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Everything posted by Arugela

  1. I need that many with this combo for getting off the runway(For just that engine combo). I think... and it's an SSTO. Boosters would ruin it. 8p (I think I read that wrong originally. lol) Here is the 500xl version and the 250xl: (the 250 can probably carry much more than 250; the 500 is near max. maybe 600 something.) 250xl <- only 192 engines! 500xl this was all mentally inspired by stuff like this: I was looking for other 500 ton payloaders that were SSTO spaceplanes and I couldn't find alot of equivalents... I was curious how many less parts people used. Technically I could do double Rapier and use nukes on takeoff and probably get an easier flight up. But you strugle on takeoff... And I don't think you get that much of an increase in weight carriable. Although you may get more fuel range per transport if the rapiers can get it up higher faster... It felt like I was cheating if I replaced the whiplashes with a second set of rapiers. Although I could still try removing the whiplashes altogether to see if it can still carry that much. It would save 129.6 tons and may improve performance. I never got around to trying that. Although that would get rid of the pretty blue engine flames. Edit: I just did a new pure autostrut version. I removed all the struts and there were exactly 500 struts. The new plane is 934 parts for the 500xl version. I may need to add a few back though.
  2. The lego set could simply come with a cheap water rocket that you can fit inside... Use pressure and launch.
  3. I had a similar problem a few versions back. It was from a part that had a double reference in it's file on the ship. Once I found the part I removed it's double reference, which was on the parent part in that case, and it stopped exploding at 6k where it would almost certainly do it. It could be similar. AKA, I had to edit the parts file and delete one line that should have had a double entry. It did all sorts of cool stuff like we could blow it up on the runway and make the parts dance around in an upward climb while they all moved around each other like around a black whole and stuff. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9717#change-44058 I would have resolved this earlier had I realized there was a second parts reference on the mother part for the radiator causing the problem. If I had known that earlier I would have found the issue and deleted the second reference. But I only remove the main part from the file not the reference from the part I put it on. If this is the same issue take note of that because it may not resolve it until a double reference is gone which may be on the mother part.
  4. I have two parts on my plane that are at least 50% of the drag on my aircraft. It is an MK2-MK3 adaptor that is stacked with another of the same type to make 4 engines stick out of the back of my craft in a square pattern. The other MK2-MK3 adapter has normal drag. this one has around 2k drag and the drag line extends past render distance. Is there any way to resolve this. It has stopped my plane potentially from going to orbit as it keeps the drag well above normal parameters and makes it so I can't accelerate normally. Is this a known problem and is there any workaround? It took me a while to find the part. But once I did it made alot of sense as to why I couldn't get my craft into orbit. Sorry for the large part count again... I kept adding engines to the design to try to compensate for what I thought was a thrust to weight issue, but it could not help because of this issue from what I can tell. There are 4 MK3-MK2 adaptors on the entire vessel. They are in the back middle/side. They hold a unique 4 engine sqaure design different from all the other engines. Only 2 produce this lag as the pictures show. each side has one adaptor attached to the node previous which is a MK3 fuel tank. The second adaptor is put on the side of the previous adaptor and stacked into the same location to make an even engine layout. I beleive the ones with the super drag are the bottom adaptors. AKA the ones that have the bottom two rapiers on the end out of the four in the square in the first picture. They are the part that was stuck onto the first adapter then sunk in. They are literally producing almost 3.5k drag out of 7.7k drag total for my vessel. They are half of the drag. Edit: Just noticed a patch came out... And I verified I needed 3 files. I'll fly it again to see if the drag is still there. Edit: Appears it is still there. I will try to make a smaller plane version to demonstrate the parts drag. Two test versions with pics are now uploaded to make it easier to see the problem. Edit: This may be a nose cone issue because the front of the part it exposed..... Does that part normally produce that much drag. I just made a ship where I stuck it on the side and it still produces heavy drag. Yep this is the issue. Solved!! >< I did not realize it produced drag like that being stacked in the body. 8d Stats: Fedora24x64 AMDPhenomII 1100t 560Ti Fermi(G114) 8gib ram 1600(2x4gigs) Craft: Normal Version!<- 1500 parts. Miniature test version! 118 parts. Miniature test version2! More engines to demonstrate the drag more distinctly. The miniature test versions are slightly difficult to keep the nose upward, but it demonstrates the drag. When the second test version gets to around 480m/s, as shown in the second picture, it has around 3k drag. Where as the normal part has normal drag amounts. Playerlog: https://www.dropbox.com/s/334k5bqxw2g8xcn/NewPlayerDrag.log?dl=0 Miniature test version pics: (Are these pictures large enough to make out the drag values and whatnot?) Pics: The massive drag exists even after you get into lower atmosphere making it impossible to escape the planet. No matter how hard you push you cannot get past it because it will pull back harder... As the plane ascends the drag keep puliing beyond view albeit with less total drag... This is way too much drag to be an intentional amount from stacking two parts.
