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Everything posted by Arugela

  1. Technically I think it's 1.0.5 So +0.0.5 + 1.1.0. Unless it is not base 10 then it depends on which number system it represents. So, the original .05 was correct in a sense. ER and what he just said. I didn't even notice than until just now.
  2. Yea, I think at one point they said it would come after 1.1. Unless something has changed. I think they said it set the ground work for x64 window though.
  3. Now that I recovered my vessel and it is back to it's most recent incarnation and I have dropbox up in place of media fire, I thought I would reshare this sepetate from the Orion. Particularly since I am no longer using it with the orion vessel since it is not accurate to the actual Orion mining vessel. In case nobody is familiar with this(Most likely the case). This is a giant oversized piece of mining equipment meant to hold large amounts of fuel. It was an extra fuel compartment for another ship. This is why it has engines for 8x gravity(outside of the SF rockets I added since) as it was meant to be carried empty into orbit then used on planets to bring up extra fuel and potentially drag very large asteroids around for it's mothership(Up to hypothetical F asteroids if they are ever put in game). But it is basically capable of getting anywhere in the SS. Or at least I think it is. I'm still testing this and haven't gotten past Dres yet because of constant testing and modifications I kept making to it. Without the SF rockets it's mean to be carriable in MK3 cargo bays and can be split in two to stow away more easily. Instructions and keybindings are in the ships description panel. **This ship consists of a main rocket body and a probe on top that can be used for various tasks. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0yzdbxjjgya2adu/The Retriever x8 Plus V3 1_0_5.craft?dl=0 Edit: out of curiosity, if people don't like this, what don't they like about it? Edit2: Ok, still needs lots of work in important areas like rcs on the bottom of the vehicle to reconnect with the probe. I also want to add a science bay to run science if it's not too big and work on a few more aspects of the ship. Needs more RCS though to connect to large asteroids.
  4. It may have worked. I'm testing the ship to see if there are any issues. But the save has reverted back to the correct amount of parts and what it should have had before I started. Unless it falls apart it may be back. Something seems to have fixed it.. Here is the presumably recovered ship:(It didn't append the _rescue, but the ship is back to normal somehow since using the tool) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibj9w4ud22l0kmi/The Orion Retriever x8 Plus V3 1_0_5.craft?dl=0 Edit: So far so good. It seems to be back to normal.
  5. I need help badly to get a file back. The game messed up and screwed up my entire save. I have one ship I need back. And only one. I Moved the save files ship folder and it didn't transfer correctly into my backup file to save the latest version ofmy ship. I then(before realizing this) saved the backed up save back to my main folder. This left me with all of my updated saves back to the previous state and reverted back to the past 1.0.5 backup for that save. I put the game save back and now have the game back but the ship .craft file is permanently gone under all version but the correct version of the ship is sitting on the Launchpad from the quicksave but I can't use return to VAB to save the file and recover it. Is there a backend way to get a ship file back that is sitting on the launchpad. It must be referencing something to get the correct ship. So the game must have it save. How can I do this?! And how is it capable of being on the launchpad as it should be without a .craft file in the VAB folder It came from originally?! And please someone tell me why on gods earth this game does not let you go back to the VAB from the launchpad after restoring a quicksave?! It's absolutely idiotic. Where does it store the Information for the Vehicle on the pad. It has to have it because it is not in the ship folder anymore so it must be in the game files somewhere. It would take too much work to redo this ship from where the now old files left off. I've been working on this ship for ages now. I really need some way to resave or copy the file on the launcpad back into the VAB folder. I can't find anything indicating how the Launchpad is still correctly loading this ship when the actual game .craft file is not there anymore in the saves VAB folder... I really need this ship back. And please for the love of god implement auto backup features in this game. I'm so tired of having to manage backup stuff in this game manually. There are far too many bugs in this game to put up with and I can't stand having to do all of this anymore. It's way to easy to auto save over something or screw up a backup system you have to manually copy paste contantly. It's completely ridiculous. This is the reason computers exist. And this game isn't complicated. Making files auto save backup files in a folder should be easy for the game developers to do and implement well. Is anything else needed to get a save with the ship loaded on the runway like it is in my game?! Quicksave file mentioned: https://www.dropbox.com/s/836gzvic4ilod3b/quicksave.sfs?dl=0 Edit: BTW the save crash happened when the front of the ship exploded on Ike or something. I'm not sure what happened. It just blew up while trying to begin to land. I have fixed the save outside of the lost/outdated .craft files.
