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Posts posted by yorshee

  1. It was planned, they talked about it in a devnote Tuesday. I've been hearing it's in the debug menu, but haven't seen it in the stream. Maybe it's unfinished due to some reason, and they haven't implemented it to the engineer report yet, but in the next update?
    If it's in the debug menu then I'll be happy, as long as it's in the stock game. I guess we'll have to wait for the release to check ourselves. Or we can ask a streamer. :P
  2. I hope I'm not dampening the hype by posting this here (I'm still super excited for 1.0!), but I need an answer for this.

    I've been watching the KSPTV streams and I noticed there is no delta-v or TWR readout anywhere in the Engineer Report. I remember reading somewhere that this was going to be in 1.0 and I'm disappointed that, for some reason, it didn't make it in. I'm happy with 1.0 but it would have been perfect if this would have been included - I would have no reason to run any mods whatsoever, other than a few beautification mods.

    Does anyone have any more info on this?

  3. Is there any needs for a idea? Because I had one were jeb is trying to grab the sample from the science.jr. The golden squid thing.

    I could have a go at that! :D I want to get some more work done on my 1.0 career save comic first though - I plan on having a few pages for backstory and character introduction before I actually start to document my career progress, so I should really get to work on that asap - the game is coming out in a few days now!

  4. Personally I am a firm believer that the orange suits are all siblings. So Valentina would be Jeb's sister. No there's nothing wrong with a brother loving his sister, but I don't think Jebediah would ever think his sibling would be cool, or anyone for that matter. I think his ego is too big for that. Also, Val is a pilot, I doubt she's be taken by science specifically.

    Still though, I really really like the art. I am just imagining it is different Kerbals instead of Jeb and Val, especially since they're in their EVA suits.

    But all Kerbals love science! 'Violent chemical reactions' is just a fancy way of saying 'explosions' to them.

    The proportions are just right for Kerbals, and I like how you imagine the texture of Kerbal Hair actually flies out in the "real-ish" world.

    Kerbal proportions are pretty easy once you know what they are - their head-to-body ratio is literally 1:1. It's pretty weird, now that I think about it.

    I have to admit, I do draw their a bit too 'floofy' for my own liking. But it's impossible for me to draw their hair as it is canonically, 'cause it sorta grows inwards to the middle of their heads while remaining perfectly flat, and that doesn't make any sense in reality.

    Minmus Ice Cream is truly magnificent. I've always wanted to see this picture done properly, I couldn't make it look right in pencil.

    Thank you! :D

    The first drawing, the Eve one is interesting. The mountains seem too tall for Evian Gravity, and the snow-tops of them don't seem to fit with Eve's heat. The picture of Val and one of the other orange-suits at Val is also really great. You do the facial expressions magnificently.

    I took a lot of liberties with the Eve picture, so it's not very accurate. And yeah, drawing facial expressions is one of my favourite things to draw.

    The Kraken Attack picture as also really good. The cell shading and coloring on it was done really nicely, and you can tell it took a long time to do, it looks great. The Kraken looks like a 10-Kilometer-Wide beast enveloping the space around Bop. Again, the facial expressions look great here.

    On many of the drawings, I love the background stars and galaxy, and some of the surface details on Minmus or Eve and the jetpack exhaust near Vall.

    Again, thank you! :D

  5. I said this on my blog and I think it's appropriate to say it again here:

    With the overhauled aerodynamics and all the features and parts that come with it, I literally have no reason to run any mods anymore, maybe other than one or two beautification mods and small things like KAS and Chatterer.

    I'm also really pleased that the loading time for a stock install has been cut down to less than half of what it is currently, with all the optimisations Squad has done.

    The only thing that's stopping this from being perfect is the weird fairing separation, but from looking through this thread, it looks as though it's being sorted out. :D

  6. Kraken attack was on the KSP blog. Congrats!

    I saw! :D It was awesome.

    I'm working on some new drawings for the Kerbal Countdown but I have no clue if drawn fanart even counts for the Kerbal Countdown thing.

