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Everything posted by Arugela

  1. What about a house on a small island somewhere on kerbin as a fantasy island reference. Maybe a small kerbal(or two? One taller.) comes out and greets you. 8) Or comes out to look at your plane flying by. Or other references that either of the main actors of that show were in.
  2. Why not have the animal be weird space ocean lifeforms like that squid. People eat sea lifeforms and would look at it more like dinner and cute. Calamari?! And it would fit the kraken and alien ocean theme as it is the only place we can't explore as easily(or used to not at all) and don't know there are not lifeforms formally like the green vegetable and rock littered terrain of Kerbin. That and maybe worms and underground things that don't look fuzzy. It's only the fuzzy creatures they care about(AKA Mammals). This is why whales and porpoises are protected and not squid! 8D You could even say that every life form that is burned up in the atmosphere is caught on the ground and eaten. Then the lifeforms could be interesting international foods like squid or insects or spiders etc. Things people aren't bothered by as much but could learn about interesting foods from. You could also make all such items always have the cockpit with them in it survive explosions and have graphics showing them alive or being cooked like an oven during reentry(depending on what is appropriate to the circumstance) and turned magically into foods(unless not heated maybe... Although not all foods are fried. some are boiled etc.Think boiling lakes. then fired and boiled for special dishes.). Then have a hover over thing that gives info about or alluding to the food. They could always be collectible for science or other points. Albiet it really small amounts. There could even be a few mission based on it to be silly. And if a kerbal manually collects it he is shown eating the food and looking around like he shouldn't(Like he's sneaking a snack). Just to be humerous! 8) Fried spider anyone?! 8d
  3. I modified it and added wins along with changing the control surfaces as I could figure out. I also added a bunch of weight and have two version. One with booster engines to help get up and one without. the regular one, "TheRooster," I'm not sure if can get to orbit. It may very well be my flying. But I think it can't get past Mach 1. The booster one I can get to go faster and I did with engine that can be ejected at the desired point. They should both be identical besides the boosters. And they have the same Action groups as previously. They are definitely looking weirder as they progress.(Mostly from having to pull back the COL.) I was also thinking of dumping some fuel from the rooster and giving it a large ore tank in the center... If I'm remembering correctly and it gives twice the weight in fuel that 1500 is about 3000LF and would give it more range. Flying the version with an ore tank now(no fuel reduction). Need to see if I want/can have one or two large ore tanks. Edit: may be too heavy and mess up the COM/COL. BTW, I saw a video that said to put small nosecones on the end of rapiers? I did this. Is that info old and does it lessen my thrust at all? Edit: And you might need to make the front wheel "deploy shielded." Just noticed it's in the bay and gets that warning. Craft:(Renamed to stop personal confusion as to which versions I'm using.) TheRooster TheRoosterBooster Pics: Rooster RoosterBooster I seem to be having a hard time getting any of these into orbit. I'll have to go back to the last version and see if I can do it finally. I think I need to reduce the fule back to it's former amount and maybe add a large ore tank for ballast if needed.
  4. Slapped this together after seeing Aerogavs mini ssto design.. 8) thought it would be fun. Just barely makes it to orbit. Junos and nukes! 8)(I wanted to see if this combo could make it to orbit) Minimum air surfaces. More like a rocket. somewhat reminiscent of my first ssto. Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9bqgcq7jrc1fnh/Juno SSTO.craft?dl=0 My first SSTO:
  5. I couldn't get Vals plane into orbit. Does it make it? and how far can it go after? I have one SSTO I just finished, but I don't think it's low tech. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4emzdl283motgd3/IDGAD Starfighter 2_5 Autostrut.craft?dl=0 Rapiers and Nukes... The rest are varied wings and fuel parts. I don't play much beyond SandBox. So, I'm not familiar with what is unlocked where. Might want to watch out for the cargo bay if you don't want higher tech. It has 1 of every science part basically. Most of that could be removed though including the mining stuff if needed to fly it earlier. It has good Delta V if you only need to use it one way. And the more you take out the better the mileage. Edit: Crap, sorry, this is a 1.2 plane now. The file may not work.