  6. That could be nice. But I think you should have to explore and get data on the planet first. Then you have a reason to send probes and scan stuff. Maybe even a satelite for real time stuff or something. Gives something to do as you expand outwards in the solar system. Although There is no reason not to scan once and use it. Maybe you need to collect all the data to use it in sims. It could even be an unlock. And until you scan the entire planet and collect all data on biomes and gravity you don't have the full sim. (At which case maybe a partial sim would do since you may only need so much for a specific mission.) It could be like getting data on the moon before the human moon mission. (Does Moon with two O's look funny to anyone now after playing KSP so long?) At that point the should make the scanners work so they only pic up stuff beneath them and maybe a certain depth. MAybe if sats scan high you can get low res images and data but high res or more detailed info requires longer lower scans or something. There is so much they could do with that concept to add stuff to the game. If you had to wait for overhead coverage to communicate and stuff too it would add more depth and realism.
  7. I think it would be useful to be able to set seperatrons and groups of seperatrons to have a delayed activation after the stage they are in is activated. This would help with burn damage depending on location on seperation. I currently have a ship where the seperatron is aiming right at the main ship hull. This sparks the log and makes it so I can't open it because of the numerous hits to items on the main vessel. What would be useful would be being able to set them to activate up to 60 seconds or more after stage so they fire in sequence set by the number. This could be accomplished with a simple slider bar like everything else in the VAB/SPH. 0 would be immediate burn and adding to the value would make it cound down before firing after seperation! For example I have 6 sets of seperatrons on my seperation stage to get large SF launch engines away from the vessel at about 4km. There are some far away I could activate immediately that may not cause alot of damage. Another set is slightly closer to the ship and could activate after 5-10 seconds. And a third starting right against and aiming at the main hull. I could activate these after 10-20 seconds to not hit the main ship and heat things in the log. This would be insanely useful to alot of builds potentially. And would allow alot of options for good ship designs.
  8. That would be great for old ships. I could just load the older version(which hopefully has independent save and ship files) and play them again.)
  9. Sorry, people who actually want to play with the aerodynamics need the stuff showing it. You may not need it but people who actually want to use it do. And why not not think simple mindedly and want all of it so the software is complete and thorough... Gee, everyone would win then! You guys think because it's not done by some developer it's hard to do. It should have been done. You need certain things in a game relative to how the game is designed. That wasn't so bad before 1.0. But the changes things and the rest of the game needs to keep up with it in all ways. If they can implement the aerodynamics they can implement the tool to use it. The one is much simpler than the other. Takes the same knowledge to do both.
  10. There is a display that shows it with the F12 button. But I don't think it works in the VAB/SPH. Did they mean that?
  11. I was trying to think of reasons a star destroyer may land on a planet in general. So, logically, maybe a look at its exact transport abilities or something similar would answer that. But of course being fiction it probably doesn't have that. So... They could have always made design decisions for weight by not being able to be self sufficient in space without space stations or similar from an outside source and use the planet to land and possibly do some of those things. Wether repair or transport of goods etc. Maybe they have to land to tractor beam things up where a transport ship couldn't do it. Think tractor beam reach vs transport ship weight capacity or cargo size. There could be endless reasons to land. All things have limitations. Especially in engineering.
  12. Faster loading and unloading?! Secrecy?!<--8p maybe they needed to load something that could not be loaded on an accompanying transport ship. Or repair large parts they didn't have a ship to bring up in part or some odd situation. Or some odd protocol?
  13. Is this a game or an actual thing for an actual space agency... It's kind of important to know this before submitting data..
  14. What gameplay element does it take away? You don't have to weld potentially and it could be on top of any existing infrastructure. But it could be used to reduce physics a bit and change the value of hardness of the joint. Plus you could give engineers more work to fix broken welds in space etc. Just treat it like a thing on top of and in addition to the current joint system. It would just be weld reinforcing. That would add to current game mechanics.
  15. I think we need more than the center of lift and an arrow now that the game has better and more complex aerodynamics. It was sufficient for the pre 1.0 versions but now it does not meet the needs of the game naturally on it's own. So what about more things in the VAB/SPH to help line up the wing surfaces individually. At minimum lines going from the wings showing what their individual affect is and then maybe something added to start showing degres of angles for the wing(With an actual given numerical value and in multiple directions) and maybe a grid system that can be toggled showing relative position on the vehicle(also with a set of numerical values). This would at minimum help see the affects of more complex aircraft and could also help if you have to take off parts and put wings back on in a precise manner. Then you at least have a chance of seeing where it was before and putting it back on if you change a base part like a fuel tank to a different type. (This also makes adding a thing where you can change the fuel type out a good idea. if there are visual differences just make it change the skin and the reference part and not make you move it like fuel types etc.) But I'm pretty sure the current system no longer is sufficient on it's own to show the aerodynamic qualities to build a craft well in this game. And I bet it's not the most complex thing to add. Just us the some red lines and other indicators and allow people to change how it looks a little for various practical purposes. Also maybe add some values to those arrows and lines to show the relevant affect on the COL. Something so we see more how the attributes of the wings affect it practically. This could all be really helpful if you want to make really weird planes.