  7. An error keeps popping up in the Debug Menu and it's stopping me from docking, and I think it has something to do with FAR because this is what it says in the output log:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at FlightGlobals.get_ActiveVessel () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ferram4.FARControlSys.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    What's causing it?

  8. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to cross-post from the thread I made to here or not, but I need help. D:

    I landed a drill on the surface on Minmus where there is definitely ore to mine, but for some reason the Karbonite drill, which is the drill I've used to mine ore loads of times before, isn't working for some reason.


    I have the option to drill Karbonite, but not ore. I know it works because I've done it before in the past.

    I made a thing out of all of the drill parts I have (other than the oceanic ones) and only the auger gives me the option to mine for ore.


    Why did it suddenly stop working? D: Is there a way I can fix it?

  9. (The only relevant mods I have are Karbonite, ScanSAT, and EPL, nothing else should touch the Regolith stuff)

    I landed a drill on the surface on Minmus where there is definitely ore to mine, but for some reason the Karbonite drill, which is the drill I've used to mine ore loads of times before, isn't working for some reason.


    I have the option to drill Karbonite, but not ore. I have the Extraplanetary Launchpads plugin thing, so it should work, and I know it works because I've done it before in the past.

    I made a thing out of all of the drill parts I have (other than the oceanic ones) and only the auger gives me the option to mine for ore.


    Why did it suddenly stop working? D: Is there a way I can fix it?

  10. If you're sticking two Claws together, that could be the issue... but if you're really just docking two ships, that shouldn't happen. The fact that your game is modded may very well be an issue.

    That's true. It also happened once when I was using KAS pipes to load one of my resource-transferring rovers with Karbonite, though when I reloaded the save and tried it again, it worked.

    I guess the relevant mods I have installed are Kerbal Attachment System and Karbonite for that one-off bug I just mentioned, and for the more persistent bug that I explained in the OP, would be the USI Kolonization mod since I was using their docking ports and tube things.

    ...I still have this funny feeling it isn't because of my mods though, since both of my bugs as well as Danny's example all have one thing in common, and it has to do with attaching things together. I'll try to replicate the effect with a vanilla install later.

  11. (I have a modded game but I don't think it matters since this also happens in the stock game)

    I've been working on an extravagant Minmus base for a few days now, shipping new pieces from Kerbin and attaching them to the main part of the base by scooting them along Minmus's surface using RCS and into the docking ports, but sometimes I keep getting that Glitch Device effect. You know the one, right? Danny did a video on it, the one where you attach a Kerbal to two claws and then the surface disappears from underneath you and anything in the planetoid's SOI falls to its invisible core and explodes. That keeps happening, but it happens when I'm sticking my base together for some reason.

    What exactly triggers this bug? I'd like to know so I can think of some workaround way of building my base so I can avoid that bug. I hope it gets fixed in 1.0!

  12. Disable AA in KSP.

    Which Linux ?

    Did you install the proprietary nvidia driver (not nouveau) ? Then you should have an nvidia-settings icon in the settings. Open it, look for the antialiasing settings (am on the wrong computer right now and can't check out but can do later if you wish ...)


    Yup, I got the proprietary drivers and changed the NVidia settings. Disabling AA in KSP worked though :D Thanks!

    Though another issue I have is that it's really laggy. The FPS is pretty bad. I don't have this issue at all in Windows and it makes it almost unplayable.

    I've gone back to playing KSP on Windows now, as I'd rather have the occasion memory leak that crashes the game rather than a game that's constantly laggy. If there's a fix for this I'll go back to Linux (Ubuntu) though.

  13. I recently made the move to Linux and I've been trying to get anti-alias working, but...it won't work! I've tried editing the settings in KSP, I've tried tinkering with my driver settings (NVidia) but nothing works.

    The option to toggle edge highlighting is disabled too, saying I don't have the hardware? It was working earlier, though, so I have no clue why it's suddenly not working.

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