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Everything posted by fireblade274

  1. Klarf 1, Schlarf 1.1, Marf 2, Klarp 2, Marp 4.2, Schlarp 1.7., Scotchy 1, The list truly goes on for me.
  2. Thank you for your input Jim! Unfortunately, though I do have backups, when compared to the time it would take to re-build the station, they are relatively far back enough that if I loaded them I would be regressing back to a time where I would be spending even more time re-doing missions then rebuilding the station. I haven't really played since the issue started; that being said I may just suck it up, rebuild the station and hope nothing else is wrong with my save
  3. That sucks, and they get expensive late game. I could just suck it up and spend a day rebuilding it, but I wanted to get right along with finished my Eloo mission and then getting a com network set up, and that station was the first one I ever put up in my save which is over a year old... That sentimental value I guess. Is there no way to get it to re appear?
  4. Has Video Wednesdays been moved to Tuesday then?
  5. So I was playing ksp the day it was updated to 1.2. What actually happened was I was in the middle of an Eloo mission, returning to the "mothership" in LEO with the lander from the surface, and upon entering physics range and getting close to the main craft, the main craft exploded and seemed to come off the rails in the most fantastic-ly horrible up-close way. (Edit-forgot about this part) The camera then broke away from the craft and began to move through the planet Eloo and came out the other side. I was forced to restart my computer. I had never experienced this before with my short list of mods that I would normally use in 1.1.3: KAC KAS KIS KER MJ2 Atmospheric Trajectories Distant Object Enhancement Lights Out Claw's Stock Bug Fixes Scatter CKAN When I restarted the game again (I have it on steam) the game restarted in version 1.2. I did not make a backup of my 1.1.3 main save. I ran the game and loaded the most recent save at the time, which was a quick save of when the landing craft touched down on Eloo's surface, but chose to just play around a bit with jets for a few days and not do/check on anything else while mods were getting updated. My memory is fuzzy on whether or not I remember seeing my one and only station in LKO (altitude at 240km, named SS2) at the time. 2 day ago from writhing this I went to the orbital map view in the tracking station and was unnerved to find my first station around Kerbin, SS2, gone. Luckily I don't think I had any kerbals on the station, or a ship docked to it, but it was large, and an important fuel depot that had actually did have 2 very small "tug" probes for moving around orange jumbo tanks for refueling. Here is a picture of it, it looks like a giant cross but in this photo has 2 large interplanetary ships connected to it in this instance; I don't have a better screen shot of just the station: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/318999100688266840/7F512B3EDB3A6E489C86B1A546336E2AC666C8CB/ Additional Details: Currently I am running only KAC, KAS, KIS, MJ2, and Atmos Traj. MJ2 is the only one not officially updated to 1.2 out of the mods I'm currently running. If there are any other craft missing in my file I'm unaware of them. I am certain beyond a reasonable doubt that the station is missing; in the tracking center it only lists 2 stations, both in Jool orbit, and not 3 anymore. I have had craft (that sadly had lots of crew) go missing way in the past in older versions, around 1.0 time. It's the reason most of my kerbals have died lol, first they were reported MIA, and then KIA upon reloading the game. I didn't see any labeled MIA in the space academy, so I've assumed I didn't have a kerbal chillin on the station This save has been around and was created soon after 1.0 was released Here is a copy of my quicksave where I just landed on Eloo, the last time I believe the station was still in existance: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0gx99pld7zx41u/quicksave.sfs?dl=0 Here is a copy of my save when I noticed something was wrong: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wzqf4u6drqtrwi6/what ss gone.sfs?dl=0 Here is a copy of my logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kay6r5ocnb3ohs8/output_log.txt?dl=0 If I can think of anything else I'll edit it in here My system specs: Windows 10 64bit KSP: Steam i5 4690k OC to 4.5Ghz 2x AMD HD6950's crossfired 8gh RAM 480gb SSD If you have any questions or need more information please let me know; thank you in advance for any assistance!
  6. Yup. If you turn things down more you might be able to see that monstrosity with more frames, but if you really want to see a change get at least an entry level dedicated graphics card to take some load off your cpu IMO. Yeah delta time sets how long the game has to calculate everything before slowing down time, so giving it more time will give you more fps too.
  7. I run a i5 4690k overclocked to 4.5 Ghz and I'm getting 16fps on the KSC main view. I do have the delta time setting at .03 (all the way to the left) so everything is still buttery smooth and in real time. I also have Scatter on and Distant object, so I'd say your getting the highest frame rates you can get short of decreasing more settings; speaking of which what are they for you with those frame rates
  8. Can you toggle comnet being on or off in a save carried over from 1.1.3? Or do you have to start a new save to enable or disable it? Or am I just missing something
  9. Hey how can I install this but not have the city lights textures added? EDIT: Also, should I uninstall Distant Object since its also bundled in this download?
  10. Not to agree or disagree with your statement... But No Mans Sky has been ignoring their entire release for the past month and Mr. Murray has vanished from the planet after many advertised features are missing from the official release. That's a lot worse then encountering major issues in a game console port, and while trying earnestly to fix them are not succeeding. I am a PC user, though I can understand your frustration. We've had our own major bugs before the console port, and I've lost kerbals due to their ships just vanishing, and game save corrupting issues.
  11. So in stock EVE there is only one cloud layer, but we can change this? I have a decently high end system and I'd like to add more cloud layers. What the maximum recommended cloud layer dosage
  12. Hey you don't happen to be in a band do you? Oh, Sleeper is like my favorite band ever, and their lead vocalist is named Micah Kinarda0267608396_10.jpg