  5. This is the, hopefully final, load test version of my Cargo plane. It has a potential load of 918 tons... First flight the game crashed but it looked like it would at least make it to LKO. Second flight I pulled up at high speed and the wings ripped off. I need to strut them better or not try to change course after initially planting my nose on course... I'll probably add more struts for the wings to stabilize for higher speed adjustments. That or lower the pitch authority more to see if it helps it angle correctly under load at high speeds. I fixed the problems with the earlier versions. Basically, adding cargo to realistic needed loads and finding more places to stick engine symmetrically to allow it to carry them. Instruction: After reaching end of runway, hold up nose until Prograde reaches 5 degrees. Make nose rest on 10 degrees while prograde stays at 5 degrees and fly to 20k+ before activating Nervs. You should reach 1250m/s by this point. Aiming prograde higher than this off the runway will result in insufficient speed for ascent. Do not drop nose to gain speed. Maintain altitude gain during flight and after 20k until circularization in orbit.(Or this is to the best of my knowledge. Still testing.) This applies specifically to the loaded test craft and not with lower payloads. Craft: 1400+ parts 500 tons payload https://www.dropbox.com/s/xde0drwl5tgabtl/IDGAD Cargo Plane 4 Load Test.craft?dl=0 <-Updated with better aerodynamics and drag. 72 Rapiers 72 Whiplashes 72 Nervs Equivalent of 11 large MK3 cargo bays. 2250 tons approx. with load Pic: Edit: I flew it up past 20k at a very good speed. I was at 1250m/s even before 20k... I made the mistake of nosing down to get speed. It does not gain enough to justify lossing altitude gain. I didn't get to test it completely but if it can make it up with more than 64k LF it will make it to minimus for refueling. Meaning a 918ton load can go anywhere basically. And if part of your load is a vessel with fuel it can go even farther.(Note: it does not currently have mining equipment.) It has very little problem with side slippage. At some points only around 0.1 or must less. Most of the time it is 0 though. You will barely notice it. Unless there is a problem above where I have tested it above 22k.. The lag is making tests take a long time. So I still have some things to test out. The good news is a good flight might make it to minimus or be very close if not. At 918 tons payload it would have approximately 2669 Delta V from minimus to get to a new destination. A little slow but you can get places if needed. If your packages can finish captureing on their own they could drop themselves... Or if they have fuel they could expand the ships ability then be refueled and dropped. You could easily fit front mounting asteriod mining gear. It just needs something to mine the ground with. Edit2: I had problems above 20k this time because of lack of thrust and lift... Or possibly too much drag. It have about 20,000 gravity force and by the time I hit the nukes and rapier closed cycle mode it's only producing 17250 thrust with .8 lift to drag..... It needs less drag or weight or needs a booster stuck in the rear to help get it into orbit with about another 2750 thrust and possibly some fuel to power it/them. It can possibly get anywhere between 637-918 payload.... I also didn't try pulling up hard before 20k to see if I could go up enough to escape gravity. I may try that next. This is all potentialy fixable with payloads aiding in flight though. Particularly at the end of the atmospheric portion of the flight. I could also try dropping more fuel to see if I get farther. Edit3: Ok, 918 tons didn't work out. Neither did 750. But 500 did make it to orbit. And 500 is now on the way to duna without refueling. I'll post it if it makes it. I also need to make an asteroid/surface miner to go with it. Just a matter of limiting parts sufficiently. Unfortunately it does take serveral hours to get to orbit and destination because of the parts and lag.... Else it would be up in a very short amount of time as the game records. Only about 5-6 minutes or less to get 70k apoapsis. It would be fun to fly if it wasn't for the parts limitations. I'll also make a 250 version to see if it removes some of the lag.. Probably not though. I still hope they manage to make 1k+ parts playable at some point. Some of these engine combinations simply require it. And we are missing out on a lot of variations the game has to offer. I guess you could consider the lag like modding the game to make the flight real time! ><
