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Everything posted by Denko666

  1. Showrooms seem to be 'in' lately, so... https://flic.kr/s/aHskRcqcEC
  2. OH..... MY..... GOD....... Angel you sure have outdone yourself. I'm going to try this out as soon as i get back home.
  3. Can someone plz post a known-to-work galaxy.cfg? don't care how many planets of this or that... just need a good reference for troubleshooting
  4. My OPT Showcase gallery: https://www.flickr.com/gp/112822178@N08/6XF101 OPT-J Single Stage To Orbit/Surface Multirole Spaceplane : http://www.ksp-players.com/en/logbook/Denko666/crafts/1015 Use with: WBI Deep Space Exploration Vessel 'Esperanza' for interplanetary travel: http://www.ksp-players.com/en/logbook/Denko666/crafts/1019 OPT 'Avatar' SSTO Orbital Delivery Shuttle: http://www.ksp-players.com/en/logbook/Denko666/crafts/1016 OPT 'Humpback' SSTO Planetary Delivery Shuttle: http://www.ksp-players.com/en/logbook/Denko666/crafts/1017
  5. Using KSP 1.2.2 Modlist: AllYAll ASET B9PartSwitch DarkSideTechnology DavonSupplyMod ExceptionDetector Firespitter JSI KerbalAtomics KerbalHacks KrakenScience KspPlayers MagicSmokeIndustries MiningExpansion NavyFish NearFutureConstruction NearFutureProps NearFutureSpacecraft NSS OPT PlayYourWay Proximity REKT SM_Marine StationPartsExpansion SurfaceExperimentPackage TechAurum T.G.O.L group To_Boldly_Go UniversalStorage WildBlueIndustries Workshop AGExt 2.2 AircraftCarrierAccessories 1.13 AlcubierreStandalone AllYAll 0.10.1 AmpYearPowerManager 1:V1.4.4.0 AsphaltTiles 1.2 AsphaltTilesWelded 1.2 AsteroidDay 1.2 AT-Utils v1.2.2 AviationLights v.3.12 B9PartSwitch v1.5.3 BDAnimationModules 1:v0.6.4.4 CactEyeCommunity ChopShop CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree 1:3.0.2 CommunityTerrainTexturePack 2.1 ConfigurableContainers-Core 2.3.1 ContractConfigurator 1.22.2 ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.2.0 ContractConfigurator-GrandTours 1: ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.5.2 CustomBarnKit CVX 0.12 DavonSupplyMod 021 DeepFreeze V0.23.2.0 DeployableEngines 0.3.3 DMagicOrbitalScience 1.3.7 DockingPortSoundFX v2.1.12 EditorExtensionsRedux EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 2:EVE-1.2-2 ESLDJumpBeacons 0.9 EVATransfer 6.0 ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads FirespitterCore v7.5.0 FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.5.0 FlexibleDocking 4.0 GammaTextures v1.11 HangarExtender 1:v3.4.9 HullcamVDSContinued 0.1.6 HyperEdit IndicatorLights 1.2.5 IndicatorLightsCommunityExtensions 1.2 InterstellarFuelSwitch 2.3.1 InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 2.3.1 IXSWarpshipOS JX2Antenna 1.0 Karbonite 1: KAS KerbalJointReinforcement v3.3.1 KerbalKonstructs KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems v1.3.9 KeridianDynamicsVesselAssembly 0.8.1 KHWearableKISProps 1.0 KIS Konstruction Kopernicus 2:release-1.2.2-2 kOS 1.0.3 kOSforAll 0.0.5 KSPSteamCtrlr autodetected dll KVVContinued 0.0.6 LandingHeight 1.9 MalemuteRover MechJeb2-dev MechJebForAll MiniSampleReturnCapsule v1.2 Mk2Expansion 1:1.7.25 ModularFlightIntegrator ModuleManager 2.7.5 NavHud 1.3.3 NearFutureConstruction 0.7.2 NearFutureElectrical 0.8.2 NearFutureElectrical-Core 0.8.2 NearFuturePropulsion 0.8.2 NearFutureSolar 0.7.1 NearFutureSolar-Core 0.7.1 OctosatContinued 0.1.2 OPTSpacePlaneParts PlanetShine PlanetShine-Config-Default ProceduralFairings v3.20 ProceduralParts v1.2.8 QuantumStrutsContinued 1.7.0 REPOSoftTech-Agencies V1.4.4.0 RSTKSPUtils V0.23.1.0 SCANsat v16.11 Scatterer 2:v0.0256 ScienceRelay 3.1 SmartParts Snacks v1.6.2 SpaceDock 0.2.1 SpacetuxSA SpaceXLegs 2.3 Steamworks autodetected dll SuperHeavyBoostersHistoricalNexus 1.2.5 SurfaceExperimentPack v2.1.3 SVE-MediumResolution 2:1.1.4 SVE-Scatterer-Config 2:1.1.4 SVE-Sunflare 2:1.1.4 TacFuelBalancer 2.12 TarsierSpaceTechnologyWithGalaxies 1:6.6.1 TextureReplacer v2.5.4 ThrottleControlledAvionics v3.3.0 Toolbar 1.7.13 TreeToppler 1.1.1 TweakScale v2.3.3 UniversalStorage USI-ART 1: USI-Core USI-FTT USI-SRV USI-SubPack USITools WaypointManager 2.6.0 ZeroMiniAVC v1.04 yeah, it's a bunch
  6. @daniel l., im sorry man; i keep running into issues. I got a galaxy config from the generator program, put it with the mod's files. I can see a whole bunch of new stars in the Tracking Station so all is well so far. But when i launch a vehicle, it gets stuck on time-space and the planet moves on without my craft. when i remove the To_Boldly_Go folder from GameData it all goes back to normal. I was really looking forward to using this mod, because it's the first one that actually makes the IXS Warpship have a real purpose in game. Do you have any clue what could be up?
