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  • About me
    TRA/NAR L3 (amateur rocket scientist)
  • Location
    Eating the SUN. It's rather hot. I should probably wait for it to cool off.
  • Interests
    I partake in the glorious hobby of yeeting cardboard (I guess also fiberglass/carbon fiber) tubes thousands of feet into the air (amateur/high-power rocketry).
    KSP and the various institutions of education I attend are great motivators for the hobby (and my L2 was made in the likeness of something I made in KSP).

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  1. First post on the KSP forums in quite a long time. I joined way back in 2015 (the email I use for my online persona actually served the initial purpose of joining the KSP forums) and was active for some time, then kinda just dipped for a while when life got crazy (undergrad). I kinda regret not being active here much for the last few years, but I suppose I was preoccupied with other things. KSP's mods really expanded the game further and let it grow in various creative directions, and this place is an amazing hub for that. I usually come here first to see the mods and what people experience with them before downloading them. If that experience gets lost, sure I can go to other places for the mods but I'm not sure how well player feedback gets communicated. I hope TTi has the foresight to keep the forums up for a while longer. If not, let's hope we can archive a decent chunk of this place and find a new home elsewhere. It sucks, but all good things must one day come to an end, KSP and related shenanigans included.
  2. An acoustic version of one of my favorite songs. Came across it a day or two ago and honestly, I've sorta replayed it a bunch during the past day.
  3. Glad to see this mod back. Just a quick question: Is there a config out there that disables the automatic staging of the motors? If not, how would I go about disabling that feature? Thanks!
  4. I take the burn rate coeff is in in s^-1 psi^-n ? Would seem rather high for m s^-1 Pa^-n, but I guess this is Kerbal we're talking about. 4.5 atm also seems incredibly small when compared to the chamber pressures some motors can get to (~50 atm or even higher), though again I guess this is also just Kerbal. I just wanted a bit of clarification on units, and I also just find them to be really interesting.
  5. Out of curiosity, what propellant parameters (burn rate coeff, pressure exponent, combustion chamber temp, specific gas constant, molar mass, and propellant density... basically parameters I can stick into OpenMotor) were determined for the solid rocket motors? I have to ask because I am looking into potentially making some motors for KSP (a mod for sounding rockets and in general smaller parts) and it would be a great help to have those numbers to design some motors around. Sorry if this question has been asked before and I missed the response to it.
  6. Not sure if this question has been asked here before, or if I've managed to skip over a technical detail, but what exactly is meant by fairing nose-height ratio? What is this ratio with respect to; the base diameter of the fairing?
  7. Okay so, whenever I am orbiting Kerbol, I notice that my ejection angle continues to function even though I don't have a target selected. Does anyone know where this angle is referenced from? I know this seems like a silly and very random question, and it kinda is, but it's just something I noticed recently.
  8. Although I am not a very hardcore person with KSP, I am fairly interested to see where this thread goes... This would be an interesting thing to come back to as reference for when I inevitably get bored and need something with a bit more substance.
  9. Love the mod! Been waiting for something similar to this to pop up. I do have a question regarding the mod, though. Is it possible to at some point create custom thrust curves for those motors in-game, or would that be beyond the scope of this mod? Would it also be compatible with creating our own custom thrust curves if we wrote up our own configuration files for certain grain configurations? (I guess it would also prompt me to figure out how to actually make custom thrust curves for the motors)
  10. I was going to use a Sepratron I for something, when I noticed that its center of mass (CM) is fairly offset. I admittedly feel as if the CM of the part is fairly unrealistic and that it needs some offset, although I'm not sure where to start with writing a config file to change the CM so that it is more inline with the booster component than the attachment spokes. Also when are we getting stock inline sepratrons/option to toggle between spoke mount and no spoke mount motors lol Anyway, I just want to change where the CM is without having to hard-code the values in, as well as what portion of code I would need to look at. Thanks for the help
  11. I try not to kill the crew, accidental or otherwise, but way back when I was first playing the game in maybe August of 2013, I killed like twenty kerbals trying to get into orbit. This wasn't *entirely* my fault though, the computer I had at the time was extremely laggy and so inputs were... let's just say very delayed (upwards of like, a second or two of delay, even for a small craft). Thank God I have a much better computer and much better skill now.
  12. I am unsure as to where I can get the logs, but here is a screenshot of what happens when I try to use one of these parts in the VAB. https://imgur.com/AJl5vIg
  13. Thanks, I'll be sure to check out both of those resources. Right now Blender is just being weird with UV editing by making certain portions of the map invisible/broken for seemingly no reason. However, I guess I would try to make something simple and see if the modules work.
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