  6. How could you go about doing this. Which parameters do you need and how hard it is to do. I'm building a cargo plane and I"m stuck trying got figure out the max payload potential to kerbin or minimus etc. I know how to calculate delta V once I"m in orbit and flying in space. But not payload from kerbin to orbit. Particularly with a space plane flying most of the time with jet engines. I'm using a combined engine type also. Rapiers with Whiplashes to carry load below 10k easier.
  7. This is a WIP, but it can technically get into orbit with at minimum 300 tons and possibly much more. It's about 900 parts atm. so it's hard to fly because of lag. And it does not have Electrical RCS. It must have that placed in the cargo bays. My current version may not have enough. Still testing air intakes also to get rid of a problem where the Whiplashes loose air and start spinning the craft around 20k and mess up the flight. This is basically another one of my massively overdone planes. Set your altitude early or you may not be able to adjust it later. And if you want to you can easily fit mining equipment and what not to extend the range. I'm hoping this thing can get alot to LKO because of the lift. Then I can get larger loads to wherever I want. And the only shortcuts atm are for the engines. A lot needs to be done with it still. 48 Rapiers 48 Whiplashes 48 Nervs! And around 500tons empty with around 500 tons fuel. This is what I call a Dumb Cargo plane. It has the basics and the rest need to be put in as part of the cargo... It needs plenty of work still. 8) https://www.dropbox.com/s/qqzvzsn08vtzhbr/IDGAD Cargo Plane.craft?dl=0 Edit: https://www.dropbox.com/s/atelir5wn2bj46u/IDGAD Cargo Plane 3_2 Load Test.craft?dl=0 <-(1,282Parts; 2,100tons)Load test of version 3.2 with 850tons and full fuel. Just in case anyone wants to test this for fun. I'm doing the test flight now! 8) If it can get to orbit with 52000 LF left it can possibly make it to minimus with 850 tons and refuel. It also keeps crashing my game every time I get a really good flight going.... BTW, IDGAD Is short for, "I don't give a darn!" It is a name I use for the planes when I have plane making writers block and just start putting stuff together to make stuff. Not that that is different from what I do normally. It could also be called slapstick plane comedy. Slap it together and stick it on the runway and see how funny it is to fly. 8d This one wasn't that funny... But it did keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I think that counts as funny in some way. Right!? Edit: There is/was also a problem with the nervs firing alone causing the plane to veer to the side in space... I don't know if I've resolved this yet. This is obviously a major issue if going beyond kerbin. Or even for getting to orbit conveniently. Here is version 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6hhlo7cuocpbm99/IDGAD Cargo Plane2.craft?dl=0 I added more cargo bays because I need to test out it's max weight limit. The equivalent of 3 large cargo bays filled with full large ore containers apparently wasn't enough.... Still have to find a way to compensate for the COM/COT alignment thing. 8) Update: Version 3.2 This one has the cargos on the side to simplify the design. It could be good for deploying multiple submarines on laythe. 570.5 tons empty and around 1200tons full of fuel. I haven't tested the carrying capacity yet. It lands on the water with a lift to drag ration of about 6. it is very good for gentle water landing. Of course this was tested empty... Still have to see how it acts full load.
