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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Gave jeb a mallet and 3 stakes. first one fell in to the ground and 2nd stood upright but was not counted by the can till i had an eng stand next to it it then became her base
  2. taniwha, I was building with one the other day but then added city and broke all building whacked city and updated all the mods i had previously and now its still not working figured i would ask since i vaguely remember some mention of a issue with survey stakes. [Edit] Bah got a case of the stupids.... engeneer must put steak in. jeb got one stuck in the ground upright even... thought oh i put in a steak....
  3. survay stakes working in current release? I just had a kerbal place a stake and the survay can is not finding the stake.
  4. cicatrix i couldn't get their grab hooks to work right harpoons work for me though ?! and if under gravity don't retract to lock
  5. Good luck, I just found this due to the ongoing debate in mks about the 50th kerbal costing a full load of karbonite. I got super hyped till i noticed it broke epel. Cant wait till the 2 work together. the construction drone looks very interesting. I see another builder like me... I made a little rover with 2 domes and 120 pop for my first creation with this mod.
  6. Rover is it intended to nerf the science by only allowing 1 science station to run at a time per vessle? I have a space station with 5 labs but can only use 1 at a time no matter how many scientists/data i have. when 1 of the labs hits 500 data all of them say nope cant do it. I just picked up 15 data points from the mun and converted about 3 to data but Im now stuck waiting for that 1 lab to process it out. for any other lab to do any thing [Doh just noticed other posts mentioning that it works that way.]
  7. DAGNABIT you gave me hiccups from that picture i laughed so hard.
  8. when all your craft start with 5M starlifter parts.
  9. You sir get extra special cookies, double if you know about the tonganoxi split. I had a miner explode on me because of phisics loading after it filled up with 300k$ worth of ore I am assuming it decided to squish the engines but not sure. have you tried the sr docking ports? i find those tend to slide off craft reaaly easily had to strut them to all my craft Jonrd all my spontanious explosions with 1.0.x were with new stock parts. the parts bay was exploding my craft. had 2 batterys in it and a mini k tank as soon as the launch pad loaded blam i lost my control node that was sitting atop the craft.
  10. hehe I have to use the heavy landing gear to do that. I put them on the torch engines and then after it lands retract gear so far that has been decent. though I strut the dickens out of the underside but thats 1/2 due to reloading phisics while in flight. had one lunar base fall appart in mun orbit due to loading the game. now that half my part count is struts i dont have that issue
  11. when your mining platforms demand daily walkies beyond the confines of the launch pad before they do their dutiful digging. https://youtu.be/F3oN5JM4QXQ
  12. stupidity for the win. productivity is absolutly killed by stupid people... just got a chance to test that shipyard with 1 completely smart pilot 1 half stupid eng and 1 completely stupid eng. all 5 stars. starting productivity was 1.6 with all 3 in there. moved both eng to the other part of the ship and productivity went to 1.8 moved the half smart eng back and it went to 2.6 ship prod is now -1.3 with stupid manning the rest... was at .4 positive with all 3 in the launchpad. looks like im gona have a ton of manned resource probes in the near future to use up the stupidity in my applicants list. That beig said looks like the oks/mks inflatable work shops for extra productivity wont make a difference for the launch pad oh well just means i need 4 really smart eng.
  13. Tarheel good point I may have to check that part out on mine. taniwha I wasnt sure since the launchpad was at 2 but the manufacturing plants that had 2/4 kerbals in it were at 12-16 productivity. I think tar might have the point though. I just threw every kerbal i had available to try and speed things up. I will have to keep an eye on stupidity and stars to see what happens
  14. productivity, The shipyard is running at 2.0 vessle is 19 any idea why the difference is? I added 6 oks workshops to the ship to up the shipyards ability, also is it possible to load kerbals on the shipyard? i have 10 kerbals on the ship.
  15. Rover back on those dynamic messages... is it expected to have the shutoff button disapear due to lack of energy... ie making it so you cant turn off an object since it is out of energy? I had a set of drills running and the probe didnt have much solar/batery so they would only run during the day at one point i decided to take off but due to lateness in the day it was low on energy so attempted to shut drills off so it would have energy to fly again. no luck since no buttongs to turn it off with.
  16. I have 1 of every thing scanner wise and a coms antenna to make the stock work. ka-100 / m4435 / m700 / Planetory survay / spectral analyser / btdt / sar / radar / multi spectral / surface scanning module Turning off narrow band restriction worked. but why was only water affected I could see all other resources normally?!
  17. Is any one else having issues getting watter to show on scansat? both kerbin and the mun show watter normally on the big map. when I open the zoom map it does not show any information If i select any other resource but watter it works normally. since the lines on the mun are so stinking small I am having a hard time finding a location that has water and all other resources. I can mostly figure it from the big map but would be alot easier to zoom so i can get exact values. btw Dmagic awesome job on this so far
  18. sorry about that been a long day... on launch pad the adv scoop does not allow enabling of the collectors. Get it in the band of k and the buttons suddenly appear. I think the collector around the mun also suddenly started working so not sure if thats accurate as it hadent worked till my game crashed and I restarted. drills enable buttons are available when in a collectable resource but are not available in space and in soil's lacking any resource it can mine, water scoops are the same. I don't remember it being this way before the 1.o update, I remember it being turn it on and it tells you, you don't get squat/not present.
  19. Is it possible for players to edit the efficency of the k and k+ engine parts? It would be nice to make the isp on say the karbonite engines 25-50 ponts better than the standard game giving a reason to mine for karbonite. I edited the karbonite ratio on one of the engines and have not seen any changes on isp in game. It may also be tempting to use lox as a consumed coolent on the k+ parts.
  20. Magnicificent work so far yet another mod thats must have for ksp to be dangerously fun i absolutly cant wait till you release kas for 1.x I use the ground pilons and such for a ton of stuff in all my creations I am SO missing them right now. course all my works need about a million struts to
  21. Is it intentional that you cant turn things on till it hits the resource your after? ie the scoop and drills I cant turn on untill its got resources in range. Im assuming the scoop is waiting for resources as i havent bothered to dig up where exactly it is... was to busy playing with the warp drive to bother yet i did notice the drill was not turning on till I set down on eve and then redeployed it then it would give the option to start drilling. same for the water scoops. I take that back 1.0.2 i cant use the adv scoops at all... though i did make a cool looking "communications satalite" with 4 of them
  22. I cant wait till ksp 1 support is good... I soo love this mod. question is there a way to speed up the construtions? ie linking 2 pads together etc for large projects.
  23. hehe locustgate im with ya... SOOOO cant wait for v1 support in scansat those new popup mini maps look SO awesome i will be poking the heck out ov eve with that... oh any plans to have karborumdrum scanning? i cant wait to get that on the maps to. even if its just what has been seen by usi's scan having that data available on the main map would be a big help. I would not enjoy ksp 1/2 as much wo your scanners and kas
  24. I have been fighting with a probe for quite a while to get it to work in a 3 tier cargo bay. The bay has a green ball attach point in the middle of each section and unless i stick the docking port on that and rebuild a probe every time from there It wont attach. if I stick a clamp on the top of the carbobay it works immediatly. I find this quite frustrating as i would preferr it to have sensors on the nose rather than a docking clamp. Am i missing something or is this a bug or general game play gotcha?
  25. the tutorial pics hopefully explained it all.. now to fire up ksp and see if i can find any resources.... hehe will have to launch a fleet of probes in to orbit to speed up the process...
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