  6. This is a version of my new favorite SSTO. It can go to Minimus and the Mun and possibly Duna without refueling. It has full mining gear(Large Drill and small ISRU) and has alot of DeltaV. I have not tested the engines limits on any planetary bodies besides the Mun and Minimus ATM. But I'm slowly working on it. This is the best version of this craft I can come up with. There is about .28 or .38 tons of science that can be removed or a little more. But it has so much Delta V it doesn't matter anymore. I can get to Orbit with 4800-5000 LF giving it around 3000-3200 potential DeltaV after orbit around Kerbin. It has one of every science equipment that fits in a MK2 cargo bay along with one antennae(HG-55), M700 Survey Scanner, M4435 Narrow Band Scanner, and one Science storage container. You will have to look in the cargo bay to find them. They are packed in pretty tight but in a way you can still click on everything if you know where it is. Except the communications array. You have to look into the structure to select that but I designed it so you hopefully don't need to do that. It has one large fuel cell and eight generators for 6 electricity a second at all times. The Drill and ISRU are completely cooled and will go to exact efficient cooling. To mine hit 5, wait for the drill to extend fully, then hit 6 and 7-0 for desired resources. Action Groups: Abort: Empty Ore Tank 1: Toggle Nukesx6(all) 2: Toggle Rapiersx6(all) 3: Switch Modes Rapiersx6(all) 4: Toggle Rapiers&Nukesx2(Middle) 5: Extend/Retract Drill 6: Toggle Drill&Fuel Cell 7: Toggle LF+OX ISRU 8: Toggle LF ISRU 9: Toggle OX ISRU 0: Toggle Mono ISRU Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4emzdl283motgd3/IDGAD Starfighter 2_5 Autostrut.craft?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/josg2xfp4vx4cxa/IDGAD Starfighter 2_5 AutostrutSC.craft?dl=0 <- Added Science Container Pics:
  7. I found a fun new tailfin configuration. >< Lost all angling on takeoff though. And it needs to loose a little weight also! Turn on no joint cheats or it blows up on the runway.(You can turn it off after it loads.) Craft: FrankenSTO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/czy4940ns3j0fen/IDGAD Starfighter 2_6 FrankenSTO.craft?dl=0 Normal: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n94iyl196ued6dn/IDGAD Starfighter 2_6 Autostrut.craft?dl=0 FrankenSTOPics: Normal Version Pic: I've been flying it a while. I think space duck(FrankenSTO) has hit the limits of what this design can do without adding engines... That or I need to dump some of the rocket fuel... This new fin configuration has way too many control surfaces in the rear. It gets really unstable. Unless there is a way to balance with fuel. It might be to far gone though. 8) Edit: this design just takes away all of the landing advantages and it adds base weight. The curve in the lift on the old one was actually on purpose(sort of) it was because I was using it to pull the COL down to center between the COM and COT. It's more of a byprodcut of it. I just use SAS or trim. I was looking at changing some of the Little fuel tanks for the Wing with 100 fuel. It weighs the same base and lets me move the COL back a hair and add more lift. This assume it doesn't have enough drawbacks.. Not sure wether having more or less angle on those rear control surfaces is better. Edit: NVM, the wing strakes have twice the base weight. I miscalculated it. I'm sticking with the 2.5autostrut version atm... I haven't improved on it yet. And Space duck needs to be redesigned to heavily. 8) So, did that tunnel design go well?
