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  1. It was linked right here in this thread by schlosrat, Scroll up and read it.
  2. Ah this is amazing! This is one of the things I was missing to get to the other planets as I was really struggling to figure out the connections manually even after watching instructional videos. I might can actually play the game properly later. Thank you for making this.
  3. Except unlike with KSP 1 they at least have something to start with now. So surely it shouldn't take any where near as long as it did for KSP 1. Certainly not "Multiple years" as you claimed.
  4. This is already in the base game for KSP 2. While you are in the VAB there is a button at the bottom you can click on where you select the destination and it will tell you if you have enough Delta-V to get there. It's new in the new game. Also it was described and shown in the tutorial things you have to click on when you started the game. This is just a suggestion here but: perhaps maybe in the future it might be a good idea to read those early game tutorial messages instead of just clicking on them to get the message off the screen. EDIT: I edited my comment to word it more politely.
  5. I don't even have to prove anything. Just go to google and search for: KSP 2 youtube <planet>, people have already been to all the planets in KSP2. KSP2 isn't special. It's just KSP1 with a new GUI. If people could make it to the planets in KSP 1 they can do it again in KSP2. It's not even difficult if you have a few thousand hours of experience with KSP 1.
  6. Speak for yourself: I have managed to construct and launch into space even 1200-part ships in KSP 2 and I have even constructed an entire space station on the launch pad and sent that into orbit. I have a ship that is in orbit around Kerbin in KSP 2 and has 54,000 delta-v of fuel left not counting the 4500 delta-v in the small lander mounted on top of it. I have managed to fumble my way through manual deep space navigation and make it to land on Duna in KSP 2 and I have orbited Jool and it's moons. It's difficult but doable. I hope we get Maneuver Planner some day to make this task easier as the ships we can make in the new game are amazing.
  7. I watched that entire video and I couldn't find any mention during the interview of the developers actually stating they want to support and will support mods and modding. Maybe I missed it? I had to pause and AFK A few times. Also the reason I started this thread: There is a lot of talk on the steam forums about there won't be any official mod support at all for KSP 2.
  8. Yes I agree. But this thread did not exist yet as a formal request and so I decided to create it as I think it needs to be here. So now it is here.
  9. Can we get some sort of official word on this? Will the developers allow mods for KSP 2? Yes or no? I am hoping the developers comment on this as it is a simple yes or no question. I am not looking for a lengthy debate or huge discussion on it. It's a very simple question.
  10. It seems that MechJeb does not treat Ion Thrusters as "Engines". We can not properly use Ion Thrusters as our only source of propulsion with MechJeb when doing maneuvers in space. MechJeb does this weird sputter-sputter-thrust-thrust thing at about 50% engines with Ion Thrusters and it's not actually usable. Also MechJeb AutoLand will never calculate landing properly if we're using Ion Thrusters as our only source of propulsion. Can this please be fixed? Ion Thrusters as primary propulsion are a very important part of "Super Deep Space" missions.
  11. Do I really have to install RemoteTech-redev just to install this mod? I really don't want to completely re-design / overhaul the entire remote comms system.. I just want bigger antennas that reach further and nothing else.
  12. Exactly what I said. The more antennas you put on a ship the better your reception range, and the range of the antennas. You can combine lots of small antennas and get better range than a single large one for example.
  13. Welp that didn't work. I tried putting a pylon down, attaching it to the ground, then putting a RTS on a ship, running the hose out to about 20 meters, connecting it to the pylon, and attaching a mechjeb module to the side of the pylon so it stays (command control module) and tried a quick save and the pylon just explodes in to nothingness when I load the quicksave. That doesn't work either. I tried putting a small pilot seat on the pylon.. nope, load quick save, *BOOM* pylon and everything on it vaporized. I tried turning on persistent debris in the in-game settings and trying to quick save and reload and it just disappears. So none of that works either.
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