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Everything posted by stickman939

  1. Aha, I'm glad you did because you just solved my problem... I couldn't get the mod to work! lol Was wondering where the crap the BoulderCo folder was
  2. Awesome! I hope you enjoy it. Any time!
  3. *** Recommended: BDA to function as intended Trajectories for easier orbital aiming *** Guys look! I made a video for it! Download this gloriousness from here CurseForge or SpaceDock (^Will be updated more often here^) What is planned? Why? Wanna see it? Thanks to Mr. Manley for being awesome and playing with this mod back when it was in its "hay-day"(?) and was actually maintained by the original dev. lol Log
  4. Top 4 winners will be featured in my next video, and subsequently raced against each other. Will be linked here in case you wanna see it [Reserved for video] Challenge will last until Monday (3/28) Recommended Mods: Kerbal Foundries TweakScale Required Mod(s): BahamutoD's Burn Together Buffalo MSEV {Reserved for the leaderboard] Submissions will be judged by: Rules:
  5. I definitely think that the range in which the bombing reticles are seen(if that's the right word) should be increase greatly for high altitude bombing and such.
  6. You know how the stock landing gear takes a couple seconds to release after turning brakes off? It would be an awesome thing to be able to adjust the time it takes to release the brakes, and alternatively engage them as a separate "slider" It would be an awesome addition to Tweakables as well
  7. I have a submission! Hopefully it is up to the job as well. Here is the Xerox - X2 10 Aha, perhaps I should have watched the sample video before building. Oh well. AIM and AMMARAM should work well enough,,,, hopefully xD
  8. Recently, as you may know by now, Kerbalstuff has officially been killed. I, for one, am saddened to see it go. It was the most useful mod site for KSP in my opinion.
  9. Anyone have an alternate DL link due to KS being shut down? Edit: Nevermind, I finally located it in the torrent provided by the guy who ran KS. (Shoulda guessed it was organized by Username lol)
  10. Anyone else having a problem with the rotary bomb rack? I.E. Not rotating and bombs/missiles dropping Or am I missing something? lol
  11. A Nuclear MIRV woulda been amazing for one of my recent "cinematics" LOL xD
  12. Have you tried uninstalling the game and running on a stock game to see if it makes a difference?
  13. Kerbal Joint ReinforcementActive Texture Management Use. These. Two. Mods. It may simply be down to your PC. If you're running x64 bit, you're definitely out of luck as that version is buggy. Crashes are a regular part of the game until they get it optimized to run on more than 4gbs of ram regardless of how much ram you have, phys or digital. Also, meet the Kraken. Destroyer of ships. If this doesn't work, then I dunno how to fix this.
  14. If you have module manager, that might be the problem. I have a similar issue also. Uninstall all your mods AND KSP altogether, to see if that changes anything. Then download mods that use MM to see if the problem happens again. Otherwise, I'm unsure how you fix this problem, sorry.
  15. What is the craft size of your ship? (I.E. bytes, KB, ect) If it's 0, then that's your problems. It's been my problem a few times.
  16. Whoops. I forgot to mention that I do have those off as well... Sorry
  17. In IVA, I'm not able to see thru the windows, but can see/use all other IVA instruments. Mods: Firespitter (plugin only) G-effects Kerbal Engineer HyperEdit Kramax's Autopilot LLL's Stock Extention Trajectories mod Tweakscale MKI Cockpit (is the same for all stock IVA) http://imgur.com/oLTyRfK (top left shows altitude) http://imgur.com/xbbaG1H LLL's Stock Extention mod IVA (Is the same for all parts) http://imgur.com/vJVdZvo
  18. I'd say that's a perfect replica right there, Gaarst! lol
  19. You should DEFINITELY remake this with moving limbs via IR
  20. Impressive! And an ingenious use of that tail part too! - - - Updated - - - I look forward to seeing it.
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