  8. When I take off I let it take off without pulling up. And I always fly with SAS.(Mostly because I use linux and the position of the Super key is different and I never got in the habit of using anything that uses it.) Then I pull up by tapping a little. I had to do this with all previous version. I think if you wait until it's getting air graphics it's more maneuverable and doesn't flip up. You have to do very small maneuvers. No more than 5 degrees max. 10 under good conditions. which, from what I can tell is fast in decent air resistance. As far as I can tell! >< This is how I started making all my planes form when I got the game in 0.9xx. I have no idea why but I habitually make them like this every plane even when I try to deviate... I can't get myself to do other things with planes. Even if it looks very different when I start. lol Edit: This duck version has odd problems with deviating to one side... I wonder if it's from the SAS/torque being to forward of if I have something balanced wrong. Maybe I should move the Drone core back so it's balanced along the neck. That or it needs bigger nose wings... Which would require me to have to rebalance weight potentially. 8\ Maybe I can get lucky and fix it with fuel balancing. The forward engines have a lot of advantage though. I have to do a lot of work to get the COL behind the COM sufficiently or at all sometimes. I have to move my weight around carefully and do some funky stuff with my tailfins and other rear aerosurfaces because of it. My first big SSTO back in .9 was basically a missile. IT has small wings that were in a 8 or 6 symetry around teh plane in the rear. But I had to put alot of fuel(among other things) in small stacked space. It flew really well on Duna. It could infini glide at almost any altitude. 8) I basically stacked everything into the shape I wanted. I've managed to almost not stack anything now. Which is miraculous if you know what type of craft I used to make before 1.0. (air hog with over 1k+ air intakes and 250+ engines. Up to 300 or even 500 Plus engines for large scale Ion thrust before nukes were LF only.) And I've found there are some odd ways to avoid jet blast. The wings and other surfaces don't seem to take damage everywhere. so you can possibly get them in spots you would think would get damage but don't. My rear tailfins have problems with this on and off. Certain engines seem to almost never damage wings also.. Like the Rapier and other jets. Or it's very difficult to. Usually my nirvs do the damage first.
  9. I took some stuff I saw on the Whiplash and Nostromo and make FrankenSTO! Still working out the kinks. Lost a little DeltaV. But it looks like a duck now!! >< (It is a bit hard to fly without blowing up atm also. If you are not careful.) Craft: FrankenSTO <- AKA Space Duck!! (Have to fix the mining equipment still. It's missing an ore container and needs new cooling.) Reuploaded! Still needs help with tipping at high altitudes. Pics:
  10. Same shortcuts as the previous version. Just used the autostruts and rigid connections to get rid of the normal struts to reduce weight. I increased the weight a bit by adding some generators in which I can remove or reduce in numbers if struts are needed. But I just got into orbit with 4066 LF left over. This came out to 2580ish Delta V. Or did they just reduce the gravity amount and the forumula? I used 72.43-20.33=52.1... Ln(72.43/52.1)*9.81*800=2585.56778 DeltaV? This is in the new 1.2 release. I still have to test reentry at normal and high speeds to see if I need to add some struts which may reduce this delta V alot. And I'm not sure if I want one of the new science storage bays for research or not. So, is the new gravity the 9.806... in the release info and does it affect the delta V formula? Edit: I entered it in and it only changes it to 2584.xx. But should it still be used over 9.81 now in DeltaV calculations? Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4emzdl283motgd3/IDGAD Starfighter 2_5 Autostrut.craft?dl=0 <-Reuploaded with fuel changes and fuel lines removed. Pics: Edit: I need to make adjustments so it can hold it's nose up during reentry again... Makes it hard to slow down without flying all over the place. Not enough forward weight or I need to take advantage of the fuel system and use the rear fuel up first. Or both.. Just finished a new version where I removed the struts and the fuel lines. I didn't realize the new version adds auto connection fully for fuel now. Saved another ton on the craft and I'm at under 51 tons empty. I made it to orbit with 4600 LF this time! 2900+ Dv. And another for 4800LF and I could have gotten 5000 potentially. that is 3k-3.2k DeltaV after orbit! Just have to finish working on balance for reentry. Anyone know how to balance a plane to keep a planes nose upwards(Radial) during reentry? I keep designing the plane randomly to do it well but I don't know how I do it. And I keep having difficulty getting it to do it fully again. Edit: NVM, I reverted back to the above version and ripped out the fuel lines. I need to quit changing the weight distribution and wing surfaces so much. I need to try a straight shot to duna now! Out of curiosity, how were people figuring out their drag?