  8. Yes that is a pair of Junos. It was more useful when the plane was lighter. It's still useful if you land on laythe and need to propel youself on the water a short distance... it takes a while though. but it uses the fuel up more slowly and you can get to shore in emergencies. Yes MK3 is good for larger craft. I was just giving an example of an MK2 because it has range and I don't have a good MK3 atm.
  9. Has anyone used only Sepratrons to get to destination? The physics get a little wonky. I think it's what I mounted them on. Or I hope. But it seems like a fun and technically challenging way to get to where you want. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ytomu9wkxisqrnn/Sepratron ascent vehicle.craft?dl=0 Anyone know a way to do this more easily? Or has anyone managed to do this to get off EVE. The Sepratons are better than the other engines if I remember correctly.
  10. I haven't done a lot of MK3 ones yet. But I think they are easier to carry at that stage. People were telling me that the better drill can't be hidden in the cargo bay though. Unless it was just the MK2 cargo bay... It may be a drag issue. I'm not sure what the technical issues are. I'm also not sure how much it takes to power a regular ISRU with a jr drill. But they are light. You might just need alot of generators to power them. And you need to set them up in a way where they are either mining an asteroid or where you can put your belly down or something creative to mine with them. They do receive the benefits of an engineer to run better now. The Jr. Drill used to not get that bonus. I'm not sure of all the issues with MK3. I do know that lift can be an issue. So either know how to make something as agile as the shuttle fly or get good wing surfaces or designs somehow. If it doesn't need to land on planets with air or some atmosphere the wings are extra weight. And asteroid mining is always possible. It's a matter of reaching them more than likely. I'm not sure where to get asteroids besides the belt and dres though. Mining both surface and asteroids could be a way to go with MK3..
  11. I made this for fun after reading this. I don't think it's actually the smallest SSTO based on a rapier. But it's pretty small. Nuke and rapier. Made it to orbit with 300+ DeltaV. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ngxbe92gq99xa8j/Smallest SSTO Rapier.craft?dl=0 It's based on a B-52 bomber a little. The wheels or something need to be adjusted to make it take off faster... This would save more fuel at LKO. And holy crap. Salvagers Gif changed. No wonder I never recognize him in threads now. I always notice him by his little Gif.. 8) I forgot about those engine designs. couldn't they have just let you toggle the long part on and off? Both things could have been achieved... How is this different from toggling shrouds etc.. they should put them back with a toggle so people can get rid of the extended parts if needed for plane designs. Maybe even bend them.... 8o
  12. Make sure you make all external parts have 2400+ heat resistance if possible. It lets you burn through the atmosphere and pick up a lot more speeds on the way up. The closer you get to the 2400 velocity to make it into orbit before reaching 30k+ the easier it is to circularize and get into orbit with as much fuel as possible(Usually between 1250-1700m/s). I've made this mistake alot! 8) The hotter you can get your plane and faster without exploding stuff the better btw! 8d You want to screech across the sky like a phoenix risen as you ascent into space! ;D I saw some good parts like with like 2600 and 2900 heat tolerance that can go on the tip of planes. I think it was the Shielded docking port and the 1.25 service bay. They can take a lot of heat and are good for your nose. The MK3 cargo ramp and stuff have good values too. They would make great noses.
