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Everything posted by Janos1986

  1. To me KSP still feels incomplete, so I vote no. But bugs, memory leaks and assorted krakens are not my point. I'm playing KSP, and I'm having a blast, because I modded the hell out of it. Leaving bugs and technical issues aside, too many mods are needed to add depth/accuracy/meaning to the game to call it "done". Career mode is too dull IMO, the fund/management part is almost irrelevant unless you play in Hard mode, where it only gets grindier. It needs more content, more challenge, more purpose, things that are now only provided by third party mods. Going gold is basically saying "we're going to patch the game from now on for the occasional bugfix here and there, some marginal feature every semester/year, but the core content you'll get from us it's all here". And I think Squad could achieve more than this.
  2. It's a bug. I don't know what triggers that, but it just happens sometimes. So much for "we're ready for 1.0".
  3. My top pilot in my actual savegame is a female, according to TextureReplacer at least. Anyway I'd like my tourist kerbals with an hawaiian-ish spacesuit.
  4. Experienced the NaN kraken twice on an Ike probe that WAS ALMOST THERE and learned that the big SAR antenna of SCANsat has, unlike most of the other parts, collisions whith the rest of the ship, since it destroyed my solar panels while they were turning to the sun.
  5. Small thing among the others, but the BACC sucks and needs a bit more oomph.
  6. Once a month you're gonna regret your ever started the mission, like when your lady is in full PMS.
  7. Eh, I'll just use this, convert rock into karbonite, bring it down and sell it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91790-0-90-Asteroid-Recycling-Technologies-v0-6-0-2014-12-16
  8. Vulcan? Kerbals with pointy ears?
  9. Also, we basically did the alpha test and now we're doing beta test for free on behalf of Squad. If retail KSP introduced monthly fees I'd feel offended, dunno about you, but I would. I hardly doubt that they would do such thing, I'm just imagining possibilities.
  10. Nooooooooes Oh well, I'll set the thread to answered then. It could at least yield some science though. Anything on that?
  11. Basically the ALT+F12 menu of the universe. I call dibs on time travel though.
  12. If KSP was subscription-based, I personally wouldn't have been interested the slightest bit, as I'm not fascinated by Star Citizen or Eve Online. I'd rather have my game a bit buggier or community-driven, rather than paying a monthly fee. Games haven't always been money milking machines, you know. I liked the way they were.
  13. Truth be told, the small Rockomax is heavily OP, even if I find it very useful for that.
  14. 1. Always have a Plan B. 2. TWR and DeltaV are the key to success, or at least to avoid certain demise. 3. Keep it lightweight. 4. Always recover when possible, even spent lifters. Except booster. 5. Have fun. If some contracts pay well but feel more of a chore than a challenge discard them, unless you're broke. You're playing, not working. That's all that comes to mind for now. Maybe I'll expand.
  15. KSP was never really designed for that, you know. Anyway, is it really the engine that damages the carrier or the rocking back and forth in the water? You know, water in vanilla KSP is more like molten concrete. You could try using the Better Buoyancy mod and see if it changes anything.
  16. I mean, it would be cool if you could. If you can get money back from resources like monoprop or xenon gas, you should be able to do that with iridium or whatever material the asteroid is made of. Also, there SHOULD be some demand for asteroids in KSP. They're space rocks, for crying out loud, how cool is that for a kerbal's point of view?
  17. I know it's probably a dumb question that it has been answered already, but I put a class A asteroid in an 80km orbit around Kerbin for a contract and I thought "can I make some bucks out of it?". I never felt the need to land an asteroid on Kerbin so here goes. If I strap parachutes on an asteroid and land it on Kerbin, can I recover it as a normal ship? And if so, does the recovery yield funds? Discuss.
  18. There is no sandwich, it was a metaphor for the hunger of the spirit. With peanut butter. What is love?
  19. Asymmetric thrust helps sometimes. Try to tilt the engine nozzles slightly upwards until you manage to balance your pitch. Note that this will give you some trouble in vacuum if you plan to leave atmosphere so have some reaction wheels to balance that out, if you're staying on kerbin you should be fine. Also, more pictures would help, since position and angle of wings and engines are fundamental.
  20. In KER you can target a body and look for relative inclination, ascending and descending nodes even if you haven't left kerbin. Dunno about VOID.
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