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Everything posted by andreasblom

  1. it seems like the ammounts of ammo in the box are too little, how would I go about fixing this?
  2. Liaison/ troop dropship aircraft parachutes can be seen in the background in front of VAB
  3. well I didn't read the op correctly my bad
  4. I present to you my largest helicopter yet! it launches two polaris nuclear missiles!
  5. am I in? also are helis ground forces or air force?
  6. Sign me up This sounds like a good thread :^ )
  7. two cas planes shameless self advertising https://kerbalx.com/crafts/16123
  8. thank you for responding, I asked this because I remember downscaled parts having crew capacity
  9. How do I disable the feature that blocks cockpits from being used if tweakscaled?
  10. considering spacescumbag's recent videos I think this is possible
  11. It's weird but also the one time they didn't get destroyed was when they were selected in the weapon switcher
  12. 1 tba tommorow morningusing vessel mover it hits at .2 m/s and speeds up when it splashes down 2 they are in the submarine middle part (with the six tubes) 3 pretty sure the attachment node of the missile is below the waterline
  13. well i use that but the missiles keep getting splashing down and getting destroyed
  14. I know this is inappropriate but do you plan to update D12?
  15. this has a different damage system if you're interested
  16. very kind of you to do this, will this include the helicopter rotors?
  17. These happenings with the forum are pretty annoying

  18. While as big as a dwarf planet may be impossible it would be interesting to create a self sustained small city up there. It'd be a cheaty science farm though and making it would take a few in game years so that makes it fair I'd say
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