  13. I can get a mining equiped SSTO with all the small science in MK2. Everything that can fit into the smallest MK2 cargo bay, but packed pretty tightly, can become an SSTA and make it to Eeloo without refueling. 8) It's possible. I've not done large loads though. Mine carries about 5tons at most. One way to ensure you can get to minimus to mine is to use a higher thrust SSTO that can get off kerbin fast so it has more fuel and hence more delta V upon reaching LKO. The longer you take to reach LKO the more fuel and the less DeltaV you have to reach a destination. So make one base on the desired tonnage then increase the Thurst to weight enough to get into space conveniently without alot of bobbing and weaving. I don't do any dips in mine to get into orbit. I simply point up and then nose down and get to as high a speed as possible before punching up to 70k apoapsis. Easiest designs use Rapiers and mine uses nukes with the rapiers. This gives the best speed in air and in space. The only thing you loose with higher thrust sstos is a little delta v total. but you can gain huge ammounts of delta V from this for when you reach LKO because you made it 2-5 times faster into orbit. My MK2 version has 6Rapiers and 6xNukes. I don't know if it's the most efficient one but I can get to laythe on a straight shoot and possibly Eeloo if I use Jool or something as a gravity assist. All without mining. If I want to go to moho I only need to stop at minimus first and I can get straight to moho or anywhere without gravity assists. My best SSTO atm can get to LKO with 3800DeltaV to spare(5700+maxhypothetically). Aim for high thrust and whatever deltaV in orbit then check to see how much deltaV you can get after mining to reach destination. The more you can get the more convenient the trips as you will not need to refuel as much. If you are having to dive your nose to get speed your thrust is too low for convenient load carrying in an SSTO(At least in my opinion). Go for something stronger so you use less fuel over time. Easier to figure out also as there are less possible mistakes. Like I said, you may loose 200 delta V overall from more thrust but you can get to orbit 2 times faster and save a ton of fuel giving you 2x the DeltaV once in orbit to get somewhere. Going all the way to the edge of the solar system on a trip in one run is a lot nicer than having to refuel 5 times. Unless of course you need to stop at those locations anyway..... Here is my Starfighter SSTO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cdxixytb1hwyor0/IDGAD Starfighter 2_7_7 Autostrut.craft?dl=0 4 crew and about 5 tons. It's an exploration vehicle for initial scanning and whatnot of planets. Or a nice luxury trip for 4 to wherever. Or secret defense force for the alien inva..... Nvm.
  14. Version 2.7.7: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cdxixytb1hwyor0/IDGAD Starfighter 2_7_7 Autostrut.craft?dl=0 Has over 5700 Delta V and more stability and heat tolerance going into space. Didn't realize some of the parts had less heat tolerance. Still using the same nose for weight. But I put the Cargo by right behind it with 3 side radiators attached so they should cool the nose in flight. Ladder is also fixed. Go to the topmost position you can see "Climb off" and hit f and you should be on the top of the wing. Action Groups: Abort: Empty Ore Tank 1: Toggle Nukesx6(all) 2: Toggle Rapiersx6(all)+Intakes 3: Switch Modes Rapiersx6(all) 4: Toggle Junos+Intakes 5: Extend/Retract Drill 6: Toggle Drill&Fuel Cell 7: Toggle LF+OX ISRU 8: Toggle LF ISRU 9: Toggle OX ISRU 0: Toggle Mono ISRU BTW, this ship at LKO has around 3800+ DeltaV remaining. Only a few hundred short of a straight Eeloo shot. With the right maneuvers it may be an SSTEeloo. That means I am only using 1900DeltaV worth of fuel to get into orbit.
