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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Well, now, I know why it doesn't work. For my sake, I thought about the issue moments after I had the plane undocked from its Eve injection module. I should have thought about it earlier, I'm so stupid That's the Kerbal way of life, all in all
  2. Today, I'm quite proud to have built my first SSTO in my KSP history (I played the 1 for quite a time and never got to terms of doing one myself). It may be a piece of crap for the most advanced builders, but it's working, and I hope it will work when I'll send it to Eve, cause I intend to retrieve 3 stranded kerbals there. (Please, don't spoil me the surprise, I guess it won't be enough to get out of eve, but I want to try it).
  3. Could you follow the contents of this post? I'll look unto your log and hopefully we will be able to find something that will help
  4. It happens to all key bindings. When you launch the game, you have to open the key binding interface and update a binding in order for the key binding to be load to what you saved.
  5. I assume it's a bug. Can you explain your problem with more details?
  6. I can't say exactly if it's related. But I encountered strange behaviors (crashes, unability to launch a vessel from the VAB, etc…). I deleted my game data folder and started from a blank page, and the game was much more responsive, loaded faster, etc… I hadn't that much vehicles in orbit, no more than 5 to 7, and about the same number of debris. But I guess it's expected that the game performs better on a clean save than on one that has multiple objects to track
  7. Seriously, this just smells of troll... Smelling is a cute verb in that case. The guy was so angry he typo'd his own name, and posted in the first section he saw, unfortunately, it's not the correct one for his subject… I think there's nothing to see there.
  8. Seems like a bug where the engine still thinks your ship is landed (can you check that's your issue?)
  9. And a lot of key binding are static Accelerate / Decelerate ground vehicle Move Left / Right a ground vehicle Exit map view Grab ladder Board ship (guess there are more I didn't thought about / discovered)
  10. In my opinion, there's little use to have multiple of these windows opened at the same time, so I would suggest to move them in a tabbed window, where you would have a tab for Engineer report / part manager / etc… This would remove clutter in the VAB, where we need space
  11. That's actually right. But it may be a poetic licence (cause it's beautiful, even if inaccurate)
  12. Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I forgot what I was looking at. Good point. Again, my appologies
  13. Chill up Now that you said that you cannot destroy them from map view either, that's another issue. Because you didn't say so in your first post, and we don't alway think of a hundred ways to solve something. (or sometimes, we miss an obvious one)
  14. Hi. Can you have a look there and post details on your issue?
  15. Yes, because destroying debris from the map view works (for me, and a lot of other players)
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