  11. What about an area with all the stuff in the wiki(or the wiki linked) and the ability to make a model(non flying) of the craft to make blueprints. It would contain all info needed to make anything in the game(VAB or SPH) and when finished you take the blueprints to said building and make it with the blueprints. These blueprints would add markers and thing for location of said parts once they are added to the craft so you can get exact angles and positioning to do exact aircraft/rocket designs. The design area could have more exact and broader info to help design and see what you are doing. It could use things like the windtunnel or heat simulation ideas and other info added eventually to help both learn about and make aircraft work before flying. Then when flying it is actually a test and not an R&D function. The creation and loading of blueprints could setup a framework version of the vessel to place in the given area to add to or even auto-load with said design. If building piece by piece you could add the part into the given predesign spot and build like normal starting from whichever part you placed first. Again, this would allow the placing of wings and other items in exact spot with exact snap-able positions and angles, etc. It would provide simple helping tools to make it exactly as you did in the R&D area. This area would, as stated, also have more advanced measuring tools and things to see your craft and get structural info and knowledge in all areas of the existing game on how the craft work to see how it functions before flying so you can design it how you wish. this wold include angles and placement etc. Maybe more advanced wireframes for measurement etc(Adjustable, modifiable, loadable) that may or may not be too laggy in the normal buildings. Or in a dedicated room that has info to look up to help learn to make the craft before assembling it to try and fly it. There could be a storage of blueprints you could then load in the VAB/SPH to play with these craft. Maybe even things to help do a new variation of merging craft where you assemble them attached to the node. Or it could help also craft multipart or other more complex craft more easily.
  12. I have gotten it to the Mun with almost 600 LF left over! 8) I finally refined the mining gears electricity. Dropped it to 52 empty weight from 53ish and added 400 more LF. IDGAD Starfighter 2.2 Action Groups: Abort: Empty Ore Tank 1. Toggle 6x Nuclear engines 2. Toggle 6x Rapier engines 3. Switch mode 6x Rapier engines 4. Toggle 2x(middle) Nuclear/Rapier engines 5. Extend/Retract Drill 6. Toggle Drill/Fuel Cell 7. Toggle Smalle ISRU LF+OX 8. Toggle Smalle ISRU LF 9. Toggle Smalle ISRU OX 0. Toggle Smalle ISRU MONO The ladder on this is messed up. It really needs help so it is actually usable in space. I can't figure out for the life of me how to make sure the kerbals can get off of it and onto the ship while climbing it.... Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Made it too Minimus. Might be able to do the moon also if I don't try to do a polar orbit. https://www.dropbox.com/s/66sffvq8kfq3ggq/IDGAD Starfighter 1_7.craft?dl=0 Just have to add a coms and look for any stray weight to be safe. and fix the wheels and other small things. The weight is a little close to the COL though and want's to tilt up at the end of the flight to orbit. I need to find a way to move the COM forward more. Like putting the cargo bay where the docking port is for instance... BTW, the Mexican jumping plane is a glitched version where on the runway it bounces around like a Mexican jumping bean. That was the challenge I was talking about. It was more a joke than anything. The point was to get the glitched plane to places and watch it dance. The glitch seemed to have something to do with some strut alignment after I moved some stuff around. No idea how to reproduce it. The download I put up with that post has the version with the glitch. Assuming it works for anyone but me. Made this to minimus also: IDGAD Starfighter 2.1 <- 97 tons 150 parts Added a crew cabin for 6 crew and mining equipment plus science and coms. It has a fixed scanner in the bay so you can scan planets. I had to drop the probe for weight. So it is now the probe! 8) On the way to Duna as we speak. Edit: Would have made it to duna(was beginning reentry) but whenever I quicksave or go back to the KSP and go back to a ship it blows itself up... Have to start over from kerbin now. That is rather annoying when you are not doing a vehicle with direct flight... BTW, what was everyone elses hypothetical max deltav for their vessels. Mine is 6 rapiers and 6 nukes for 4200-4400ish DeltaV. I'm curious how it changes as you get different numbers of engines. And everyone using some number of rapiers and nukes together. Obviously mine is not the cheapest either. My latest version cost 765k(I added more science and stuff). I always seem to build them expensive...
  14. I have a version about 70 to 100 given the fuel. I think I will go all LF to see if it gets farther. 8) The extra weight being distributed might help. I've been using Rapiers with Whiplashes also. If you don't mind getting some of the speed at 15k instead of 20k the whiplashes could save a small amount of weight. They feel better on takeoff also. Edit: If this is true this is probably not new to people. But I think I found(or refound) something possibly interesting. The altitude ideal for the engine of jets seems to possibly be related to their ideal angle. Rapiers are 20k and you put them at 20degrees. Whiplashes are 15k and are better at 15k max. ETC.
