the heads up Now it is fixed, code pushed to the repo and binaries updated.
  14. Hi all, I have release a new version of PRE for KSP 1.11: = v1.20.0 Recompiled for KSP 1.11.0 Improved physics ease/landing method when TerrainExtender is Enabled You can find it here: https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases/tag/1.20.0 Enjoy!
  15. Hi guys, I did a new release of VesselMover recompiled for KSP 1.11. You can download it from here: Release VesselMover for KSP 1.11.0 · jrodrigv/VesselMover (github.com) and from CKAN.
  16. Just to let you know guys. I haven't released a version for KSP 1.10 because at some point I expect that the Runway Project dev team will become officially the new BDArmory dev team. They are doing great improvements to BDArmory and I highly suggest to use their brach. However, If you are interested in multiplayer then you will still need to use my custom BDAMultiplayer for the moment. Finally, as soon as a there are a new BDArmory ReContinued thread I will close this one. I might continue contributing to the new fork
  17. It is not a fix really, what I have done is to remove the Scaled object for the 64k surface textures because: 1. It does not work if you are flying or landed. 2. It consumes quite a lot of memory for just having some better visual when in orbit.
  18. It is not a bug but a KSP limitation. Personally I have deleted that surface cube map because it doesn't make sense to use it only in orbit
  19. Yes because they are completely unrelated. This mod only shows some FX destruction particles when a joint between parts breaks. Real Plume/ Smokescreen provides a higher quality exhaust particles for engines.
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