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Everything posted by fallout2077

  1. In reply to Starwaster, I got into KSP around version .23, but didn't hear about RF until version 1.0 of KSP was released. So, I know very little of RF's history (until Starwaster's lesson, which I appreciate him providing to me). For some reason I just thought that RF used IFS, which I apologize for ignorantly believing. And in response to Raptor, it would seem like quite the task to get RF and a mod that uses IFS to play well together, which means that I'll either be learning something useful soon or just not using the mod that uses IFS.
  2. Wow, I did not know that. Now, in your humble opinion, if I install another mod that requires IFS, should I not use that mod, seeing as how RF is a bit finnicky in regards to IFS?
  3. Doesn't Real Fuels depend on IFS for, well, switching between all of the different fuels? Or did Starwaster integrate his own code to perform fuel switching?
  4. Is SolverEngines the culprit, then? I've been keeping my eyes open for all of RF's dependencies, hoping to see one of them update. Thus far, Interstellar Fuel Switch seems to be the only dependency that has updated. Thanks for the heads-up, Raptor!
  5. Starwaster has released version 10.8 of RF for KSP 1.0.5. Granted, it is a pre-release, but technically RF has been updated for 1.0.5
  6. Hey Raptor... I seem to be having an issue with your stockalike RF configs. During startup of KSP, loading hangs as soon as it reaches parts from mods that are modified by your RF configs. I figured that your configs were the culprit as the game starts up perfectly without your configs installed, but as soon as your configs are placed into the GameData folder, I see the issue described above. I will post my KSP.log file with this post. I thank you for your contribution to the community, and if you could provide a down and dirty fix (aside from deleting the parts mods affected by your configs), that would be great; otherwise, I hope that this report will help you in the development of your configs for KSP 1.0.5 and Real Fuels. Have a great night (or day)! Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7n1raxx70j8t2j4/KSPlog.zip?dl=0
  7. I know. I just figured I would post this bug just in case it would help when compiling a new version of RF for 1.0.5.
  8. I've encountered a strange bug that seems to stem from Real Fuels that renders the game unplayable. I am playing with KSP 1.0.5 and using RF 10.7.2, and when playing a game using Real Fuels the game becomes quite choppy performance-wise and absolutely no parts are loaded. It strikes me as odd that Real Fuels would cause this problem, but upon removing Real Fuels from my GameData folder, the above issues are resolved. I will post my KSP.log file with this post. Log file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/18kur1vyis9gw27/KSP.log?dl=0
  9. I was under the impression that the sun is supposed to look like that... I found nothing wrong with it, and I actually found it rather nice.
  10. Thanks for the info, my friend! You have a good night, as well (or day, depending on your locale).
  11. Thank you for the informative reasoning behind your appreciation for Hot Rockets over RealPlume. I'll admit that I never had to mess with the configs in RealPlume (I tried to in Hot Rockets, though I found them confusing as I was unable to find a guide that fluently explains the architecture and meaning of the Hot Rockets config). And is it true that RealPlume is built off of Hot Rockets? Not to sound argumentative, but I find this difficult to believe.
  12. I'm posting here to educate those who may not know about RealPlume. And I couldn't really understand what you're trying to say (I'm assuming English isn't your first language), but from what I gathered, you're saying that you like Hot Rockets more than RealPlume because it has the same (or better) FX than RealPlume. If that is what you're saying, then that makes me assume that you've never used RealPlume, seeing as how RealPlume has much more FX to offer than Hot Rockets ever has. I'm just trying to be a decent person and inform and educate everybody about the better and more active mod.
  13. I really hate to sound like a jerk, but nobody should be using Hot Rockets anymore, seeing as how RealPlume has a very active community (and an active author), has much more impressive-looking effects, works with a far wider array of engines (both stock and those included in a mod), and it just works. So, for the sake of your eyes and your brain, switch to and stay with RealPlume; you'll be glad you did!
