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Everything posted by Matuchkin

  1. Train Engine? *Spit* Why don't ya go for a V8 muscle?
  2. Anybody have ice? I think I'm a little singed...
  3. How do you ban people? Oh. Oh god...
  4. 6/10 Dual oversized boxcutters are nice Awwwwww YEEEEAAAAAAH
  5. 4/10 I saw you comment on some of my stuff...
  6. http://www.nymeta.co/north-korea-saturn/ Read it...
  7. One word. Red Iron Crown *Dun, Dun, DUUUUUUUUN...*
  8. Why? Doesn't that depend on mass? I'm not sure that heat will balance itself throughout the universe merely because of a small object standing still somewhere in it.
  9. Yeaaaaaahh. I noticed. I'm thinking of something...
  10. Yeah, I should have been elaborating. Just imagine that the object is "nailed" to a plane (not implying a 2 dimensional plane, just giving a visual).
  11. ^^^A simple answer that a 14 year old can understand. Not exactly the point here, but something I don't have to do mental images of for half-hours. Nice. There, something I understand. I don't exactly understand why this isn't possible, though. I'm gonna try to understand more of this conversation once I finish my frantic studying.
  12. For some reason I either play with COMPLETE realism (RO, etc) or I do not play.
  13. Whatwhenwhywhohowwhaaaat? Explanation?
  14. Well then it'll be nice if he joins, I'd like an interesting conversation...
  15. *QUENTIN TARANTINO "What d'ya meeean our goddamn [REDACTED] wing's 'bout ta fall the [REDACTED] off? Dose li'l sun-uf-a-[REDACTED] engineers wur plottin' sumthin' I swear. Do we have [REDACTED] bombs on dis thing?" I don't want this discussion to turn into a sick, horrible, morbid, cold-hearted joke. So I'll leave that and be more serious about this catastrophe from now on. You can do anything to this post, moderators. Delete it if you can, because I feel horrible about it.
  16. Everything we know moves at a huge velocity. The planets orbit around our solar system, our solar system moves around other systems and orbits Sagittarius A, Sagittarius A moves around other galaxies and expands with them... What if an object was literally standing in one spot, not moving? It will be standing completely still in space. What do you think will happen?
  17. I would take that medicine. I would not accept the end of humanity until all hope is lost. I am talking about the precariousness and probability of success of the situation. The topic is not about if we would take our chances (which everyone would).
  18. Well, yeah, in that scenario. I can see that any contributing company/corporation/etc that decides to put a monetary value on their effort will be under theoretical gunpoint from society. I can also see that the world economy will be under quite a delicate balance, and operating it will take a lot of effort. Anything goes wrong in that main factor, and the whole effort collapses. To build a rocket, test it, put the probe in and launch it takes somewhere around a few years (probably one or two, if I'm not mistaken). We have ten years and 100 probes to take care of. The probability of failure will be so damn high we might as well not launch.
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