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Everything posted by MatterBeam

  1. Hi. Can the following mods work together?: KSP Interstellar 0.13 KSP Interstellar 0.90 Post by Boris-Barboris KSP Interstellar Extended by Freethinker KSP Interstellar/Near Future Integration by Freethinker Thank you.
  2. Hello. I'm trying to start a colony with MKS and thought Multipurpose would reduce a lot of clutter. But now I can't find a Command module, which I'm told is the unit to start with. When I switch between colony module configurations, Command is not one of the options... What should I do?
  3. I really like the ingame aerospike engine. However, its low thrust prevents me from using it on larger rockets. I tried using tweakscale, but it has not subdivisions between 1.25 and 2.5m. I'm interested in creating an Advanced Aerospike engine by switching the regular aerospike engine's ParticleFX from yellow to blue. I can already work the .cfg file settings, but have no idea how to change particle colour. The other, more difficult project I have in mind is a nuclear aerospike. It looks like the LV-N, but the nozzle is replaced by an inverted Shock Cone. Blender flies right over my head, so I guess I should request this. Unless someone can tell me how to replace just part of a model with another without using blender stuff...
  4. Hi! Is there a way to stop the game from giving me certain types of contract? While I love the 'explore X planet' or 'land X craft on X body' missions, I absolutely detest the contracts that ask me to test certain items landed/in flight or go and survey specific areas... I'd love to know how.
  5. Well, the spheres on the side are coolant, so they should be at least connected to the reaction chamber with a tube. the thin tube going down to the nozzle should be the propellant, circulated around the nozzle to keep it cool. There should be tubes going both ways: one down from the tank, one up to the reaction chamber. There should also be provisions for gimballing: maybe set the whole thing on joints.
  6. These look amazing! Tell me, are you sticking with chemical rockets only?
  7. Rescalefactor in the .cfg file can give you an identical model, just bigger.
  8. Hi! I'm trying to add a modpack that includes a variety of rocket engines, an extended research tree and realistic science experiments. However, as the thread has mentioned, I have never modded for KSP before, and I have zero experience in modelling. Project goals: I-Rocket engines: 1-Convert all calculated data into .cfg files 2-Create low resolution stock-like models for the new rockets and fuel tanks II-Science Experiments: 1-Alter .cfg files with new text and science outcomes 2-Add extended experimentation options to the stock modules. III-Integration into the research tree 1-Add mod parts to existing nodes 2-Extend the research tree with mod nodes Currently, I am able to do .cfg file editing, so I-1 and II-1 can be completed. However, I need to be able to do the following: -Create a model in KSP that combines existing in-game models into new ones. -Program extra options into the left-click window of in-game science parts. -Modify the research tree Can you help me, or direct me to where I can find answers?
  9. Thank you very much! I'll get back on point 3 after some testing.
  10. This is fantastic work. What are you using as a reference model?
  11. Hi! I'm trying to make a series of interplanetary drives that use nuclear technology. I have made and tested modded config files that have the proper statistics for the engines (thrust, Isp .ect) However, I want to go further. Currently, all I can do is duplicate existing engines and change the characteristics. Visually, they are identical, which is annoying. 1)How do I change the rocket exhaust color and intensity? For example, a 25000K Open-Cycle Gaseous-core Nuclear engine, the exhaust would leave as a near-invisible deep purple haze. 2)How do I make engines use a different resource as fuel? The LV-N in-game uses rocket fuel and oxidizer. How do I make an engine consume Xenon gas or Monopropellant, as stand-ins for LH2 for example? 3)How do I force the game to consider four or five parts stuck together as one model? For example, I want to create a Gasdynamic Mirror Fusion engine that requires a very long tube, radiators along its length and a reactor at the bottom. In-game, I would attach two Gigantor XL solar arrays to an S1 SRB-KD25k rocket booster, and on the bottom, link an Advanced SAS Module, Large to a PB-ION Electric Propulsion system. My wish to click on the 'Gasdynamic Mirror Fusion' engine and have all five parts appear stuck together and functioning as one engine. 4)How do I make engines consume ElectricalCharge as a resource? 5)How do I make models bigger or smaller without using modelling software? Is this possible through configuration files (rescale factor)? Thank you for your answers.
  12. Yes! However, that mod is much too complicated and time intensive, and I loathe using the editor to skip the resource-collecting (ISRU) part of the mod.
  13. Oh thank you! What is the test editor though?
  14. Hi! I'm looking for a mod that allows me to add an engine to the game with characteristics I choose myself. What I'm trying to do is implement technologies such as Nuclear Salt Water rockets, Inertial containment fusion reactors, Fission Fragment drives or even antimatter rockets. I don't need special visual models... Is there anything like this out there? Or, Can it be done by tweaking the game files?
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