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Everything posted by khadgarion

  1. That retractable heat shield setup was really cool! Would really love to see a video on how you made it work. It would be a good way to detail how some of the new parts work, and how to set them up =)
  2. It'd be neat if you could somehow make a planetary gear set
  3. Hahaha, oh my! I guess I am so used to km! Thanks, it makes much more sense now!
  4. I don't quite understand how this is supposed to work... I click the purple Maneuver Mode button while sitting on the launchpad, and it tells me my apoapsis is 74km while I am sitting on the launchpad. Shortly after liftoff, it skyrockets into the 3Mm range. This is not really at all helpful for launching into a low orbit. If I had to guess, I would say my lack of actual maneuver nodes has something to do with it, but I am not really sure. I was hoping it'd help me with getting into orbit (or at least a good suborbital flight). What am I doing wrong? http://prntscr.com/nwnsu2
  5. Minmus seems to be an average of 5-6%. The Mun is about the same. Is that pretty low?
  6. I feel like a noob having to ask... I am having no luck mapping any karbonite deposits. I checked the SCANSat maps, and the regular map in the tracking center. The Karbonite Detection array will show me some percentages, but trying to display the locations on a map doesn't seem to work. I have looked around for solutions, but have come up empty handed. I mined some at KSC, so the mod is working, but I must have missed out on how to actually find good spots (The Mun, and Minmus are both locations I wanted to mine). What am I not doing right? (all mods are up to date).
  7. Oh wow! Thanks for the effort, it's much appreciated. I figured it was something I was doing wrong, I didn't know that it was only looking at the first tank after a decoupler. I must not have ever done fuel tanks like that. That short tank was actually a leftover from a recycled design when I only had the little tanks (in career). Thanks for the explanation too! EDIT: I sent you a little something, have a sixpack (or a couple cups of coffee) on me
  8. I've got a pretty simple ship design. I click the asparagus button, and it thinks for a while. When it finishes, it appears to have done nothing (no fuel lines). I get a message that there is no unobstructed path for the fuel line. I have made similar designs in the past KSP versions, and had no issues. Are these decouplers not moving the fuel tanks far enough away from the main tank? The parts that are not attached I removed just in case they were messing with AA, but it didn't seem to make a difference. Thanks for all your time spent on this mod, I have really enjoyed using it! Craft File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7HL6tXnXM0aaG84U1hwX3RCeFU/view?usp=sharing
  9. They sure do. Thanks to you i figured out why I couldn't launch one
  10. Yeah. I wish I would have known this before I deleted / reinstalled KSP. Now I've been spending my free time trying to figure out how to build the source on the ckan website so i can get CKAN to work. PITA. Great program though, when its working It doesn't break very much... But it seems to break right when I decide to reinstall KSP. 3rd time this has happened, it's my rotten luck lol
  11. This is kind of ridiculous.... Happens to me too. It's hard to complete a mission when half your craft blows off... Here's what's happening. The radiator doesn't help... EDIT: It seems to be random. It can happen under warp. It can happen in real time. Warping can make the heat dissipate. The heat dissipates on its own when not warping. I've had it happen when in Kerbin orbit, Munar orbit, and Minmus orbit. Really hard to reproduce because it does seem to be random.
  12. Yeah. This is really starting to .... me off. Decouplers overheating and exploding while I am drifting along in space. Fix one bug, make it even worse. At least I could disable the thermo displays in the last patch.
  13. This mod is incredible. Can't wait to use it again
  14. Thanks for updating. Setting up asparagus staging is sometimes a real PITA and you've made it much, much easier. Thanks again!!
  15. Not a bad idea, but I would say adjusting the effeciency of the refining process rather than the efficiency of the fuel would be easier to implement (don't have to mess with engines at all). I've got about half of tier 5 filled out right now, and I am guessing the resource stuff is all late tier. I'd be nice to have earlier resource gathering capabilities.. I'd set it up on kerbin to try and save a few bucks on fuel costs on all the rockets I am launching
  16. Filter Extensions is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!!
  17. Hello, I was looking around to see if there is a mod that would add tabs for parts based on mods to the VAB building. For example, I have OSI (MKS/OKS) installed. I'd like to have a "custom" tab generated that has the colony control center, etc, moved from the "utility" tab to the OSI (mod-generated) tab. Also the option to remove parts added by mods from the default tabs, or just leave them there. Yes, I can make these tabs myself within KSP but every time I research something I would have to go through and see what parts were added and go back through. As far as I can tell, I can't remove parts from the default tabs (there is only the + for adding to new tab). Maybe I'm just lazy. Well, no, I am pretty sure that's it. But this would be a great mod, if I knew much about modding I would try and make it myself but I have no idea where to start. And it may already exist for all I know! If it does, please point me in the right direction. Thanks! khad
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