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Posts posted by yorshee

  1. Hey bud,

    you seem a lot more knowledgeable on your problem than I am. However, I can't help but think you might benefit from this mod?


    Read that #1 post and see if anything in there sounds like it will help. If not, sorry to waste your time!

    Good luck.

    I have KJR, it's a great mod but the way it handles part joints has nothing to do with the way the game loads heavily-docked crafts. :( I found that parts break a lot less with it but once they're flung into the air sideways then it's screwed anyways.
  2. (Because this isn't a glitch, rather a way the game handles physics in general, I won't include my output logs as they won't show anything abnormal)

    I've been building a base on Minmus to serve as a launchsite, I have the Outer Planets mod and launching huge behemoths to get to them and subsequently polluting Kerbin with copious amount of rocket exhaust seems bad even if it doesn't affect the game at all - if I launch straight from Minmus then I don't have to worry about that and also I can use less dV getting into a parking orbit around Kerbin which means simpler rockets which is nice.

    But every time I've tried to set up a base, there's a glitch where the entire thing sort of mushes into the ground a few inches upon loading, and then the physics kick in and throws it up into the air. This can become disastrous when you're dealing with a large base, and my base is pretty big as it has lots of different modules, including a freakin' launchpad. Basically because it's so big, it gets kicked up even further, and the lighter parts get thrown further upwards than the heavier parts and the tubes connecting the entire thing snap and some things come back down so hard they explode, or they get thrown sideways and land upside-down or whatever.

    I haven't been able to build a single base that doesn't suffer from this problem and I've been trying since 0.90. I know what causes it - as I attach more modules, the centre of mass changes and the tubes start to flex ever so slightly to compensate for it. However before physics are loaded, the tubes aren't bent or flexing, everything is connected perfectly, which then makes some parts sink into the ground. Then the physics kicks in and things actually collide with the ground and gets spat out of the planet's surface violently. Minmus' low gravity makes the whole thing even worse, too.

    I've tried sticking landing legs on each module, I've tried it with the legs' suspension on and off, I've tried connecting the modules with stock girders and docking ports, nothing seems to work.

    Does anyone have any tips to get around the way the game screws with ground bases? Are there mods that address this? Please help D: I just wanna make cool ground bases.

  3. I made this ridiculous thing to get a mining vehicle to Moho, as part of my Moho manned mission so I could refuel the lander once it gets there so it could return home.

    This was all on Career mode! I hadn't unlocked the big Kerbodyne fuel tanks at the time.

    The screenshots have borders around 'em as I was using a screenshot program 'cuz F12 to take a Steam screenshot also toggles the aerodynamic overlay, and I didn't know about F1 at the time.












  4. Does this mod still work in 1.0.2? Would love to try it!

    I haven't added this into my 1.0.2 install yet, despite loving this mod. I'll give it a go to see how it works :D

    EDIT: A question, is there a way to stop Kerbals from going insane and killing each other when they're travelling long distances? I had a manned trip to Duna in 0.90 that ended in disaster because they ended up hating each other and murdered each other and there was nothing I could do about it.

  5. My most hated glitch is that glitch that makes your ground bases spring up into the air and rip themselves apart when you switch to them. It happens when you use KAS pipes to attach all the different modules of your base together but I'm sure it can be replicated with stock parts. I haven't tried to make a ground base in 1.0 yet but I'm 99% sure the problem is still there, because when I docked my refuelling rover to my interplanetary ship, it sprung up a few centimetres.

    I just wanna make cool ground bases, man.

  6. You're running out of memory, did you only just install ATM before this started happening? ATM will make the game run out of memory before it is even finished loading as this is when it starts optimising the textures, and basically it's a lot of hard work for the little mod. Keep opening KSP until it can load to the title screen and it should be ok because that's when ATM has every texture already optimised into its cache.

  7. I'm working with FishiMishi, the author of the old Reddit KSP Guidebook, to make a new up-to-date one! There's a link to the forum thread about it in my signature. I studied Graphic Design in school so it's something I'm pretty good at so I can make it look pretty, whereas FishiMishi is the one providing all the info (I'm competent enough at the game, but I'm no Scott Manley!)

    There's a very basic preview in the forum thread along with a checklist of all the info that'll be provided, if you think there's more stuff that needs to be added then please let me know! :D

  8. I've had the same issue. It only seems to happen around Jool, too - I had to quicksave, load, and then dive to the space center and time-warp a few hundred kilometers away to get it to stop doing that.

    That happens to me sometimes. It lets me timewarp again once I get to an altitude of 1000km.

    ...Back to the actual topic of this thread: 195km is the best Jool aerocapture altitude for me, though I haven't tried it without a heatshield or fairings. I'm too paranoid of stuff exploding. D:

  9. My old settings file doesn't work now, I updated Soundtrack Editor to the newest version and put my settings.cfg where it should be, but every time I boot the game it, it reverts the settings back to the default.

