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  • About me
    Spacecraft Engineer
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    San Frankerbal
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    Outside of KSP (and XCOM!)? Cycling, traveling, reading, and planning my takeover of the universe.

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  1. Hey Nertea! Is there something you recommend to review thermal issues now that the Core Heat UI is deprecated? I was thinking of installing System Heat, so if that's your suggestion, then I'll pull the trigger.
  2. I just saw this. According to CKAN, your mods have been downloaded around 20,000,000 times. I use them in every playthrough, and I am clearly not alone. You, and a handful of developers like you, are what elevated KSP from an interesting game to a great one. Also donated to say "thank you."
  3. I disagree with one thing you said: Thanks for helping keep up KSP. I rarely comment anymore, but this was worth crawling out from my cave. :)
  4. Visuals aside, I don't see anything in the description that there is an integrated heatshield or that ablative material is used on any of those command pods / landers. There is no ablator resource included in the configs for those vehicles, which suggests that that Nertea (the mod author for NF) didn't intend for these pods to have integrated heatshields. It's your game, of course, and you can do whatever you want with it! In that spirit, if you want to add ablative shielding to the NF pods, you might want to either look at how DRE added it (check out the DeadlyReentry.cfg and look at the line for "@PART[mk1pod|mk1podNew|mk1pod_v2]:FOR[DeadlyReentry]" for an example), or you could look at what Squad does on their pods (an example can be found in the KV1Pod.cfg, and either add an MM patch [the best practices method] or copy/paste the ModuleAblator and Resource blocks right into your command pod of choice [not generally a good idea]). Remember to backup any files you start playing around with!
  5. @DeliriumTriggerraises some great points (and extra kudos for being respectful, clear, and comprehensive). I am a bit opposite from DT (hope you don't mind the abbreviation) in that I always install RealChutes in every career playthrough. However, I also go into the config files outside the game and change the presets there, as well as a couple of actions to make my life a bit easier. What this says to me, is that although I have a workaround, the fact that I do this every time means that the default configuration doesn't work well for me (emphasis on "for me"; YMMV). I agree that the User Experience could be made better in RC2, assuming that it is technically feasible and that @stupid_chrisso chooses. This is a great mod that has made my game qualitatively better. I appreciate all of the work SC has done and generously shared with the community. And I also think that DT has made some great suggestions worthy of consideration.
  6. Hi @Zulkonit! Welcome to the Forums! Are you having specific problems with NF Construction? There are many people (myself included) that use the various Near Future mods in their games without problem. If you aren't having any problems, then don't worry about the version number. It's like the song says, "Age is just a number, and so are KSP versions" (or something like that!). If you haven't tried using any of the NF mods, it's usually a good idea to read some of the forum posts. At minimum, the Original Post and at least a few pages back from current. That will tell you if anyone has been reporting significant problems. In this case, on the previous page, on March 4th @Grem helpfully reported that all of the mods are currently working with KSP 1.12.3. If you are trying to install using CKAN and having issues, note that you can override the version in CKAN. And, if you have already installed an NF mod and you are having problems, we need information to help you. Follow the instructions in this post. Again, welcome!
  7. I am going to add my thanks to @zer0Kerbalfor reviving another languishing mod. Between ZK and @linuxgurugamer, the number of mods that have been updated and maintained long after their authors have taken a break from the community is inspiring (and let's not forget the number of original mods ZK and LGG have authored). Not only that, but the cooperation and coordination between the two of them is much appreciated. I can't speak for anyone else, but I find myself constantly revisiting old mods, comparing them to new ones, and feeling quite fortunate that I have different feature sets to choose from. I can Play My Way (tm), and that's not a bad thing. Just waiting for ZK to release his take on Office 365 for KSP.
  8. Hi @Artyom, I see you've been around the forums for about a year, so a belated "welcome!" My apologies if you have already seen this, but in order for someone to really be able to help you, we need information. Check out this post here, which explains everything.
