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Everything posted by Skalou

  1. Right, good to notice it again. But i consider it as a bug, my mining ship was with a skilled engineer inside (too dumb or not enought initiative to stop the drills when the oretanks are full?), and it had depleted the asteroid in a fews hours, much less time as it takes to my ship to empty this asteroid! if this is a feature of gameplay, i find it really bad, but i think it's just a bug, a bit like the one mentionned in the linked thread by Nich (thank's interesting to know this ). This gamelay mechanic is not polished. (whatever let them work on unity5 first! whouhooo! )
  2. The fastest snail in the world! 880m/s! cooked perfectly, time to lunch!
  3. Hi, if you had your asteroid depleted and want to repair it, i posted a solution: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121719-Rapid-Asteroid-Depletion?p=2173235&viewfull=1#post2173235
  4. Hi, I've had the same problem, i was bringing to kerbin an asreroid and let the drills active during the travel, when i loaded the ship to a few days after, what a surprise when i saw the empty asteroïd!! BUuuut i've found a solution to correct it after the disaster: 1) Save your "saves" folder in a safe place to have a back-up just in case. 2) remember the name of the asteroid and the % of ressource of the asteroid before the depletion (you can find it by lauching an old save). (for me there was 85% od ressource inside my asteroid named VZR-046 , a Valentino Rossi hommage? ) 3) open the persistant.sfs and research this line with your asteroid name (you can use "notepad" or the better "notepad++" programs): AsteroidName = Ast. VZR-046 4) A few lines below you need to find this lines: MODULE { name = ModuleAsteroidInfo isEnabled = True massThreshold = 325.544919433594 currentMass = 325.544919433594 massThreshold is the empty mass of the asteroid currentMass is the total mass (empty mass + ressource mass) So you understand now why it's empty. 5) you can calculate the value to replace the currentMass one's with this: %ressource: the % of ressource you want ( for me 85% ) ressource mass = (%ressource x massThreshold) / ( 100 - %ressource) ,(for me ressource mass = (85 x 325.5) / ( 100 - 85) = 1844.5 ) and then, currentMass= massThreshold + ressource mass ,(for me currentMass = 325.5 + 1844.5 = 2170.0) so this persistant.sfs line become for me: MODULE { name = ModuleAsteroidInfo isEnabled = True massThreshold = 325.544919433594 currentMass = 2170.0 6) lauch KSP and Enjoy!
  5. Ok, thank you. I see in other vertical assistant mode than "pitch" there is a kind of angle of attack limiter (something like 8°?) i think it is what you mean. Yes, it's evident now.
  6. really nice mode, thank you. however i have a question about it: We can see your plugin and Nathankell's aero GUI are displaying 2 differents values for the angle of attack, It seems your plugin is displaying the pitch angle instead of aoa? (i'm not sur about this english term) Also with your plugin a few version ago, we could enter the (real) aoa instead of the pitch no? is their a way to drive it instead of the pitch? or how to limit the max aoa when driving the pitch, with the PID parameters? thank's
  7. i think , 2 separates config are needed: -1 for the stock Kerbin and balanced with other RCS parts. - 1 for RSS, with accurate weights, propelants, etc...
  8. I have a log for the landing leg problem: -cliking on the part in the list don't do anything -i don't find them at the bottom of the VAB -i don't know if the NRE here is due to your plugin, but when i remove it , there isn't NRE anymore. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sy89vkto3dw30za/AACHa6k1bHlrrTuTPcqhg9IXa?dl=0 But i don't have "EditorCamExtension" instaled on my side.
