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Everything posted by MatterBeam

  1. I have a problem when trying to minimize the game to the system tray. I use Iconize to add running programs to the tray. I have tried several different programs but all have the same result. KSP 1.0 briefly appears as an icon in the system tray, before returning to the task bar as if minimized normally. KSP 0.90 could be iconized normally. I am using the same settings as in 0.90. Is there any solution to this?
  2. Hello. I literally cannot KSP without this part-reducing mod. I wish you the best of luck for a compatibility update. However, can someone still confirm whether Procedural Fuel tanks works in 1.0?
  3. Hello. This seems very interesting. How is the tech tree integration though? I'm trying a career mode.
  4. Hello. Is it possible to create an Extraplanetary launchpad mod that creates RocketParts from the stock Ore system for 1.0? I can fiddle with the converter's .cfg files if someone can confirm that EPL works in 1.0?
  5. No that didn't work Minimizing from fullscreen had no effect. Minimizing from windowed only removed the borders to create a borderless window (borders could be restored from system tray).
  6. Edit: KSP now runs with maximum UAC rights. The programs I was using to try and it send it to the system tray were run with lesser rights. 1.0 works great. Uses 1.2Gb RAM at startup, great FPS and so on. No problems to report ingame. However, I have a problem when trying to minimize the game to the system tray. You see the date and time on the bottom right of your screen? There are a few icons next to it. Most people have the battery/power on their laptop, wifi bars, a spinning Avast icon... this is the System Tray. I use Iconize to add running programs to the toolbar. Most extensively, I use it for Google Chrome. Right click on Iconize, select Google Chrome and it minimizes to a tiny Chrome logo you can double click to restore. KSP 0.90 allowed me to do the same. Switch to the Desktop or a non-fullscreen application, right click on Iconize and select KSP to store it away as a tiny icon on the bottom right toolbar. Other applications, such as Alien: Isolation, World of Tanks, Mechwarrior:Online all can be minimized this way. However, a few applications don't. They briefly appear as icons in the System Tray, then reappear in their regular minimized forms (large Icon + title in Taskbar at the bottom of the screen). KSP 1.0 is one of them now. It doesn't stay in the system tray anymore. It 'iconizes' for a brief second before restoring itself to the taskbar. Is there any solution to this?
  7. So it is impossible to use stock models for testing? I previously tested with empty MJ for zero resource production. Putting engines which consume MJ instantly drains the current configuration and no more MJ are produced even after engines are shut down. Cooling is depleted in 60 seconds as intended. However, just like the reactors, the radiators don't produce their custom resource. I'll do this
  8. Can I just send you the entire mod folder I'm working on? http://www./download/8fa74iavg8j44o7/000KF.7z
  9. I'll try that. If that doesn't work, I'm at a loss as to what to do.
  10. Resource file: RESOURCE_DEFINITION{ name = Cooling density = 0.0 unitCost = 0 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = false } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = MJ density = 0.0 unitCost = 0 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = false } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = UF4 density = 0.0001 unitCost = 100 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = TinCoolant density = 0.0001 unitCost = 5 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = LiquidHydrogen density = 0.0004 unitCost = 0.5 flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } I'll try setting the minimum values to 1. However, starting up KSP takes a long time >.>
  11. Please don't be a .dll plugin. So I'm trying to make a simple reactor/radiator/engine engine loop. I have two problems currently: Problem 1: Nothing works. Here's the reactor. This the Large version that produces 2GW. I used a custom unit, 'MJ', properly defined in a Resource.cfg, and an MJ resource shows up in the resource bar. Reactor: MODULE{ name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true requiresAllInputs = true INPUT_RESOURCE { name = UF4 rate = 0.0000918 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = Cooling rate = 2000 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = MJ rate = 2000 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0 maxAmount = 2000 isTweakable = false hideflow = True } RESOURCE { name = UF4 amount = 3172 maxAmount = 3172 isTweakable = true hideflow = false } RESOURCE { name = Cooling amount = 0 maxAmount = 120000 isTweakable = false hideflow = false } RESOURCE { name = MJ amount = 0 maxAmount = 2000 isTweakable = false hideflow = false } Normally, it consumed 'Cooling' and 'UF4' to produce 'MJ'. Problem: It just doesn't. The UF4 properly drains, but cooling does not and no MJ are produced. The Reactor is supposed to be paired with a Radiator. The Radiator produces Cooling in exchange for a tiny amount of ElectricCharge. Here's the Radiator: MODULE{ name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true requiresAllInputs = true INPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 3 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = TinCoolant rate = 0.00005 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = Cooling rate = 7000 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 100 maxAmount = 100 isTweakable = false hideflow = True } RESOURCE { name = Cooling amount = 10000 maxAmount = 10000 maxAmount = 10000 isTweakable = false hideflow = false } RESOURCE { name = TinCoolant amount = 1728 maxAmount = 1728 isTweakable = true hideflow = false } Again, nothing works. It drains ElectricCharge, but does not produce Cooling. Problem 2: Weird Firespitter stuff. Engine animation in the VAB... it works fine on the launchpad though. This only affects parts with the firespitter module I added: MODULE { name = FSmeshSwitch moduleID = 0 buttonName = Next previousButtonName = Prev objectDisplayNames = Level A; Level B; Level C; Level D showPreviousButton = true useFuelSwitchModule = false objects = WF0.5GW; WF1GW; WF2GW; WF5GW updateSymmetry = true affectColliders = true showInfo = true } The Next/Prev menu buttons appear, but clicking on them does nothing. Also, the objectDisplayNames do not appear. Can someone help me sort out this mess?
  12. Looks positively amazing. Sadly, I play using in dx11 forced mode. I know this messes up a lot of shaders, so I must ask: -Is this compatible with dx11?
  13. Here's something I made for 4 parts named KRS, KRM, KRL and KRH, with display names Level A-D. { name = FSmeshSwitch moduleID = 0 buttonName = Next previousButtonName = Prev objectDisplayNames = Level A; Level B; Level C; Level D showPreviousButton = true useFuelSwitchModule = false objects = KRS; KRM; KRL; KRH updateSymmetry = true affectColliders = true showInfo = true }
  14. I'm making a special fuel tank that needs to keep its contents heated. Therefore, it consumes energy without 'producing' any other resource.
  15. Thank you! Just to clarify, 'objects' list the general_parameters part name or the mesh model name? Also, are 'useFuelSwitchModule' and 'fuelTankSetups' essential for an engine?
  16. Well, what you can do is take the part, create a rocket with only that part, zoom in on it, then open the right-click menu and take a screenshot of that. Also, I just went through your mod and found your 'explodium' powered 88000kN thrust engine. To make it more efficient, you have to alter the 'AtmosphericCurve' numbers, not the fuel ratio. Higher numbers are better. The best LFO engines have 390. Nuclear engines in the game have 800, so they are much more efficient.
  17. please put an imgur album of this on your first post. Also, your mod shows a completed rocket with 100% stock parts and some procedural shape on the top. Which parts belong to your mod? what are their characteristics?
  18. Hi. This is probably the most complicated thing I'll ever do, but here goes: Is there a way to create the option to switch between several models for an engine part in the VAB? For example, I drag and drop an engine under a fuel tank. It has parameters A,B,C defined in a .cfg file, and is assigned model 1. I right click on the engine, and I can choose to switch to model 2. It has parameters D, E, F, assigned by another elsewhere in the .cfg file. I know this option exists, because this 'model switch' is used in procedural fuel tanks. How is this done? What .cfg code do I need to add to the engine?
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