  7. At the risk of sounding self-serving : it uses USI's warp drive module. Also : dont copy over parts of other mods. Instead, note them as dependencies or suggestions. Most modding for KSP is done on Github, i strongly suggest you look into using that too. Maybe it depends on the distro used. I'm using SteamOS so it could be that the scriptt isn't able to figure out what distro it is. I gotten it to work on Crossover though, trick is to copy the exe onto the WINE Bottle's drive. Otherwise it freaks out over Linux's path syntax
  8. Update - Recompiled for KSP 1.2.2 Direct Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hu5cm9ii9uhfsgq/IXSWarpShipOS- Spacedock: http://spacedock.info/mod/589/IXS-Warpship-OS
  9. they should all be in their respective 'experimental' groups (experimental drives, experimental construction,.... etc) Maybe you are using a mod that changes the stock techtree? like Community Tech Tree or Engineer TechTree ..?
  10. Here you'll find enough info to get you started: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorials#Add-on_Development
  11. There's several skills involved in making mods depending on what you're trying to achieve. - C# Software Development - writing part files - writing ModuleManager scripts - 3D modelling - Digital art for texturing the 3D models In your case you'll need 1 and 3. And a firm grasp on the KSP API. I suggest you hop on Github and check out some of the sourcecode of existing mods, and see if you can make sense of it.
  12. It is? i always remembered that you couldn't just drop .Net source code into a Mono compiler and have it build just like that. Or have a Mono application and run it on a .Net framework. But if you say so, i'll gladly take your word for it; i have to admit i'm basing myself on what i remembered what i had courses in VS.Net But that's easily 4-6 years ago.
  13. Hey @allista! I fear some pest-control is needed, got a persisting gamecrash. And the cause seems to be this: [EXC 20:35:32.824] ArgumentException: Getting control 1's position in a group with only 1 controls when doing Repaint Aborting UnityEngine.GUILayoutGroup.GetNext () UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.BeginLayoutGroup (UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options, System.Type layoutType) UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) ThrottleControlledAvionics.NavigationPanel.WaypointList () ThrottleControlledAvionics.TCAGui.DrawMainWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [ERR 20:35:32.824] GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced) If you need more info, just ask. And if this is not TCA related, just throw it back
  14. 3D model of the new part is coming along,... but not sure about the doors and how they open. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j622idtnyn151l7/IXSPod-struct.png?dl=0 lemme know what you think.
  15. Hey @Angel-125 Which OSE Workshop do we need to use now with Pathfinder? I tried the current OSE-Workshop version, but the Blacksmith module says it cannot open the workshop gui. I also found a Workshop repo on your github; but it gives the same error. grtz
  16. That is actually as expected. Except, if you look in the QVEngine's config file, those are not the values i entered. But i'll take it for the time being. I'm still learning how modding works in KSP so... But i can 'disclose' ( ) that i'm working on a new part for the IXS and learning how to mod as i go.
  17. can't make heads or tails of the ratio values. What i put in there is not what the game engine uses, there seems to be some kind of multiplier at play somewhere. I made a rough trial and error rebalance. It's not what i want it to be, but at least it is functional again. Rebalanced version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qw0dw33cy9oamto/IXSWarpShipOS-
  18. My bad, seems i overlooked a couple paths when updating for the new directory. You can find an updated version here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/44npgfbxdr7hm4m/IXSWarpShipOS- Strange, it should be consuming 10 EC/s and 0.001 XenonGas/s (xenongas is a byproduct of the Exotic Matter generation, so you should never really run out)
  19. New version available: (fixed) ! New Directory Structure ! CKAN Users are advised to first remove the mod using CKAN, then go to your GameData directory in your KSP install and remove the WarpShip directory should it still be there. Then install the new version using CKAN Users who manually update: Remove the WarpShip directory from your GameData directory in your KSP install and replace it with the IXSWarpShipOS directory that is in the .zip file Direct download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/45umdx7cfn8a9me/IXSWarpShipOS- On Spacedock:
  20. Mono is the open source version of .Net, but with actual frameworks for Windows,MacOS X and Linux. But it's not compatible with .Net. You don't need to recompile for different operating systems, kinda like Java. So you only need the Mono SDK and Xamarin for makin .dll files; which exist for Windows, MacOS X and Linux.
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