    This is an album cover of a different band, Blood of the Martyrs (never even heard of them till now). Micah has preformed guest vocals for one of their songs "Colonel Gentleman" when BotM re-recorded it. The album cover looks a lot like your icon rotated 90 degrees,

    And this is Oh, Sleeper's icon of the broken pentagram also looks similar to yours (though less then the above image)


    Are you Micah Kinard? Are you just a fan, or did you pick your username and avatar icon by other means and am I just crazy lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. micha


      The first in a series of space trading/exploration games. Made by a German developer called Egosoft.

    3. fireblade274


      OH okay yea I've heard of those games, i actaully own (somewhere) X4 terran conflict, picked it up from a EB games store a while back. Never got real into it, though i should have. Idk it was hard to find at least a general sense of direction in that game, a good interactive tutorial would have been nice if im not mistaken. Maybe someday ill find it, it wont be scratched, and ill take a look at it again. You could like upgrade your ship, fight, and fly around right?

    4. micha


      Yeah. Standard framework of fight trade upgrade etc. The first is maybe technically pants these days but the story was good. 

      It was released in the days when another elite sequel seemed just a pipe dream. 

  13. Never tried the KSP multiplayer mod; IMO I think id rather prefer waiting for bit for people over sync issues
  14. Haha so first of all it turns out I meant Dres was where I'm trying to go, slight laps of memory and typo lol, thank you for the link to the Dv table @regex, I was having trouble finding it (though I did not look too long tbh ) I have 3.8k of Dv to work with for the landing craft, for it to land on Dres, re orbit, then burn for an intercept of Kerbin. I'm a bit concerned since I've only been to Dres once before, but I built another "booster" craft to get it in Dres orbit first. It has 6k Dv (without being attached to the lander craft payload) so i think it could have some fuel left inside i can use by redocking with the booster after landing on Dres to top off as much fuel as I can, and I think I'll be gravy I hope I will be since I already set the gears in motion last night by putting the "booster" in LKO and i'm refueling it with my spaceplane till its full, then ill sent up the lander to dock with the booster and send em off
  15. Really? Thats like str8 up false advertising right? Is this recent
  16. I plan on tugging a lander to Duna for a rescue mission but I don't go to Duna often.. Is 4000 Dv enough to land from Duna LDO to its surface, back to LDO, and then a burn to intersect with Kerbin? I plan on aerobraking at Kerbin w/heat shield
  17. No comprendo.. So I burn to Jool, it takes 6 years for me. Sally burns to Jool, it takes her 7 years. I have to wait for Sally to time warp another hour before I can see her, even if she's also in the Jool system?
  18. I use KAC and with that I hit my node 99.99% of the time; I would think if multiplayer was added there would be a feature so that people who have closer nodes would not be passed by and would simply do what they gotta do and then allow everyone else to continue warping. Not saying you should need a mod for multiplayer, just that same system where time warp is slowed down and reaches 1x upon coming up on a node
  19. I think an easy way for multiplayer to work would be for each player in the same Solar system to have to check the proverbial "ready to warp" box; warp can only be done when all players have agreed? Is this feasible?
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