  9. Hey ZK, I am getting this in my logs: And then I found this on the forums: What do you think? What did I screw up... again? Logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-z5MCm0GZJg5PFxNW5g?e=fpOlNj
  10. As @darthgentlyand others have mentioned, I was sloppy in my little experiment. I performed it again this morning, making two changes: first, I flew to 66km and made sure I had an AP close to 200km and a PE below 20km (specifically, 198 and 14). Then I quicksaved the game. I then ran multiple tests, decoupling each 1000m (starting at 67,000) up to 74km, checking the SR recovery process each time. And, each time I ran the test, the lifter was successfully recovered. And so, the "oddity" I noted was due to failure to control for a variable on my part. My cats are ashamed of me, and they've stated it will take many bribes of treats to ever publish in their journal again. Everything else I said, however, matches. If you want to use SR to recover a vessel, you must make sure that the PE for the vessel to be recovered is below the point at which KSP deletes it (just under 25km on Kerbin in stock solar system). One other thing: I tried one other little experiment. After getting the payload in stable orbit, but before the lifter was recovered, I switched back to the Space Center, then went to the Tracking Station. I watched the lifter make several orbits, going all the way down to 14km and back up to 198km. Then I switched back to the payload. If the lifter was below the 25km line and thus deleted by KSP, SR *did* process the vessel correctly. So it would seem that you don't have to stay with the vessel after a decoupling event; if you leave Flight, it will be immune from deletion while it proceeds on rails, but when you return to Flight, it correctly gets deleted and SR does work. @linuxgurugamerand @magico13make great code. But I think we all know that.
  11. Well, to be fair to by rigidly controlled and fully scientific experiment, my AP was rarely at 200km at the time of decoupling. I was mostly testing for PE, not AP, so the AP varied from a low of 84 to a high of 180 (after decoupling, I targeted the lifter and noted the AP/PE after it left physics range). 200 was the final AP for the payload. However, AP didn't seem to matter at all. The only difference I experienced (again, in my peer-reviewed and journal-ready) experiment was as reported: decoupling events below 70km resulted in success, above resulted in failure with orbital speeds reported in the dialog. I am *not* suggesting that anything is wrong with SR, nor that my observations should be taken without a ton of salt. The only thing I *did* do (without being sarcastic) is run the test multiple times, so I am relatively sure that what I observed, on my rig with my modified install, was an accurate representation of how SR works (again though--on my rig with my modded install).
  12. Ladies and gentlemen, the results of my experiment: AP/PE (km) Decouple below 70km? Result 200/50 Y #3 200/50 N #3 200/20 Y #1 (pass) 200/20 N #1(?) (fail) Parameters of experiment: Lifter with probe core, engine, fuel, and parachutes was decoupled from payload either above or below 70km, as noted above. @DeadJohnwas 100% correct; if the lifter's PE was below 25km, when KSP deleted it as it passed through 25km, Stage Recovery processed it. If the lifter's PE was above 50km, it stayed on rails regardless of the parameters of its "orbit". One oddity: when I decoupled the lifter from the payload below 70km, SR recovered the lifter without problem and indicated a propulsive recovery. However, when decoupled above 70km, SR did process the lifter when it was deleted from the game but invariably noted it was destroyed due to excessive speed, as shown here: NB: This was later determined to be due to difference in altitude during the decoupling event. The only difference between successful recovery and failure that I was able to note was that in each incidence where the lifter was decoupled below 70km, recovery was successful. Likewise, in each incidence where decoupling occurred above 70km recovery failed. In my totally inexpert opinion, I would like to note that the velocity indicated (2276 m/s) looks like the orbital velocity at the time the lifter was decoupled. I would speculate that once you've crossed the border from "flying high" to "in space low", the velocity that SR uses to decide if the recovery was successful changes. However, I may be *totally* wrong about this. NB: I was. @linuxgurugamer, I hope you find my little experiment interesting. If nothing else, it seems to show that if one wants to use Stage Recovery, one must make certain that any craft to be recovered has a PE (on Kerbin, at least) below 25km. It also may help with successful recovery if the decouple event occurs before crossing the border between flying high and in space low.
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