  9. Your remind me someone... ; thank's parameciumkid, really nice picture and idea, i thought about this too, but the benefits are balanced by these points: -more drag and height of the part, -the mass, but still better than 4 stock rv-105 -price: a bit less than ~50% more i could say compared to rv-105 (i think it's great to give less mass to rcs block with more nozzles, to show the weight saved by having less fuel pipe and structure) -no rotation control on 1 axis. It's a neat idea however, with his own advantages (perfect balanced thrust on ALL axis, only plugged on 2 side of the ship) and inconvenients. Have you seen it in any mod yet? will you use it if it exists? which design will you prefer? -2 standards nozzles: more weight. -1 bigger nozzle: less weight but more expensive. (from what i know to do on RCS, the bigger nozzle thrust will be 2 standards vectors at the same place) Edit: this can do the trick too: (found on the web)
  10. You are totaly right, i just saw what i dreamed on this real photo. Also i cheked the others mod and found the great RLA Stockalike and Modular Rocket Systems have the 45° and more. With 2 rcs-blocks having 2/4 nozzles at 45°, you can have a full control at the cost of efficiency, but it can gives you control on the rotation too. But there isn't some using the principe i want. In KSP it's ok with it, you can control the rotation with the SAS and translate with the RCS and the main engine with a good tweak of the thrust limiter. From a gamelay point of view il like it, it needs a bit more skill to pilot and save a bit of weight (100kg of rcs block and perfect efficiency) a bit of drag too and fit better in spaceplane-bays. However there is a weak thrust in the 180° oriented nozzle direction (1 nozzle is pushing instead of 2 in the others) and the 180° nozzle is not perfectly aligned with the other nozzle's line of thrust. I also updated the others thrust vectors back to 90° instead of 105° due to how KSP makes the RCS works. An Automated Tranfert Cargo Ship for a Kerbin's station using it.
  11. Hello, I'm working in my second mod (the first was never released, a kind of test), It's a rcs block derived from the original RCS-block-RV-105. here it is: you can try it! Download from CurseForge the idea come from the fact that to have a full control of a ship we need 4 rcs blocks, or with 2 we will need to rotate each time 90°, but it miss only one axis to have a full control, so why not make this kind of thruster?: With it we can have all the translations exept one, but it can be balanced with the main engine if you are a good pilot. after i saw this on the thread WIP-RCS-Pack... ...it has become an evidence, i have to do it! But i want to keep the stockalike style, and after a hard day of work, tadaaaam! the best is it use the original texture and so save a bit of ram. However i have some stuff to do before a release and questions for you guys: -is it ok to use a derived stock part? who can i ask for this? : i think yes, because the mod "Ven's part revamp" do it. -what kind of licence should i use considering this (i have no particular request on my side).: CC 4.0 . -how to give the credits to the original workers?: in the config file. -i will look to make it compatible with AVC-cheker, -and C-kAN too. an other question relative to this: as you can see despite the angled nozzles at 105°, the effective thrusts are at the perpendicular of the stock part (bottom part on the image), on mine i gave the real 105° and 180° accortding to the nozzles, what do you think about it? edit: The angled nozzle give artifacts: If i want to push on the right, it will also activate the to thruster and make you going down a bit due to how KSP make the RCS work, so i think i will come back to the original orientation. -also, english is not my native language ,so if you see somethink in the part description i should change or somethink more fun, don't be ashamed to tell me. edit: I know a 5 way modded rcs exist, but from a space point of view: save weight where u can! and from a gameplay point of view, less weight( you can use only 2 rcs block now) but you will have to be carefull with the throttle, to don't crash on your station , it has also less height to go under the fairings.
  12. Amazing, it's exactly what i was thinking yesterday, i'll do it!
  13. Ok, in fact i have yet ETC so! here is the default thrust curve (to multiply by the thrust affected by altitude if i understand): however, for ariane 5 after the hole for the maximum dynamic pressure the thrust going back higher a bit (thrust; time): i've seen a better curve a bit different with a yellow background, but impossible to find it again on the net, if you have it please call me, the EAP (SRB) also have a 6° gimbal nozzle.
  14. Really? natural selection! but ok, i have one ready for you, but you will need to send me the shipping cost on my western union account in caribbean first.
  15. WRONG, i put force-d4d12 now i have KSP in 3D, my RAM is now under 10megabit, i can dock several ships of +2500parts at +150fps with my oldschool 10 years old laptop! also i made an asteroids field to test a bit the limits, but it's ok, so i installed it on my phone and smartwatch: i also use finite element analysis in real time to have the whole part deformed instead of just a pivot point and connected the cloud layers to the irl weather-forecast-center!
  16. Nice! What is the ETC mod do you speak about guys, do i miss something? for the ariane5 and other ESA stuffs there is this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12106-0-23-5-Lionhead-Aerospace-Inc-Probes-and-Landers-Pack-updated but unfortunately not updated, and not made for RSS.
  17. Right, sorry i didn't had my ees well open and maybe confused with the double display. I'm sure you have really good ideas, i wish you will have the time to materialize them!
  18. So we need a button in the settings to auto-remap the EVA controls by using the ships control config, to save 5min per people, so save 01123581321 Wh of electricity, and so save the world of global warming!
