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Nitrous Oxide

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Everything posted by Nitrous Oxide

  1. Oh yeah, let me just run on down to the PC library and swap out my laptop for something that actually works with KSP. I have 956 games on Steam, and it's safe to say that after 515 hours, KSP runs the worst of any (seriously, I've never had an application ctd so many times in my life). I thought nothing would ever surpass PlanetSide 2 in terms of "eyes bigger than your stomach" so to speak, but like seriously, developers, know your limits and especially the limits of your engine. Unity is meant for tablets and phones. Not games the scale of a solar system. /facepalm Ain't no fix for me, I've already tried everything. I'm not about to spend my weekend installing Linux just to find out that, no, there are no drivers for my card... KSP used to run beautifully pre-0.90 and now it's all broken. Mods don't do anything special, except make the game crash a bit faster... all my issues are still around in stock and other people have already reported them (memory leaks for example).
  2. Running out of memory certainly isn't some weird, odd instance with only my game either.
  3. To be fair, I should have seen that coming... FinePrint had those, stock currently doesn't. Now it all makes sense. Somewhere, buried in all the crap, the voice of reason. Now why can't they just straight up explain that from the get-go and save people like me the frustration of "oh, here they go again, adding more stuff and ignoring what currently doesn't work!"... especially when the know they community will be at odds with it. Yes, but does Squad?
  4. I just love people immediately white-knighting "the cause" and not even rationally trying to hear us out. I've iterated about a half dozen times that I actually use a mod right now, currently, that add female Kerbals myself in case you want to know where I stand. I'm not saying, no don't ever add them. I'm not even saying don't add them right now. I'm saying finish what you started before starting other things! Is that so goddamn hard to understand? Right, of course, because it's automatically tied to gender. Because I don't want female Kerbals right now, I'm a misogynist. Cool. I don't care what the hell the feature is. I DON'T WANT ANY MORE FEATURES. I WANT MY GAME TO ACTUALLY RUN FOR MORE THAN 15 MINUTES FIRST KTHX. I'm not even going to get started with aero... especially when Ferram offered his expertise and Squad basically flat out ignored him. Now they're probably going to break FAR instead.
  5. When everything they've half-added to the game is fully-added and working without bugs...
  6. Because Soviet history isn't really celebrated in North America or much of the rest of the world. Heck, as a kid they only taught me who the first Canadian woman in space was. Yay, nationalism!
  7. I'm an artist and a coder. Maybe Squad should just hire me?
  8. Welp, guess I have to completely remove B9 now (whatever's left of it, anyways). Either that or just downgrade to 0.25 and quit bothering until gold.
  9. Wait, you're shocked that the forum has a hardcore user base that actually care more about the inner-workings of the game and it actually being playable or not vs. a pop-culture argument that is literally echoed out on every corner of the internet? I'm not against female Kerbals, it's just... like... how do I make you people understand that currently, right now, KSP is unplayable for me. My 8GB of RAM is going to waste because the game can't even use it! And they're just adding yet another asset, which means more RAM! And even if it's only 20MB, that means I have to pick and choose which 20MB mod I have to remove! But whatever, gender equality is clearly more important than a working, functioning, playable product. If Squad just focused on optimizing the game first, we could have female Kerbals later, and NO PROBLEMS! WOOO! EVERYONE WINS!
  10. It's not that girls are stupid or they are less important than rocks or clouds, it's in terms of gameplay significance, would you rather the artists invest their time in a model that for 95% of the game is inside the ship or in the box in the bottom corner, or on actually beefing up the pretty boring planets that actually exist in the game?
  11. Fair enough, but space plane parts, new buildings, and who knows what they add after this is more where I'm coming from... I'd just like some reassurance that they're at least aware of the problem before they add so much to the game that they don't know what to start fixing... I for one already use a TextureReplacer pack with female heads, so it's kinda moot for me personally, as it will actually stockify something I currently run (well, uh... about that...) a mod for.