  14. Yep, as well as installing the RSS-compatibility config that Scatterer includes. Perhaps I'm installing RVE incorrectly? I put the contents of the RVE archive (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements and RVE) into the GameData folder, as well as the contents of Scatterer's archive (with the included RSS compatibility config, of course).
  15. Hello, all. I am a first-time user of RSS+RO+RVE, and from what I've played, it does feel like quite a different game. The only problems that I've run into so far, though, is with atmospheric haze (from orbit) and very low clouds (they seem low to me, anyway). I applied the clouds from the alt+e menu, and I am also running KSP with the x64 hack and the unfixer. Low Clouds: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pxaud5ed4isl0a2/Always%20Low%20Clouds.png?dl=0 Blue Patch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zk9eadv78s19fb/Blue%20Patch.png?dl=0 No Haze: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9eew3345g60xmdl/No%20Haze.png?dl=0 I also forgot to mention that I using the version of RVE for 1.0.4.
  16. Regarding your full day/night, read the OP to find out how to overcome this. And second, are you using Scatterer? In my games, Scatterer turns the atmosphere just around 20km pretty dark.
  17. I found everything that I need in those logs and from the configs. Thank you for all of the help, my friends!
  18. I thought about the possibility of those values being in the configs, I just figured it would be too good to be true. Now that I have confirmation that they are, in fact, in the configs, I shall have to scan through them. Thanks, Cantab! No problem, KillAshley. Never-the-less, thanks for the quick response! EDIT--- I looked in the config files, and I do in fact see values for most of the data that I am seeking, though I don't see a value for mass. Is this because KSP doesn't require that value?
  19. I figured that you would have a similar stance as most of the other mod-makers on x64 KSP (can't say as I blame you), I just figured that I would throw it out there. Its good to know that the issue has already been brought to your attention, though. I didn't know about other users not having that issue with KCT when using the x64 hack; in every install I have played ever since I started using the x64 hack, I saw the issue, and I always had KCT installed, so I just figured that with the issue disappearing following KCT's removal from my GameData folder, KCT was to blame. Good to know, I suppose, that it is just yet another fault with the x64 version of KSP, and not with the mod. EDIT--- Well, apparently I spoke too soon. The KSC starts at its most basic level when a new game is made, but upon exiting to main menu and re-loading the save, all of the buildings are upgraded to max. Bummer.
  20. KillAshley, could you post the values or attach a document that contains the information for the bodies, such as their mass, radius, semi-major axis and rotation period/speed? I like to write up spreadsheets containing orbital and physical info regarding planetary bodies, and these values would be invaluable in doing so. Thank you!
  21. Hey Magico, I think I found a bug involving your mod and the x64 version of KSP. When I have KCT included in my mod list, the KSC is fully upgraded when starting a new Career game. However, when removing KCT from my GameData folder, and upon starting a new career game, the KSC is at its un-upgraded state. I thought about KCT being the culprit when I was playing my RO+RSS copy of KSP, and when starting a new career game with that, the KSC would be in its original, unaltered state (I don't have KCT in that install). So, I figured I would try removing it from my normal, mod-laden install of KSP, and lo-and-behold, the problem of a fully-upgraded KSC was fixed. So, I figured you might want to know this, just in case you didn't already. Have a good day!
  22. You've reached your peak with stored messages, so I'm sending you a response through the visitor message system. I am installing Manjaro.

  23. Evidently MarcAlain isn't aware of AIES, and its incredibly long period of dormancy. The previously released (before the brand new version) was way back when KSP was still in the .23 phase. It just updated to 1.0.x several days ago. So, wait a while before allowing the negativity to set it. This mod's author most likely has an actual life that involves stepping away from video games for a while. Plus, why should he update when the mod doesn't have any (as far as I know) discernible issues?
  24. What makes you think that HGR is (or will be) kaput? I see no reason to believe why this mod would be fading away.
  25. Ahh, okay. The forum thread (non-KSP, a forum on NASA spaceflight, here http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=10742.0) had assumed that the green was a result of the composition of the nozzle's materials.
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