  19. thank's for clarification, Because i know the modified parts, i think i don't need the default settings. So @ for changing the existing title (if there isn't any tittle, it's a problem with the part, and so prefer the patch don't create anything), % for the icon rotation to create a new one or modify the values given by an other MMpatch. all of this just for safety. the updated patches: MM_AviationLights_ChangeTitle by Skalou //Change the title displayed "in-game" like in the VAB/SPH for the aviation lights. //Tested on KSP version 1.0.5 with the mod "Aviation lights" version 3.8 . @PART[lightbeacon_amber]:NEEDS[AviationLights] { @title = Illumination Beaconlight Amber } @PART[lightbeacon_red]:NEEDS[AviationLights] { @title = Illumination Beaconlight Red } @PART[lightnav_blue]:NEEDS[AviationLights] { @title = Illumination Navlight Blue } @PART[lightnav_green]:NEEDS[AviationLights] { @title = Illumination Navlight Green } @PART[lightnav_red]:NEEDS[AviationLights] { @title = Illumination Navlight Red } @PART[lightnav_white]:NEEDS[AviationLights] { @title = Illumination Navlight White } @PART[lightstrobe_white]:NEEDS[AviationLights] { @title = Illumination Strobelight White } MM_AviationLights_PartIconFixer by Skalou //Rotate the icon in VAB/SPH for the aviation lights, need the mod "Part Icon Fixer & tweaks". //Tested on KSP version 1.0.5 with the mods "Aviation lights" version 3.8 and "Part Icon Fixer & tweaks" Version 1.2 . @PART[lightbeacon_amber]:NEEDS[AviationLights&PartIconFixer] { %iconRotation = 0,90,0 } @PART[lightbeacon_red]:NEEDS[AviationLights&PartIconFixer] { %iconRotation = 0,90,0 } @PART[lightnav_blue]:NEEDS[AviationLights&PartIconFixer] { %iconRotation = 0,90,0 } @PART[lightnav_green]:NEEDS[AviationLights&PartIconFixer] { %iconRotation = 0,90,0 } @PART[lightnav_red]:NEEDS[AviationLights&PartIconFixer] { %iconRotation = 0,90,0 } @PART[lightnav_white]:NEEDS[AviationLights&PartIconFixer] { %iconRotation = 0,90,0 } @PART[lightstrobe_white]:NEEDS[AviationLights&PartIconFixer] { %iconRotation = 0,90,0 } Your are free to use, modify, redistribute theses configs. link to the mod Part Icon Fixer & Tweaks original post #624
  20. all parts have a tittle (tittle is the part's name displayed "in-game" like in the VAB), so, if i understand you, i should do this to be safer?: MM_AviationLights_changename by Skalou //change the name displayed ingame @PART[lightbeacon_amber]:NEEDS[AviationLights] { @title = Illumination Beaconlight Amber } ... MM_AviationLights_iconfixer by Skalou //rotate the icon in VAB/SPH,need the mod particon fixer @PART[lightbeacon_amber]:NEEDS[AviationLights&PartIconFixer] { %iconRotation = 0,90,0 } ...
  21. yes, i have module manager installed (and a lot of other mods). maybe it display 0 kN because the thrust(0.25N=0.00025kN) is lower than 0.00kN? to use your mod in an other referential than Kerbol, the difficulty is see will be to "cut" the burn in many pieces like this(clic for more, english subtittle): ...in a friendly way, maybe by defining the final wanted orbit / time of each burn / number of burns, the "center" of those burns (Ap on the image) updated at each n+1 orbit. it will also need to use the classic prograde/radial/... directions instead of "angle of cone/clock" for ion engines.
  22. nice mod, however a question: if i create a ship with the new kerbokatz AutoBalancingLandingLeg, will the "in flight" ship be available with the standard legs if i remove the plugin later?
  23. hi, the C-KAN version is incomplete, there is only the folder "SolarSailNavigator" the "PersistantThrust" with parts and other stuff is missing. after installing it by github, i gave it a try, Nice! thank you the ion engine show 0 thrust is it normal? is it your plugin? no way to show the 0.25 N ? however some suggestions: -a button to show the start time in KSP time Years, Days,... (or RSS time) - a way to manually enter the values for the "burn" times, angles, etc.. like Precise-Node or Pilot Assistant
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