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Everything posted by Sarxis

  1. Been trying to move the clock icon to custom locations in each scene. Position settings will stay until I move to another scene, then they all reset to the defaults. Am I missing a step to keep them in their custom positions, or is it bugged? Oh I forgot to mention this is for the 'basic' button positioning - no Blizzy or Stock toolbar button.
  2. One thing I'd love is that the AA interface (Master; Director; Course; FBW mini control interface plus any activated sub GUIs) automatically activates for anything that launches on the runway - for me, it's always open on my planes, but I have to do a few clicks everytime to get it setup and in place.
  3. Got an answer back from Nil - said that he is looking for 'KKAOSS_LS' in the part names to put them into the Life Support category. So I amended the 1.25m Fertilizer tank name with it and it seemed to be working fine in my test, and the part showed up in the custom category! Will give amending all of the USILS part names with it and giving it a try
  4. KKAOSS_LS you say? Gave it a preliminary try with some USI-LS parts, and it seemed to work just fine by changing the name.
  5. So I've found a new way to use the Magnetometer boom to my advantage when collecting science in the KSC mini-biomes: I stick it on the sides or front of my proto-rover and extend it like a proboscis to touch the various buildings and sites. Retract, rinse, repeat for bonus science!
  6. Hey RoverDude, I'm wondering if you could answer a question for me: I have the PlanetBase mod installed too, and the dev has a custom tab called 'Life Support' in the vab. I'd really LOVE to have all of the USI LS stuff be able to show up in that tab along with the PB life support stuff as well! But is moving that stuff something an end-user like me can do? I've scoured all the files I can and I don't even know how a custom category is added to KSP or how one can move existing parts to a custom tab. [I'd also love to move all of the PlanetBase stuff to the Kolonization custom tab if that's possible.]
  7. You can dismiss the Kerbals anytime from the Astro complex. What I found interesting though was that in Science mode, even engineers and scientists can pilot (SAS, prograde, retro, etc.). So pilots? Pointless. Besides I'm using Mechjeb anyway...
  8. Recently restarted a new Science mode game - I love the focused, non-contract nature of just doing science to advance in the game. But man, Jeb was always first in line to volunteer for missions, and I just have no need for pilots in Science mode! Bob's the man!
  9. AGE is such a in-depth mod, which was the reason I stopped using it. It was just too many options for me! All I really want is an AGE-lite where I can see groups 1-10, and 'maybe' be able to add and subtract from those.
  10. I'm wondering about the custom 'Life Support' category that gets added by KPBS: I'd actually like to add the USI-LS parts to that custom category, but I'm not sure if I'm even able to do that, or what the category name would be for the parts files. I've tried a few iterations (Life_Support, Life Support, lifesupport).
  11. Ahh ok! Same with 'Perform Maintenance' too then? Do you happen to know how to enable the Replacement Parts in vanilla LS? I can dig around the module I suppose, but, I dun really wanna.
  12. I hate to bring up the Replacement Parts and Mainenance thread again, but what exactly does this do in vanilla USI-LS? Are the replacement parts just a timer? I tried following the earlier discussion on it but got lost. Also, as a 'very' side note: I have a 'Kolonization' tab in my VAB tabs, but I don't have MKS installed. Is there a way to disable it, since it is empty at the moment? Current USI mods: LS, ART, Sub, Warpdrive. -edit- Nevermind about the 'Kolonization' tab - it's not from the USI folder. But who else would add a 'Kolonization' tab? -double edit- OK, It's in the USI-tools folder. Do we still need the Tools folder? Not sure where it is in the folder though to disable it.
  13. Does the Greenhouse depend on having Lifesupport mod installed? I have a question about the Legacy folder: is all that stuff deprecated? Can I just delete that (to get rid of the deprecated connectors from the tech node)?
  14. I have no problems modding it myself, but I'm just wondering why it is the way it is. Maybe there's no particular reason then.
  15. I really don't understand why we get the TVR-200 before the TVR-1180c. It seems the progression from bi, to tri, to quad makes more sense in the tech tree.
  16. Does anyone know what the effects of it not 'locking' are in-game? Just curious, but not important.
  17. Just drop this into the CTT.cfg and all your problems will go away ;P @PART[USILS_Greenhouse_IL]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = hydroponics }
  18. Thanks for the clarifications everyone The other thing I'm wondering about - RoverDude did you intend for the 25000 Inline to come so early in the tech tree? It comes at Survivability, sooner than the 5000 in Recyclables. Should the Inline come at Hydroponics?
  19. Curious about the Mobile Processing Lab and RT-500 recycling: I assume the recycling effects don't stack. So if I have both on a ship, how do they affect the Kerbals on there? Does one take precedence?
  20. Thank YOU for being awesome! You folks in the modding community contribute so much to our games, and especially KSP.
  21. Ahh yeah - you can really see where the continent meets the ice shelf at that lake! Great tip
  22. Using 1.1.3, so yes I noticed the EVA method doesn't work anymore. But Landed by 'solid' water... intriguing!
  23. I'm curious how some of you have accomplished the 'Landed at Kerbin's Waters' situation. I've heard it is possible to do it with an aircraft carrier/water craft, and I speculate there may be some small islands where it may be possible to accomplish it. But I am curious what kind of crafts you used to creatively finish this science mission.
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