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Everything posted by Janos1986

  1. I think he may refer to a lift stage for a separated payload, so SSTOs don't count.
  2. Paper beats rock. YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT.
  3. Because the rocket malfunctioned. It would have used to get to the other side instead. Also:
  4. I'm afraid to die alone. And in my recent wake of personal events, I probably will.
  5. Cool, pro, rad, incredible and the like. Sorry for the internet slang. With 1.0 and the ability for Kerbals to climb ledges, get ready for some EXTREME PARKOUR!!1!!!1one
  6. Sorry pal, I might just steal your design. That lander is awesome!
  7. There's the Mk1 pod statue and you can climb on the flagpole, but mainly people use the buildings for MLG stunts with planes.
  8. I usually do this when I have more than one reaction wheel in significantly distant stages, since they tend to bend and shake (and ultimately tear apart) the rocket at an alarming rate.
  9. Seriously, why are you concerned about it? Ignore them, I do. It's not a multiplayer game, there are no enforced rules, nobody can tell you what to do to have fun.
  10. I tried to build a space shuttle to dismantle my old space station piece by piece, felt the orange tank was a waste of money and fuel an thought "eh, I'll just make an SSTO" And so I did. The pics are from the maiden flight of the Leviathan I, as you can see it lacks RCS thrusters. The purpose of this test flight was to see how much oxidizer could be left home after a KSC landing from a 100km stable orbit; it went pretty good, I ended up saving around 550 units of it.
  11. Add more parachutes, and make sure it lands on the engine, since it has more impact resistance.
  12. Check alignment between center of thrust and center of mass, but remove your jet engines first, since the CoT is calculated by all your engines combined. It seems to me that the nuclear engines need to be moved up a bit.
  13. Good movie, not great IMO. I felt the director tried too hard to give the movie a philosophical layer and ended up with cheesy 2DEEP4U shots (i.e. the "umbilical cord" scene in the ISS).
  14. It's all in their hands (and heads). If Squad can expand and diversify with other genres or other kinds of simulators, they can go big.
  15. Yet to see it. I want to though.
  16. Awesome when you're landed at Kerbin, a little less awesome when you're in orbit and it cuts your solar panels output and you don't notice because you're still well lit.
  17. Because creating stuff that works relaxes me and gives me a sense of accomplishment. Also, Jebediah.
  18. Today I tried to complete a Minmus gravitational scan contract, which paid 166k funds at the end, by keeping the ship as low-budget as possible. I ended with Dr. Gravioli, an ion-powered probe. Total cost 23K funds. I unusually felt like taking screenshots, so here is my boring mission.
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