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Everything posted by JAFO

  1. Damn.. and here I was thinking I was badass just because my coffee dissolves the spoon.
  2. What do I think? I think you need to learn the difference between a fact and an idea...
  3. Who is this "everyone" you speak of? Lots of us, myself included, do not have the game installed via Steam.
  4. Hey.. I never named names.. all you had to do was stay quiet.. but no....
  5. I guess nobody told him the world's first trillionaire has already happened. And they're not an asteroid miner. (Hint - their name isn't -and will never be- on Forbes' World's Richest list. They don't like publicity.)
  6. Are you not going to go back up the thread to find out for yourself what's going on?
  7. Well done! A pity you didn't have more pics of the assembly process though.. I'd love to have seen that.
  8. Yes, here it is: With the release of 1.4, stock KSP and its' launcher both made a number of connections to the internet. Quoting from what I told someone at the time; Of these, the Launcher is now defunct, so that's no longer an issue. And since Redshell is gone as well, that just leaves the two Unity Analytics phone-homes. I have had all the above ip addresses (except kerbalspaceprogram.com, naturally) blocked in my Pi-Hole blacklist ever since 1.4 was released.
  9. Lookin' good! Best wishes for the lawn build.. I haven't tried that myself yet.. it looks painful.
  10. That's beside the point.. the whole point of the OotT is that it's still done with the same ruleset as the Challenge. And incidentally, there's nothing "just" about becoming a Trilobite.. that's caveman on steroids material. So the same high standards ought to apply. Manually calculating dV is fine.. empirical testing is fine.. but mods that act as design aids.. not fine. It's not my call... that's up to @The Dunatian. But If it were up to me, well... let's just say that I'm in full agreement with decisions that rejected other attempts that did the same thing.
  11. Quite a few times in the past, doing this (even though it is in a separate gamesave) has been regarded as violating the spirit/intent of the rules... just sayin'
  12. The list you supplied? Not only no, but HELL NO! KAC and a stock dV readout.. and that's IT.
  13. I was curious about the 1-8 antennas range, so I did some more checking, and found I'd made a mistake with the single antenna data (I missed seeing an antenna hiding in the shade, so what I quoted for 1 antenna actually turned out to be the data for 2 antennas). The table has been corrected. I've expanded on the information by adding results for using 2-7 antennas to the original table as well. In theory yes.. but I suspect only a real masochist could cope with that kind of grind. (And don't forget.. there would also be the grind needed to raise the necessary funds!)
  14. Oh boy.. talk about a comedy of errors! Gave me some good laughs. I feel your pain, but.
  15. Hey.. That's more a failing on the KSP devs part, than yours.. In other news, I've been playing around with relay clusters at Snarki-Dres, with L1 Tracking Stations. Turns out to be VERY feasible. HG-5 Antenna Clusters @ Snarki-Dres Number of HG-5 Antennas Signal Strength Percentage 1 0% 2 4% 3 15% 4 25% 5 32% 6 38% 7 43% 8 47% 16 65% 24 73% 32 77% 40 81% 48 83% 56 85% 64 86% 72 87% 80 88% As the formula for antenna-stacking would suggest, the law of diminishing returns starts kicking in after a while, but it's clear that a Snarki-Dres-probe with 8-16 HG-5s on board should have no trouble staying in contact with Kerbin. Putting 2 or 3 16-24 HG-5 cluster-satellites around Snarki-Dres ought to be fairly easy to arrange as well.
  16. The only relay antenna available to Cavemen is the HG-5. It's just a matter of stacking enough of them onto a single craft to extend the range out far enough to be useful. I found that with L3 tracking stations, a cluster of 88 HG-5s orbiting Eve gave an 11% signal at Eve when Eve was at closest approach to Kerbin (so for 90% of its orbit, Eve was still out of range, and Duna was just never gonna happen). I estimate that to do the same thing with L1 tracking would need something on the order of 500-1000 HG-5s, so it really wasn't feasible. Snarki-Dres, on the other hand, is a lot closer to Kerbin than Eve at closest approach, so it may just be within the bounds of possibility.
  17. Hmm.. interesting. About a year ago, I did some experiments to see how just powerful a comms network it was practical for cavemen to construct (turns out in a stock system, it's simply not practical at all), and I think a setup capable of permitting control of drones around Snarki-Dres MAY just be feasible. I might put some time into experimenting with that.
  18. Woohoo! I've been waiting for this! Do you still intend to do the video with commentary? Re "Rolly 1". I see a second design flaw there.. if that thing loses its balance, it's not going anywhere either! A bold idea, for sure.. but maybe too bold. Looking at the first part, it occurs to me that the highly eccentric Mun orbit simplifies the job of getting to the Mun somewhat.. I'm looking forward to learning more about your later difficulties.
  19. While I've nothing against empirical testing, surely it would have been easier to just calculate dV and TWR whilst in the VAB?
  20. Well done! As it says in a certain well-known song, "Look at that caveman go!"
  21. Congratulations, @IncongruousGoat! I imagine it'll be a good long while before you're in the mood to do orbital assembly without patched conics again..
  22. Never underestimate a determined caveman! Congratulations on a truly stunning achievement, @Muetdhiver!
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