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Everything posted by Janos1986

  1. I was landing an SSTO and kept smashing onto the runway because the craft would spin out of control just 10 meters from the ground. Turns out the quicksave I made earlier forgot to keep a piece of wing.
  2. Not impressive as the others, but I landed for the first time on the Mun (on 0.90). I was on a steep slope, so I went out for an EVA, the SAS turned off, and the lander tipped over on its side. RCS was not an option, so I climbed back in and tried something desperate without thinking: I pointed the nose down, throttled up to 20℅ and hoped for something to happen. And it happened. The ships components acted as a spring while it was scraping the ground, so it snapped back and jumped for about a couple meters off the ground, which was all I needed to make a full frontflip with a 90° roll and land it back on its legs. That was the day Malwin Kerman won an olympic medal on the Mun.
  3. When the kids are asleep on weekdays I play KSP for a couple hours in the evening, on weekends I easily play for about 4-5 hours a day.
  4. Keys for initial placement and the gizmo for the fine tuning.
  5. Since it's useless to reduce drag in stock KSP, they just might make it a fuel tank that makes the rocket look better. Also, space potatoes.
  6. Does it work with remotetech? If it does, what's its range?
  7. I put 2 interconnected satellites in keosynchronous orbit, one to the extreme east and the other on extreme west of KSC, at a longitude which barely keeps line of sight with it. So basically they act as rear view mirrors, giving me near 360 degrees of coverage at almost all times, eclipses excluded. The only blind spot is at the opposite side of Kerbin in very low orbits, but since I plan to use them as relays for extraplanetary operations, I don't give a blub. VERY CRUDE MSPAINT DEPICTION INCOMING:
  8. The farthest I've gone is Dres. I always felt the need to flesh out all the biomes with all the science instruments before moving to the next celestial body, so by the time I got near Jool, a new update came out with radical changes on gameplay, so I had to scrap the old saves and begin anew.
  9. I'm playing with remotetech and SCANSat so I usually stuff more fuel than needed in the last stage, so I can change their orbits for various purposes, as scanning a planet or use them a comm relay.
  10. This should work with Planetshine since it's just a raise of the minimum light level and not a change in type of light but I'm asking anyway. Does it work with it?
  11. I don't get it. Seriously, I don't. I'm seeing tons of threads of people having trouble with fine tuning of orbits while I complete satellite contracts by the dozen by simply eyeballing orbits (or using KER data for Mission Controller contracts) without even being so precise about it. Is there a rising degree of precision I'm not aware of? I miss the tricky part of contract orbits,really.
  12. I use Mission Controller 2, so I get fined 20k every time a kerbal dies. Yeah, I'm very concerned about their safety.
  13. Also, if you run out of fuselage and your CoL is slightly in front ot too far back, you can fiddle with the rotate gizmo on wings to balance it. I usually place the wings on the bottom of the fuselage with the tips slighly pointing up, and then I increase the AoA. If I have rear elevators in a design, I tilt them in the opposite direction of the wings to balance the CoL's height, which is important too.
  14. Uhh I do this all the time, at a point that I trim them until they are level to a decent cruise altitude, 7km for fighters and 15kmfor long range recon planes for example. Never had problems, my planes are pretty nimble. If you want, trim the angle of attack unti you find a good balance, its not impossible.
  15. Yes, it is entirely made of granite.
  16. Trajectories mod can help you with that. It generates a white line which represents the orbit after you aerobrake at your actual periapsis. So you only have to radial burn back or forth until you get a periapsis (and therefore an apoapsis) that you like.
  17. Since the last update I have noticed the annoying way KSP automatically messes up the staging during assembly, throwing parachutes together with engines, or mixing up SRBs when one is on top of another, or mixing up decouplers. Double, no, triple check your stages before launch. I remember it to be more precise in 0.25, or maybe its' just me.
  18. Uuuh backup battery. Never thought of that. Neato.
  19. This. Like K.E.R, it would be nice to restrict KAS activities to engineers.
  20. There is a contract customizer in the mods with a built-in compatibility with ScanSAT. Mission Controller 2 also allows for ScanSAT and Karbonite contracts, if I'm not mistaken.
  21. First post to see if there's an index or links to the last version of a mod, then from the end backwards for a 10 or so pages to see if there is another new version that the OP forgot to add in the first page.
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