  15. I have discovered a new thing!! MEXICAN JUMPING PLANE!!! Take it out on the runway and watch it go!!! >< Does Mexican jumping plane qualify as a glitch or a feature? Does it count as a new form of propulsion?! Maybe I should put up a challenge to see how many places people can get Mexican jumping plane to and have it dance! 8) With modifications allowed to get it there(assuming it still dances) It does this without the engines going. I just put them on to see the movement was present.
  16. I did it originally with the fuel cels but I wasn't mining enough to use them from what I could tell. Do you worry about time when you refuel? And how long does it take you when you use the small ISRU? I have gotten from 45 days down to 14 days in my current setup on the runway. currently I can't get the 14 days back and it seems to run at about 35 days.... I use a big drill though because the small ones took so long. I haven't found a way to make those small ones work efficiently. Although I would use them if it didn't take 99 days to mine with them. Edit: 45 days was back when the design had only 6 engines or so total and less fuel. It is now a bit bigger. Maybe I should strip off the whiplash engines too... And I totally forgot those inline air intakes existed... I'll have to try them.
  17. Not sure if that is the problem. But I have an SSTO I keep trying to add range too to be able to refuel and get to miniumus and if possible the mun. I started with this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jsq3j61h4aixuku/IDGAD Starfighter.craft?dl=0 <- This should be generally correct. I might have made some aerodynamic improvements which should be in the next file. A 36 ton little MK2 plane. I can get into orbit and back down if I used nukes on the way up. I wanted to use only the Rocket fuel to get orbit then pure Liquid fuel for additional travel. Hence the nightmare begins. I have made many mining craft and have never had problems. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Not sure if I knew what I was doing right before either. But I always managed at least minimus! This is the craft now! https://www.dropbox.com/s/be3uax5v721p4gu/IDGAD Starfighter 1_4.craft?dl=0 About 135 tons of fun apparently. But the fun isn't on minimus.... Or the mun. I also have problems with the landing gear. I'm trying to keep them balanced but the speed this gets sometimes on teh runway messed it up. If I try to make it lift higher it has issues with swerving all over the place. Is MK2 designed not to be able to get to the mun or minimus now without refueling? I'm using nukes/Rapiers/whiplashes to get enough thrust. Should I change out a bunch of the Rocket fuel for liquid fuel and not worry about if I"m using the nukes to orbit? I need to figure out the max delta V I need for the larger thrust also. I have no idea what it needs to deal with landings and other things in the solar system. BTW, I'm currently using 3 nukes with 3 rapiers and 3 whiplash engines. Still can't find the sweet spot. And as far as I can tell, besides too many engines/fuel, I have bear minimum of everything else. Even possibly the air intakes. I have around 5-6 tons of stuff for mining. The rest is plane, fuel, and engines. Maybe I just need to add one more 400lf fuel tank to the cargo or something. I just can't figure out what it is missing. I've explored a bunch of different engine configurations but can't get it to work. Basically everything between the first vessel/picture and this last one. All the fuel/engine combos I could think of or until I got tired of them more specifically. Edit: Replaced some of the Rocket fuel for Liquid fuel and it is doing better now. It was an engine efficiency thing. At least for now.
  18. Three version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gv3nyoaqxbftrvr/Deep Space Kinnetic Missile Ammo.craft?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/x54qoggaxrbjngq/Deep Space Kinnetic Missile Ammo Extended.craft?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/4dfk4ljksz05fz7/Deep Space Kinnetic Missile Ammo Atmospheric.craft?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmfzaqmcnu3l02d/Deep Space Kinetic Missile Launcher.craft?dl=0 One with double the fuel of the other and one with a small jet engine to help aim in planets with atmosphere. The first with around 4k DeltaV and the extended around 5700 DeltaV and the atmospheric around 3850 DeltaV. The launcher will get you out of Kerbin's SOI to try to reach your destination. Tip: Strut the nose cones to the outside of the fairing for more stability. Flying with fine controls on my also improve stability. Shrotcuts: 1. toggle nuke 2. toggle jet engine(atmospheric version only.) The launcher does not require shortcuts. Pics: Launcher: Extended: Atmospheric: Regular: I'm assuming an decent short range version could be done with LF+OX and a Vector or similar engine.
  19. As I said. don't move the node. Make it static and simply make it invisible and unusable while closed.... Why do you think you have to move the node?
