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Nitrous Oxide

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Everything posted by Nitrous Oxide

  1. Yeah, definitely. I'm kind of at odds with how PFairings lets you have some ridiculous looking stuff. It's a simple fix... just limit the maximum diameter of the fairing to be relative to the size of the base ring (maybe 1.5x max?). Either way, you're already limited to the size of the base ring depending on your tech level. True that. I don't complain about being able to make whatever graphic art in Photoshop... I pick my own limitations and go from there. The way some people in this thread put it though, is they'd rather have their color palettes predetermined because it's too hard to figure out what works on their own. Billy needs someone to hold his hand. Sorry if it's mean, I just don't see why my creativity should be limited because someone else can't figure out what to create without a hard limit.
  2. Except that's completely wrong, fairings are used to protect the payload from aerodynamic forces so that your satellite actually makes it into space in one-piece. We've never had to use fairings to this point because the stock aero is absolute garbage. Tell, me... do you see rockets with a bunch of gadgets and gizmos sticking off the side or are they as smooth as possible? Fairings aren't inconsequential, in fact a bad fairing design will completely cripple your rocket. It's just as huge as fuel tanks, if not more so because it actually factors into whether or not the rocket actually flies, not just how much TWR and dV it has. Procedural tanks should be a no brainer if we get procedural fairings. Seriously. We already have procedural tanks in one sense, just with 20 different models. What do you do every time you pick a piece from the menu? Right, you choose a length and a diameter. I swear some people just don't want to think and want everything handed to them on a silver platter. How is having more options ever a bad thing in a game like KSP? If you can't have self-control and make your own limits for your sandbox games, why are you playing KSP? Go play Skyrim or something with clearly defined goals and objectives, because that seems to be more suitable.
  3. Seriously, half of you probably never build planes because most of the essential parts require something like B9. I used to be a rocket-only guy too, but after 300 hours you start to get curious about planes and what it takes to build one and make one fly... and the game is really lacking in that area.
  4. Double-check in the Hall of Fame section of the persistence file, for mission count to be tracked properly there needs to be both an L+ entry and an M+ entry with Bob Kerman's name. Time is handled in seconds. For example: FinalFrontierHallOfFameEntry { time = 2198407.29728955 name = Bill Kerman code = L+ data = } FinalFrontierHallOfFameEntry { time = 2198443.05728959 name = Bill Kerman code = M+ data = } As per my post above, L+ defines the start of a mission and M+ defines the end. If you're missing one or the other, it won't show up properly when you load the save the next time.
  5. Great, but you totally failed to see the sarcasm and original post that I was parodying.
  6. Great, but why model an N1? The Soviet manned lunar programs were cancelled nearly 40 years ago.
  7. See, but it's really important because if it's "The Mun" it implies that Laythe is also a "mun". If it's also "The Mun", than what is the proper name of this mun? Or did the Kerbals not bother to name it? Why isn't it "The Minmus" then? Is Minmus also a mun?
  8. Wouldn't it just be Luna? That's the same naming scheme we kept for the rest of the planets (their Roman deity)... so in my mind, the proper name for The Moon is actually Luna. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luna_(goddess)
  9. S+ is the tracking data for Science Recovered, so if you limit it to one per Kerbal, they're never going to get the culmative science ribbons. I'm fairly sure you shouldn't delete anything since FF seems to work as intended in these regards, multiple of the same code but with different times are used to track things that require more than one event... (culmative missions, contracts, science, etc.) Here's what I can tell you quickly from glancing over my save: L+ - Launch (mission start) M+ - Mission End C+ - completed contract S+ - recovered science (and data value is how much) EX+ - Exit (begin EVA) B+ - Board (end EVA) [i'm not entirely sure on these two] Everything else seems to be ribbons.
  10. What's wrong with dark pictures??? :confused:
  11. Basically doing this and using the automatic backup mod that Nereid also wrote seems to at least be able to resolve the problem if you come across it...
  12. If you use EVE and PlanetShine, KSP is graphically gorgeous.
  13. I'd like to think we aren't supposed to aerocapture in gas giants so easily... imagine if KSP had some kind of weather system, ships would be violently destroyed a lot more frequently around Jool...
  14. Because RemoteTech, like any other serious overhaul mod (RealChute for example), doesn't work within Squad's existing Antenna module (or Parachute module)... they scrap it via ModuleManager and replace it with their own modules. If they wanted to keep that right-click menu button on every antenna, that means another function to check if the antenna is actually on every time the button is clicked because afaik it's hard to make conditional menu buttons (one that only shows up when the antenna is on). This way, it's only done when actually handling a potential science transmission and it only has to check whether or not the antenna is on when you actually want to send data. Keeping the "Transmit" button is just a lot more work than it's worth from a programming perspective.
  15. What is this terrible argument of "IRL, customers have to fit their payload inside certain fairing diameters"? Hello! We're a space program! We build & designs our own rockets, obviously we need the ability to design and build our own fairings to fit our payloads. I can't even believe some people would rather have 18 parts that confine them to a fixed-style of play vs 6 parts that allow you to still build stuff in traditional KSP-fashion... People who don't want procedural parts just have a phobia of having to make their own choices it seems. Always easier to work inside the box than to think outside of it, metaphorically.
  16. Oh boy, music... where do I start? I suppose this'll do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzz35a6BREs
  17. Figures, I don't want to use NovaPunch because then I can't run full-res textures.
  18. Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, possibly DOTA2 (Idk, don't play Dota)... Valve has been experimenting with this for a while.
  19. Rewarding modders for the work is a great idea, and Valve has shown it works well. However, let's keep it reasonable... because game devs aren't the only ones that have to eat, eh? My first few years in college weren't exactly me eating steak dinner every night... so I always keep the younger crowds in mind when it comes to games and pricing... after all, they should be the prime audience above all else...
  20. Elon just wants to fire rockets into the sun.
  21. Pre-order KSP today to receive these exclusive spaceship parts!
  22. Yeah, pretty much. The culture of DLC and microtransactions is killing gaming. Games used to be about the game, not about how much money you could milk out of your blindly loyal fanbases.
  23. I've been thinking about doing something like this, kudos. Always fun to see what other people do.
  24. Hmm, I thought it was strange when building my RT networks... I gave them absurdly huge batteries they apparently didn't need for stock's electric charge processing... Basically as long as the satellite had at least 1 unit of EC, it was an infinite com. relay when not in focus... even satellites without solar panels... Huge kudos for this, now I can build a real satellite network.
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