  16. The ability to take any wing(or heck any item) and add a bend to it particularly good for aerodynamics. Also potentially good for fitting stuff in cargo bays. Maybe it could add structural weakness or whatever it naturally would. but it could be invaluable for plane design. Preferably the ability to effectively define a line and place it anywhere on the wing at any angle to bend it there or add a hinge etc.
  17. Can this be redone a bit(or refixed). Think something messed up the formatting. Some nice stuff to seperate and indicate which problem it's demonstrating(besides the pics obviously) might be nice to help it easy to sort through. 8) Or am I the only one seeing all the funky characters and stuff. This is still very helpful potentially. Just found this also: http://www.boldmethod.com/learn-to-fly/aircraft-systems/canards/
  18. IT WAS A JOKE ABOUT FARSCAPE. IT WAS NOT INTENDED TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY!! So , yes I was trying to be funny. AS I AM RIGHT NOW!! In farscape that is how the series started. It's about a guy doing a test in that type of module and he is launched by the space shuttle then he gets sucked into a black whole that is generated near earth from his actions(or radiation depending on how you want to look at it.). The government looking for him is to some extent part of the show even though it is a bit of a background thing. You know, OMG, a major astronaut in a televised mission is missing in space. Where did he go!!!
  19. I think one of the videos said this was planned along time ago to go in the shuttles. The farscape one may have been based on it. Or an ad for nasa to help get the idea to the public or something(Or bring it back up again). Not sure when it was designed. Maybe it matches up or someone on the show just liked it in general. It was shot from the normal shuttle at the beginning of the shows first episode. I would imagine it may not be a coincidence.
  20. If this is the new module when will or when did old johny take it up for it's test flight?! And is that what the government has been hiding this whole time?! Maybe that is what all the blackhole research has been about in the last decade. Edit: maybe now we will get a better way to dock ships in cargo bays. Or put them in to begin with! 8)
  21. Isn't the v'ger shape also the same as the borg boss in STO?(The two big long ones before the queen solo ship) Or like a combo of v'ger and those beings that built the sphere around the sun in STO? I thought it was already completely established somewhere that it was part of the origin of the Borg.. Edit: I just read some stuff about speculation of the possibility of a wormhole taking it to the machine planet and people arguing time is off. Just to add, if you follow the Farscape logic(just to add it) the wormhole could travel it through time! 8) Not sure if time travel is normal in ST wormholes though. And before anyone invokes the other argument about machine and biology being different(Which I was also just reading) and it not making sense. For anyone who understands anything biology is machinery. They are just different examples of it. Literally!!! Nothing but the use of different materials. All things physical are examples of mechanics. All thing that exist have logical functions hence they are mechanical. That is the true definition. The rest are weird lamen usages. They are not realistic. >< and as currently exist in our real known world all biological examples are infinitely better uses of materials in every way. they are way more complex than our current understanding of what is refereed to as technology by normal people. Mostly using metals or similarly recognizable materials in a limited fashion. You can also likewise build older fashioned primitive buildings with better qualities than modern buildings. That is always done via a much better use of the material. AKA letting it do the work for you. Those would be biological things like trees and plants combined with other materials. Design is more complicated than most people think. Material knowledge is the tougher thing to get down most of the time. Honestly not sure why a non biological entity like vger would be more powerful with non biological components. Let alone what the proper meaning of biological is. It's not being used right more than likely. STO Borg boss ships: Pics of V'ger?:
  22. They should give an endless amount(or virtually so/auto naming etc internally) and give the ability to name them(externally) as stated above. But they should also start tieing them into the ships internals. Then you can do limits based on the buttons of the cockpit or the limits of the Drone core. Then you would have more uses for specific drone cores or cockpits. They could even set it up where you can add drone cores or stuff for extra computational abilities or macros. It could be fun to fly complex ships from the IVA. They could literally let you stick them into the buttons in the ship. Maybe one day a level of realism where you can fly totally IVA and the computers are actually using electricity and producing heat and having internal temperatures and whatnot while in space to keep kerbals alive. Or at least usable as they could simply freeze and be unusable temporarily and not die per say. Or something similar. Imagine an Apollo 10 style recover attempt in game! 8)
  23. It's a site joke. It's a cube like the borg and the voyager returning was the start of the borg. It's not a complicated joke. Don't get mad at me you didn't get it... I said it was a different shape than when it started. This is a reference to both the shape of the borg and the face it changed shape and might not be in the condition it originally was like though of the voyager... It was a light joke I thought would be hard to miss on a forum like this. I know they are different satellites. That is irrelevant. You people need to learn to lighten up a bit. You guys blame everyone for everything you can't do. Get over yourselves! I thought somebody might enjoy the humor.... I guess I'll let everyone entertain themselves since people can't even enjoy something this simple.
  24. I called it voyager in the title previously. Hint hint.. And, yes, it is a joke.(A star trek joke since nobody is going to get it.)
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