  15. Here is my latest version of the Starfighter. I made some improvments. Not sure how much else needs to be done. It can land on duna with some good flying and management. It can also make it to Laythe, but it needs to know where to refuel... It also have mini juno engines so you can land on water and get to shore. It takes a while but you can go a decent distance if needed. Just make sure you are close to shore as possible to avoid issues. IDGAD Starfighter 2.7.7 I went back to those weird tail fins that are angled to get the COL back far enough. I found a place to put them to get more stability in flight(It's not perfectly inline but back and up in the corner of the farthest back possible weight.). But I often use the "Tumble Weed" method of reentry.... Although it's pretty easy to nose up 5 to 10 degrees to aerobreak. I think it has some limits in that area though. I even fixed the ladder. Go to the highest point where it says "climb out" then press "f" and he will go onto the wing!! 8) South Pole landings are nice. You can see Jool on one side and the sun on the other: And there always seems to be ore on the poles no matter what. Which is nice if you bothered to scan the planet coming into land. 8) Mining:(Friiiieeennndd!!)<- I need to stop watching crappy game play videos when I'm bored!! >< Anyone notice how all of laythes minerals are generally underwater? I'm betting when we get proper buoyancy stuff we will be able to mine on the ocean floor! 8) Edit: Just left Jool. Now on a 33year trip to Eeloo! 8d ..... This is going to be a while. So how much RL time will the 33year max warp to next maneuver trip take...?! I hope they add another level of warp at some point. Edit2: 21 11 years left! So, what is everyone else doing. 8p Captured Eeloo coming from laythe... Just need to land. It's not any where near as fast spinning coming from laythe. I think you could do an equitorial landing if you start there. I came in at only 1km/s. I'm not coming in correctly for it, but has anyone used their spaceplanes breaks to simply break on the surface of Eeloo on an equatorial landing to stop themselves instead of aerobreaking? 8) It would be a nice advantage for wheeled vehicles. *add meme about marties mom having done it.* BTW, there are no marties mom memes for lythobreaking on the internet.... You have all failed me!!!!! THE INTERWEBS IS DEAD!!! Laythe to Eeloo was pretty easy. I'll have to try Kerbin to Eeloo at some point: Friend!: BTW, I missed a problem with the Docking bay and the front wheel overlapping. The wheel needs to be moved or the Docking bay flipped back over.
  16. I'm on linux and when I use the Drill O matic Jr. it consumes 3/s electricity(The old value) instead of the 0.9s stated in the parts description now.... I'm not sure if any of the other things are the wrong value either. Is there an easy solution to this? this drill is impossible to use like this. And I need it for my mining ssto. Should I just see if the part has a value to change in the parts folder? I would rather it were fixed officially though. I don't know what else might be wrong with it. Or if that is even where the problem lies. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0c733oapiysidc4/IDGAD Starfighter 2_7_6 Autostrut.craft?dl=0 <-Updated to 4drill version. Edit: .9/.3=3.... Does this thing only drill asteroids or something? why is it so expensive? The large drill will use less electricity when not drilling so much.(Darn I thought it got a cut in electricity useage. 8\) I did notice something else. In my 4 drill version If It finishes the oxidizer it will not fill up the LF because Oxidizer is full when doing LF+OX in the small ISRU. Is this an error? Found another cool thing. If you put the plane on it's belly then start the drills you can put the landing gear back up so the drills are in the air and it will still mine like they were connected to the ground. That has to be a glitch.. ><
  17. It was definitely lower somehow. I took them off and it the trust was acting as normal. Unless It was only the two middle ones blocked... I didn't move them up like I did the side ones. So, It could have been them blocked cutting down the overall thrust. I was going by how much speed I was gaining during flight(which is very steady after using nukes after 20k.). I didn't look at the actual thrust of the engine. I assumed it was occlusion. Might have to put them back and and see if I can get rid problem with them on. How cheaty are the nose cones on rapiers btw? Is there a real work equivalent or is it just game mechanics?
  18. What about the abilities to dump fuel from tanks(not transfer dump) and the ability to take in water through intakes into empty fuel tanks and pump water out of those tanks for buoyancy. I could do all sorts of fun things with this in my ssto's I can water land and with buoyancy get underwater without adding extra unwanted fins on the bottom.