    EDIT: I redownloaded everything and tried again, now it loads the title screen forever :confused:

    Here's the relevant part of the output log:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at SoundtrackEditor.SoundtrackEditor.SelectPlaylist () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at SoundtrackEditor.SoundtrackEditor.OnSituationChanged () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at SoundtrackEditor.EventManager.onGameSceneLoadRequested (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at HighLogic.LoadScene (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at PSystemSetup+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  10. Most of this is re-invention of the wheel with the official wiki that exists, though cleaning it up and making it look a bit better like you have shown in your example would be nice.

    To quote myself from Reddit: I reckon it would be handy to have one resource you can look at any time, even with no Internet connection, with all the info you need instead of having to look at loads of different wiki pages and YouTube videos, yknow?

  11. I had an idea a few days ago to make a detailed digital KSP handbook with all the essential info you need to get good at the game. It will be a handy resource with everything you need to know, from optimal vehicle design to knowing the right phase angle you need to get to a certain planet - it will have everything. It will be useful because it'll be a downloadable .pdf, so it can be accessed offline and can be printed. A lot more handy than looking up YouTube videos, I think.

    I made a mock-up in an hour or two yesterday with bare-bones info (mainly just to get the layout set up), the graphical look of the user guide is based off the recently-updated KSP website. I'll add an image to the mock-up to the bottom of this post, some of you may have seen it on the KSP subreddit already.

    What I need to know is this: what sort of information do you deem essential to know about when playing KSP? I asked for feedback on Reddit and this is what I have written down on my spider diagram so far, it's a bit ramble-y but hopefully it makes sense:


    • What each part type does
    • Engine ISP, Fuel Tank capacity, etc. at a glance
    • When it is suitable to use a certain part (i.e. Nerva for Interplanetary travel, Mainsail for heavy lifting)
    • Description of Resources (What Liquid Fuel, Xenon, Electrical Charge etc. is actually used for)
    • How to make optimal, aerodynamically-stable spaceplanes
      • Also how to make a rocket that doesn't flip around at 11km

      [*]Guide to resource mining and how it works.


    • Orbital and escape velocities
    • Delta-V required to reach orbit around planets, land on planets, etc.
      • This could be shown like the delta-V map, perhaps

      [*]Atmosphere present? At which altitude does it start?

      [*]Number of biomes?

      [*]Oxygen present?

      [*]Phase and ejection angles

      [*]Gravity at sea level

      [*]Anomalies (nothing spoiler-y, of course!)

      [*]Radius of the planets

      [*]Maximum apoapsis before leaving the SOI

      [*]Altitude for a geo-synchronous orbit

      [*]TWR for liftoff


    • General information about orbital mechanics

    • How to dock
    • Abbreviations (EVA, dV, TWR, LKO etc.) and other useful lingo.
    • Equations (How to calculate ISP, dV, TWR etc.)
    • UI explainations (the Navball, IVA view etc.)
      • How orbits actually work in relation to the navball, i.e. what happens to your orbit if you burn prograde, or anti-normal etc.

      [*]Key bindings

      [*]Useful part descriptions (Engine ISP, lift rating etc.)

      [*]Advanced techniques (Aerobraking, gravity assists etc.)

      [*]A guide to how Science/Career mode works, explaining each of the science modules, their science yields and purposes among other things.

      [*]Essential mods and general info about KSP's modding community

    Here's the basic preview I made yesterday to show how it'll look:


    Please, if you have any ideas for what sort of info should be added, please let me know! I want this user guide to be the definitive resource for information (I plan to use it for myself too! :P)

    EDIT: FishiMishi, author of the (now-outdated) Reddit guidebook is helping too! :D

  12. Here's Val on Moho, Minmus, and Dres.




    The Minmus one isn't very good quality because I cropped it a while ago and forgot to save the original, so I had to resize and crop it again to fit the specifications. D: I hope it's still okay.

    I could've sworn I had one of Val on Gilly too, I guess I must have forgotten to actually screenshot that moment. :P

  13. Today I almost ran out of money in my career save by launching a load of things, but I got it all back by completing a load of contracts with said things. One of the contracts was to get a class E asteroid into orbit around Eve... Never again.

    I also landed a Kerbal on Dres, and another is on his way to land on Eeloo.

  14. I've got satellites to orbit every body in KSP, I've landed probes on everything except for Bop and Pol. But for this poll I selected the planets I haven't put a Kerbal on - Eve (because I haven't made a ship design that can get back yet), Dres (because I don't really have a reason to go there), and Eeloo (no reason why I haven't been there, I might go there soon).

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