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Everything posted by andreasblom

  1. I learned this the hard way with firespitter's wheels bouncing off the runway
  2. maybe the deploy could be bound to a key like the other kerbal parachute perhaps double tap o like in the old microsoft combat flight simulators (damn I miss those)
  3. what is the best way to launch the submarine?
  4. So is the lav ad going to have a gun and you put missiles in the tubes? Or are the tubes for decor?
  5. One addition to that the model includes smoke launchers on the turret will we be able to use them?
  6. Probably something like pic related like the hidden Vulcan, but you are free to make the one you prefer
  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADEN_cannon#ADEN_25 Image below is gsh 23 Giat 30 I think
  8. So I know requests are obnoxious but could you add some more autocannons like the giat, aden, or an internal gsh 23 (not those specifically, just examples) And are turret ivas possible?
  9. where do I download this? looks fun, reminds me of Red Dragon
  10. nah I'm fine w/ the two being edited. maybe some for the smaller cal cannons (35mm>)
  11. Can you mount missiles to the lav? Looks rad, proud of you! ps thanks for the russian gp bombs
  12. Could you make use of the chaingun explosion, please? (for example the Commanche gun explosion is a little too big) In the meantime I edited the some of the configs to do so
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