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Everything posted by Janos1986

  1. Or you can just edit the file and change the names as you like.
  2. If you asked me this last week, I'd say Minmus for easiness and multiple biomes, but since 0.90 came out, well... I find Duna more fascinating. The sunrise is soothing.
  3. Granted, the actual industry will physically time travel 50 years into the future, leaving the world in a new dark age. I wish I had more spare time for my hobbies without having to quit my job.
  4. The handle now tastes like gingerbread!
  5. Banned for spinning around too much and getting everyone dizzy.
  6. I can't get it past 12 meters, dangit.
  7. Did you just say "SHOW ME AN EXAMPLE"? Just kidding, here anyway, this is my long-range space cruiser / space hub.
  8. It is actually pretty low, anyway you can try to build the vessel in a way that every part of it is recoverable. In this specific case, you can place lots of parachutes to keep a passive descent below the impact speed of the booster, so in the end you'll only have to pay for the fuel. And try to land it neatly on the runway, of course. It's 100% value or nothing.
  9. The Wiki has yet to be updated, they just need some time. There is no info about the new biomes either, for that matter.
  10. I really hope there is a bit of a tolerance threshold for those missions.
  11. I hope the new contracts randomization won't ask EVA reports on planets with atmosphere, like some old contracts asked to test TT-18As outside Kerbin.
  12. When your ship's mass starts deforbiting nearby asteroids.
  13. I was wondering the same thing. Thanks y'all.
  14. You should see the waypoints on the map mode, target one by selecting it, and it should pop onto your navball.
  15. Una a caso, anche sgarrupata, basta che non abbia forme buffe. Sinceramente sono secoli che non ho bisogno di guardare quello che faccio sulla tastiera. E infatti è lercia.
  16. Rilancio con la mia navottona NUCULARE interplanetaria King Arthur, con due lander ciccioni per estrazione e raffinazione di Kethano, rispettivamente denominati Merlin e Lancelot. http://imgur.com/a/VdsTK
  17. Maybe you should check the binds in the options menu, and re-map the R key just in case.
  18. I didn't update to 0.90 yet, and I have a question for those of you who may already have maxed out a kerbal pilot. Do the ground locations for the aerial survey contracts count as a target in the navball? If so, can you just select one and tell your kerbal to fly it to destination? It would be pretty useful while using physical time acceleration, since aircraft (at least the aircraft that I make) have the tendency to get a bit crazy and point down even with SAS turned on.
  19. An orbital lab with nuclear engines, a dockable lightweight lander and at least 3 kerbals are IMHO the most cost-effective way of grinding biomes. Should you change radically the type of body you want to study (i.e. you finished Mun and Minmus and want to move to Duna) you can simply return the whole thing to Kerbin, recover just the lander, and send up a more suitable one, with added parachutes for example, and reuse the same lab+engines module over and over. It can save you a lot of money, maximize profits with the "Explore" contracts, and make science grinding simpler.
  20. Good morning everyone, I just felt the need to join more rocketheads like me. I've been playing KSP for about 7-8 months now for a total of 200 hours, and restarted my career every time a major update went up to revisit my gameplay with every new mechanic KSP has to offer. For this reason I'm still stuck at landing probes on Eve, manned missions on Duna and various activities on close moons. And since 0.90 came out, well, I guess I'll have to scrap my savegame and begin anew. Again. I like my game as stock as possible, except for Kethane Mod, K.E.R, and the docking GUI, since I don't really feel like spoiling Squad's work too much. I hope to bring some useful content to this board, for now I'll lurk some more and see if I fit in somewhere. See you around!
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