  19. I've been working on the smaller version again. I'm still trying to get maximum delta V at LKO. It seems to be the better one because of the thrust amount. I saw a year old video saying that it helps to put small nose cones on the back or your rapiers. Is this still relevant or is it a waist of tonnage? I think the new duck version is over weighted. It went from the one you flew with 55 tons empty to 60 tons empty and 135 tones overall. I don't think it can get to orbit at all without more engines. It can only start ascending above 20k at around 3000 total LF and it's not enough of a margin to get to orbit and get to minimus and refuel. But I'm definitely at the edge of the engine configurations limits. Without dropping nukes or something. I'm working on improving aerodaynamic on the smaller one and trying to get it to orbit faster. 8) I got it to fly really nice but it's got some problesm with keeping it's nose controled at higher altitudes. I think because I nudged it or because the weight is too balanced now. One of those problems with my nuke/rapier stacking... I'm testing fuel configuration to see if anything helps. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tmegga34nv5himm/IDGAD Starfighter 2_7_5 Autostrut.craft?dl=0 <-Took off the junos and lightened the craft a little. Still trying to stop the nukes from heating two of the flaps during ascent without changing the aerodynamic qualities at all.. It's looking good though. Edit: Dropped the nose cones. I think they were lowering the thrust of the nukes. Was loosing velocity at higher altitudes on the nukes because of it. I think I solved the engine problem also. I may change out that MK2 rocket fuselage for an LF one to see if I can get farther. And BTW I'm just about to try a potential suicidal entry into Laythe directly from kerbin. No refueling. Edit: Came in at over 9k m/s. Didn't work. But I'm going to try to use jool to slow down next time and see if I can aerobrake in to jool then laythe on one single trip.
  20. If squad wanted to do it they could cut out the animal part by making the testing objects parts of animals like Steaks instead of cows or chicken carcasses or legs instead of live chickens. That way it bypasses the previously living part that people are so squirmish about. Since people are not that familiar with the practical aspects of how that food is made anymore. ><
  21. I wouldn't be suprprised if VR became mainstream. If and when/if biometrics and other things become common security I bet anything that can collect that biometrics remotely and potentially secretly will become common. Or that is my hunch. So I won't personally be surprised if it became standard this time! >< Let alone anything else personal physical data could be used for. Like watching the eyes to collect info on what ones likes more accurately for advertising. Given what selling add info is like I bet you anything they watch your eye movements and use it for things you don't want them to. It's the one reason I will probably never use VR...
  22. There is a redo button!? >< Derp! (2 years for me.) I think all key combos should be given physical buttons and a popup showing the key combos... this is ridiculous. lol
  23. The sound barrier could be used to tenderize the steak!! >< Maybe to make a really expensive drop you have to jettison the steak over the sound barrier or fly at high mach speeds for a long time(Tenderize it). Pick it up, without collecting the results, and take it to orbit and drop it through reentry heat. Although technically only pulverizing it enough can make steak tar tar.... so I guess it's a preference of which recipe. 8D Lots of air friction only(low altitude high speed flying tar tar) vs heat (reentry steaks.) According to a certain documentary I saw steak tar tar used to be made by Mongols(or similar peoples) who put the meat under their horses saddles or similar and rode the horses all day to tenderize it. It was edible after this even though it started out raw. And technically still was raw. That would be a whole new world for frozen food delivery though!! ROFL Pre-seared frozen steak anyone? One a side note this is the next one: https://what-if.xkcd.com/29/ This one is also hypothetically relevant:(Not saying the radiation pool was.) https://what-if.xkcd.com/30/ I almost had a short post there. But I ruined it!
  24. That is an idea. You can add that to the idea of failed experiments vs successful and also simultaneously do science vs money... If you do food missions you get more money like pizza delivery. If you do successful landing you get science... But it could still be strapped to mission and stuff to teach you how to purposely come in hot or cold in different ways. Hitting land vs oceans after reentry could be soups vs fried chicken. Could be missions for advanced reentry techniques. Then you could add locations on kerbin to deliver it too. Or just have someone manually collect it and eat it and say he was the guy who ordered it. 8) If not a mission thing it could still show you if you made the reentry well or not. 8) Not that the kerbals could mind as they get to eat the failed ones... Could explain the entirety of the advancement of technology for kerbals. The guys in the labs are always kept behind because the astronauts keep dropping the capsules wrong and eating the experiments... This could be why the space science lab was created!! >< Not that the other kerbals wouldn't occasionally steal the experiments and borrow the bunson burners! 8p If not the scientists themselves(in fact they would be the likely culprits). 8) This would definitely be funny and fit the game theme(And be true to life. You know who you are!!!). If we are going to do droppable capsules and manually collections(I know I'm the only one mentioning it.) We could do toe ropes and stuff to and boats to collect them in different spots. Even better. Those above things combines with manual collection mean you can drop the experiment on any planet and collect for immediate science. The results could be collected or just given points on the spot. This could be part of the experiments. Test the results of so and so being dropped into Eve's oceans. 8) The results, if not immediate, could be written down by a scientist(who is required to get it) and stored as results in the cockpit or new science experiments storage things and returned to kerbin. And as the reults are written down it could be eaten anyway... In fact an eaten experiment could be the end of the use of the capsule. Where a successful experiment could be toed back and reused on the vessel for a new experimental result somewhere else after the results are written down good or bad. The eating indicates the lack of use of the capsule(Or at least it's lack of contents to experiment on.). I wonder if you could then take multiple chickens or other things to fill the experiment with and store them on a ship(and you could go back to the ship to reload). then you put them in the capsule and drive them around a planet do different biomes for experiments or drop them from orbit. then those experiments could be limited by how often you mess them up. Obviously some planets could not cook the experiment as they have no atmosphere or boiling lakes etc.