  12. Err, I guess I had a rough week. Work sucks so I take it out on the internet... but that's my business. If the mods want a word with me, they can, until then I'll speak my mind... just don't take things personally. I generalize, a lot. Sorry if I offended you... but I do think the whole conspiracy thing is a bit silly in the days of YouTube... I mean, I like the idea of aliens and all, it's just silly to think the government of all things is competent enough to suppress something like this for 60-some years... lol. Giving more evidence that it's certain optical effects at certain alignments of the 3 celestial bodies and the station. In fact, the more we see, the less and less these conspiracy theorists have to work with, especially if/when we can map them out.
  13. It's just a coincidence the feed cuts out right after a moonrise. Which is nothing strange, a TV feed from space isn't something we plan to have 100% uptime for... but of course with the vast majority out there having very little idea on how the mechanics that move their world and lives work, they'll jump at any coincidence and invent the most outrageous theories because it can't be that simple to them. It's space, it has to be aliens. They're too inferior to comprehend anything else. If it was aliens, we'd damn well know. Also, people don't like being shown up by smart people, thus perpetuating the whole debacle even further. Oh, the scientists who actually work with this stuff for a living say it isn't aliens? What the hell do they know? Or even worse, that they're all lying to us... as if a group of humans is that coherent to maintain a conspiracy involving the biggest, most profound thing humanity could ever discover. Hanlon's razor dictates otherwise.
  14. Nice moonrise in the second vid.
  15. Lens flares depend on angle and intensity of the light... as well as diffraction and some other things... light is pretty complex. Either way, the Earth is nothing but a giant reflective light in the scene, and to me, it looks like it's that light reflecting off the outer lens/cap of the camera, maybe as the camera angled as the station moved along the orbit (remember things happen fast in space, km/s fast). Anyways, I wear glasses, and seeing light do all kinds of weird things and make patterns and stuff through my own spectacles puts this kind of stuff into perspective a little better.
  16. Physics (and by extension, optics) should be mandatory in school. a) That's like a 320xsomething pixel res camera with absolutely ZERO detail and hella JPEG compression (well, not quite JPEG in this case, but the same concept just with video ). Lights and lenses do fun things.
  17. Aye, but we're just forum "trolls" so Squad won't listen to us.
  18. So we're not allowed to have opinions that aren't your own and have to be censored otherwise? Especially if that opinion might make others uncomfortable? Sorry ladies, but I actually want to play my video game, not sit here thinking about how fun it would be if it actually worked. See, it really isn't about the ladies at all... in fact, I love the ladies. I don't mind female Kerbals one bit, just is this really the time in the dev cycle? Maybe you shouldn't be so hellbent that this is a good thing, when clearly the game has massive issues that need to be fixed before anything else is added.
  19. I hope it changes my mind... I want to actually play KSP...
  20. Well how about the other things that are actually substantial to the long-term health of the game (ie optimizing existing assets before piling more in there)? We get fluff and are supposed to treat it like they gave us a new solar system to explore or something... hooray? Sorry for not faking any enthusiasm when there are more critical things they should be working on. I for one could care less if Kerbals have a gender or not, they're not people, why should it matter? Can you really tell the difference between a female and male cat or dog without checking the obvious? They could literally just add female names to the database and spend five minutes and then get back to work on actual important things.
  21. Nope, MOAR ASSETS!!! Is it too late for a refund?
  22. Can't wait to see how horribly unoptimized they are as well. Because the first thing a game that is unstable for at least 30% of players due to RAM limits needs right now is more assets. Also, should I start the push for trans-gender Kerbals now? I mean, equality and all... don't half ass it when you can go all the way.
  23. Nice, I think I'll build something with this. Suggestions... how about a HotRockets config?
  24. AFAIK, stock is actually really bugged in that regard... I used to try that (even had them set in action groups), but the game would always lock out one antenna... at least with RT I can reliably extend them all every time... just throw some more batteries and solar panels to mitigate the drain... As far as being able to edit that... pretty sure not. At least not without doing some re-compiling of the plugin yourself.
  25. I've noticed that too... KSP doesn't seem to be grabbing the full 3.5GB anymore... And this is Windows, so the issue is OS-independent it seems. 0.25 I could load a GB of mods in full res, now I have to set it to 1/2 res just to make it through load... and that's with ATM... any way to make full use of this 2GB VRAM I have?
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