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Posts posted by yorshee

  1. qczeVdd.gif

    I have this craft in LKO and I was adjusting its trajectory to try to capture an asteroid. I ran out of fuel in the previous stage so I decoupled it, but after a few seconds, the FL-T800 fuel tanks with aerospikes attached under the nosecones start vibrating for no reason and it soon shakes itself apart. Sometimes it explodes, sometimes it doesn't, but it always breaks apart.

    I managed to quicksave, go back to the space centre, and delete the debris of the previous stage - I had turned down the force percentage of the decouplers which made the debris linger behind the craft for a long time if I didn't throttle up, and it might have been clipping into the ship and making it go weird. This isn't the cause of the jiggling because I deleted the debris and it's still happening. You can see that some of the fuel tanks still have some decouplers attached, that's because I decoupled them manually to see if decoupling them all at the same time was making this weird thing happen, and it isn't.

    I have tried doing this with SAS turned on and off, I've tried throttling up for a few seconds to see if it straightens itself out, I've tried doing absolutely nothing. No matter what I do, this happens.

    What is actually happening? I don't mind sending up a new craft that's been fixed since this didn't cost a lot at all but I'd like to know what the issue is before I send another one up.

    I'm not using any mod parts in this ship - everything is stock, I only have things like KER and KAC installed.

  2. I've been trying to make an SSTO but I just can't seem to do it. I've tried making small, fast ones to large, fuel-heavy ones, but no matter what I do, the same thing happens.

    I tend to use Turbojets and Nervas and I have seen people make SSTOs with just these two types of engines, but whenever I try it, I get to around 20km (apoapsis is around 35km) and then the turbojets run out of air so I switch to the nuclear engines, but the TWR is so bad that I get to my apoapsis of around 35km and start to fall again.

    I have tried using RAPIERS but I don't like how you have to carry oxidizer to fuel them - it weighs you down a lot and I find that it chews through oxidizer like no tomorrow. I never carry enough oxidizer to get to 70km, and if I do decide to make my entire spaceplane out of rocket fuselages then it barely has enough fuel to do anything - I now have to halve the amount of liquid fuel I had to make room for the oxidizer.

    I have only managed to make one successful SSTO, and even then, it barely even had the fuel to deorbit itself and land - there's no way I could even flyby the Mun with that.

    Does anyone have any tips? D:

  3. tumblr_no7ll3Kuqd1tapj1do1_1280.png

    I got this orbital station to Eeloo to complete a contract but it thinks that it doesn't have an antenna, docking ports, or solar panels, which is clearly does (if you can't see the antenna, it's between the bottom solar panel and the RCS fuel tank).

    I used Kerbal Inventory System to attach the batteries to the side of the lander can because I forgot to add them and the meager amounts of electricity that can be stored in the probe core and lander can wasn't enough to power my ion engines, but surely that wouldn't change anything? The craft already had the ability to store electrical charge in the lander can and probe core, I was just giving it some extra electric storage.

    Is there a way I can force the game to refresh the ship or the contracts so it completes the mission?

  4. Today I made my first SSTO! I don't really use spaceplanes much, but I decided to give this a go because apparently making SSTOs is hard in 1.0.2.


    Here's the Mk2 - the Mk1 was a completely different design and it couldn't even get close to orbit so I scrapped the design and started again from scratch. The Mk2 could get into orbit!


    I landed it (almost) successfully, too. It had just enough fuel to deorbit and land.


    Unfortunately, because the bottom-most jet engines were so far back, they smacked into the ground and exploded. The rest of it survived!

    I tweaked the design a bit and made the Mk3 - I got rid of the useless radial intakes, moved the wheels back, changed the canards, and added a couple of little solar panels. I also added struts where they needed to be - because I changed where the wheels were, the craft would flex weirdly in the middle and misalign the engines, and then the exhausts would hit against the other engines and everything would explode.

    I didn't get an orbit screenshot of the Mk3 (it did make it to orbit!) - but I did get an image of it landed.


    I didn't really think about where to place the airbrakes, so I stupidly put them on the top and bottom of the outermost engines. Of course, the bottom ones scraped along the ground and broke off.

    All I did was move 'em to the side instead, and it's complete!


    Not too sure what to do with the design now. :P

  5. I like the 1.0.2 atmosphere better than the 1.0 atmosphere, 3000m/s of dV to get to orbit was way too easy. However, the reentry heating is now too easy compared to 1.0, I end up barely even using any ablator on my heatshields and I don't even know if I really need a heatshield anymore because only small things, like ladders and batteries, actually end up overheating.

  6. You might not have enough to be captured by Kerbin. I think you're going to have to send a craft to deliver fuel. I think ideally you're going to want to move through the Kerbin atmosphere or else get gravity assist to slow down from the Mun.

    I went with the refueling option as it seemed more fun than sitting around waiting for a close approach to happen.

    Rendezvousing in deep space was insanely difficult but I managed to do it!

    As it turns out, the craft doesn't have a docking port (I must have been thinking of something else) so I had to use the claw.


    The craft now has ~1800m/s of dv! More than enough to get back home.

    Thank you everyone! :D

  7. H-y-p-e-r-e-d-i-t
    I'm running a strict no-cheating policy on this save game! No debug menu either. I wanted this to be the first save file I ever did properly with no HyperEdit. It has made my accomplishments a lot more fulfilling and I don't want to ruin that. If I manage to get the crew back to Kerbin by myself then it'll be the first rescue mission I ever did without cheating, too - I don't want to miss out on this accomplishment.
    Look at hitting eve or moho, should be easier. I've seen grand tours done with very little dv by using gravity wells to change angles.

    Would that not require Eve/Moho, my ship, AND Kerbin to all align perfectly? I've never done any gravity assists before, so I dunno how it works.

    ... is cheating

    You could try this:

    1) Set Kerbin as your target, set a node at your current apoapsis.

    2) Right click that node and keep moving it forward an orbit until your closest approach to Kerbin is reasonably close.

    3) Once you have a decent closest approach play with the node until you get an encounter.

    Chances are it'll take several orbits to get Val home, but if she's been out there 3 years already... another 3 probably won't make much difference

    I'll give this a shot tomorrow :D Thanks!
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