  25. Like Blasty mcblast said. What if it is yeast and flour or grains(AKA plant seeds) or something and after reentry(heating) it turns into a loaf of bread? Going back to my idea about the experiments all being about food. This would fit the games idea of the kerbals loving snacks so much. All their experiments ultimately turn into food and they eat them up finding them as a joke. If a capsule survives(they could be very strong against reentry and crash damage) a kerbal manually finding one could eat it and look around like he's sneaking a snack to be funny. And reentry or landing in boiling water or different environments makes different foods out of different ingredients. This would also give a fun/funny reason to go manually get debri from a wreck. Or even a new type of item you can simply jettison and let crash and collect. If it's not automatic it would be fun to let people who actually go get one find out about on their own. It coudl be a mini easter egg type thing. And the way you let it descent determines the outcome. If it heats to heavily it turns to food. It could be the Whammy(incorrectly dropped) of science experiments. If you drop it through atmosphere correctly it's a normal experiment and animal/object. If not it's food and the kerbal eats it. So boiling water(maybe reentry with ocean landing, or simply dropped in unusual alien ocean) makes soup or something. Reentry heat is cooked food. This would be like a lesson in safely reentering also! 8) It would indicate what went wrong if you didn't see the entire reentry thing to know what happened to it upon collection. And these(any type of dropable science experiment) could be forced to collect manually after dropping on kerbin to make you see it for this type of module dropping. 8) And it would be a new way to remotely deliver physical science experiment results besides antennae. Manual drops! It could be the way to get full science credit for physical experiments that can't get it from antennae. You drop them so you don't have to land(but possibly have to manually collect them with a plane and a kerbal or something). But you then have to worry about messing up the experiment if it's dropped wrong. This would be the way to show if you did it right or wrong. Food/snack results are a mulligan and you get minimal science points but a funny easter egg. Proper results keeps the experiment intact and you collect it for full points but no funny scene of the kerbal eating it as a snack. This would fit the space ship side of the game also by being a way to teach how to properly drop capsules etc. If there is no bad food result and less science there is no reason to learn it correctly. 8) (Unless you really enjoy watching your kerbals snack of course! 8d) And all experiments could be non offensive things if needed like squid or the other above mentioned examples. Things that can clearly be food! At the extreme maybe you can drop Bessy, your beloved cow, as a giant experiment.... >< This would go back to the original farm theme also. He could turn into a giant steak, or if combined with bread materials, and mustard seeds, tomatoes, and cucumbers experiments a giant stack of mini hamburgers!! Just like in bobs burgers episodes. 8) The kerbals would obviously gobble them up! I wonder what the scientific results would be on cows in space? this could be important for life support and long term space travel in the real world too... Those and chickens are pretty important to real life food and protein.... Maybe if they added life support it would involve plants making oxygen partially and chickens making food like a small farm environment to be humorous(And replace the beloved farm rocket launch site). Instead of developing real lifesupport they simply made a small farm module and strapped it to the ship. 8)
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