  20. No idea why this doesn't exist... If there is some problem doing it why not simply make is so there is one unmoving node. The node simply stays at the open position of the node and never actually moves. When you open and close the shielded docking port it merely makes the node invisible and inaccessible and reverses this on opening.. Should this not be insanely easy to do? How has this not been done since this came out? And why would they not want this? Make a little code so you cannot close it while it's attached to something. What is the issue with this? All they have to do is make it like a static port but with animation and the above mentioned things or equivalent.... And didn't this have a node at one point?
  21. Just made these! Particularly this one: IDGAD Starfighter <- 36 tons Shortcuts: 1: Toggle Nukes 2: Toggle RAPIERs 3: Switch Mode: RAPIERs + Toggles intakes 4: Toggle Jet engines + Toggles intakes Very nice to fly and reenter in. Not as agile as some things but it's pretty good at what it does. As far as I know...
  22. Not designed for flight. Simply to get into orbit. Hit spacebar on runway. When in flight hit caps lock to use fine control and aim the nose up. Fly to orbit. Around 20k, depending on flight path, hit 3 and toggle closed mode for rapiers. Some flight paths will allow it to auto toggle. I'm still testing to see if these can get to minmus to refuel. That is my usual test of readiness. My previous version did but I added stuff to level out the mining abilities and have added touch more weight since. I've added some fuel to compensate but am tired of flying them to minimus to test, so I thought I would share the fruits of my labor! (BTW, they can definitely get into orbit. It's a matter of what to do after. If they can't get to minumus use a refueler around kerbin.) Explorer 190 Tons <- Maybe lacking electrical storage. I recommend adding more batteries if desired/needed. Transporter 250 tons Shortcuts: (Both Craft) Abort: Toggle Heat & Solar Panels Lights: Toggle ISRU & Grappling Arm + lights 1: Toggle Nukes 2: Toggle RAPIERs 3: Switch Mode: RAPIERs 4: Toggle Jet engines 5 Toggle Drills & Heat Sinks 6: Activate Drills 7: Toggle LF+Ox 8: Toggle Mono 9: Toggle Liquid Fuel 10: Toggle Oxidizer Explorer: Transporter: I wish we had the ability to have intelligent sweeping wings. The transport might actually be able to fly if it could have it's front wings sweep back and forth. Or, at the least, it might improve control in lower orbit. Besides needing structural things done to it in this configuration, it definitely flies a little better like this. It did rip apart on hard banking though. The wing sweeping in flight could be very useful for landing though. I would have to move the landing gear back. And then finally address the front landing gear having problems on the runway. Edit: I wonder if MK2 would be better for this design than MK3. It would add a lot more air surfaces and might make it fly properly. It would also thin it out more making it possibly more aerodynamic. The downside would be possibly losing the ISRU to a smaller version do to different cargo sizes. Unless I use an adapter at some point. That or had it awkwardly stick out of the MK2 cargo bay. MK2 would definitely be lighter and more flyable though. I'll have to try to make one and see. In fact here is an MK2 Starfighter I just made up. Needs something to dock with assuming it can achieve orbit fully. If not it's fun to fly.(Edit: made it to orbit!) IDGAD Starfighter <- 36 tons Shortcuts: 1: Toggle Nukes 2: Toggle RAPIERs 3: Switch Mode: RAPIERs + Toggles intakes 4: Toggle Jet engines + Toggles intakes Would moving the tail back on the Starfighter help it or hurt it? And how many intakes is too many? Anyone up on how those work. If drag is increased or decreased when closed still, etc. I used the amount of intake (2x6 on the inline .5x12 on the radials) and matched it with the engines stated need. No idea if that is the right value. BTW, this thing has amazing reentry abilities. It's almost impossible to mess up and you can throw just about anything at it. The Starfighter is the single best atmospheric reentry vehicle I have ever made! You can use it's larger surface area to stop almost anywhere at any time. And the front is so thin you can take almost any amount of heat. I came in at just under 2400km and was perfectly fine. Traveled quarter to a half way around Kerbin at that speed and didn't blow up. Landed back at KSP afterwords. Stopped right over the continent it's on in almost no time by flipping upwards and killing the speed within 10's of seconds to seconds.
  23. Do not tell the magic boulder things it does not wish to know!
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