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Everything posted by Astrofox

  1. So, I decided to create a challenge, specifically made for thinner rockets. Rules: You may use Mechjeb, Procedural Parts/Fairings, FASA, and stock KSP. You must include download, but you have the option of posting a picture of the craft. YOU MAY NOT MODIFY THE PARTS to achieve the "cheaper than 3000 funds" part of the challenge point system! There may be structural pieces that extend outward as long as they help to enhance the stability of the craft. You may use part clipping for the craft, but you may only do it if you are attaching batteries or attaching engines radially, but other than that, nothing else Points: 100: complete challenge 200: complete challenge using RSS 35: use 1.25 meter parts (launcher, not payload) 40: use 1.25 - 0.625 meter parts 50: use only 0.625 meter parts 500: use only 3000 funds for the launch vehicle and payload 60: Use only stock parts Here is my entry: Tinylaunch Mk1 Pics you may ask? well: PICTURE (sorry I had to make it a download, but I will find a way) So, do you accept the challenge, or not? (may post challenge accepted meme) After all, you can go ANYWHERE, that is, as long as you make it into orbit safely.
  2. Here is the link to this amazingly thin rocket that barely does it (in stock), it requires Mechjeb for the launcher and satellite. Tinylaunch Mk1
  3. Granted, but we are now at the edge of a black hole and our orbit will decay into the black hole in 100 years. I wish very friendly aliens came to Earth.
  4. Today i built a rocket that is extremely thin, but only works with stock, it just barely makes it to orbit, using up some of the satellite's fuel of course.
  5. I personally agree about the QBE having reaction wheels, considering that there are actual spacecraft that have reaction wheels and are 10*10*20 centimeters. This therefore makes the QBE look very terrible, and more like the "Shut up and take my money" meme, considering that it is extremely expensive and is 550 science for just that part and a one or two more if you play with stock.
  6. I just wanted them to keep the current one to just have save compatibility.
  7. I think they should keep the original tech tree, but instead have an extra option for a realistic progression, in other words probes and solar panels at the beginning, as well as the small inline parachute and all scientific instruments, as well as the seperatron 1s at the start node.
  8. REENTRY HEAT? Well, there go my plans for aerobraking. Also, will you please change how the building destruction works, because I feel as if driving a massive object into the side of a building to destroy it seems a bit funny but highly unrealistic in a way. Danny2462 could technically do this by building a massive tank and going on a Kerbal slaying Rampage whilst at it (come to think of it, I might suggest it as a video idea for him). I love the Development of the game, but I also hope that this release is not rushed out.
  9. Frizzank, I was wondering if you could create parts that are modeled after the Thor-Delta rockets, as well as adding in scout launch vehicle parts and early corona spy satellite experiments. Thanks on considering, Astrofox
  10. Ven, I have been looking at the mod, and I was wondering if you could make a separate download just for the new solar panels. I want to have the models, not the texture replacement of everything, including the old KSP solar panels. I love the screenshots and I may try it in a different version of KSP. Thanks on replying and considering, Astrofox
  11. Here you go, it's a rotten cheesecake made with the worst curdled milk. I wish for nothing bad to happen to Jebediah Kerman.
  12. I know a mod that will help to give you procedural fairings that look a bit like KW's MOD FOR FAIRINGS this was not made by me, but blackheart612. Here you go, Astrofox This also works in 0.90.0 KSP, I have it installed
  13. @Yemo, you could also edit your posts by just clicking the edit button on the bottom corner of your original post.
  14. Novapunch, It is a mod that has these type of nosecone decouplers. it has given me so many ideas over the past years of KSP.
  15. It actually is, and I hope to see someone with modding experience to help to create such an amazing mod. Anyway hope someone finds this soon, Astrofox
  16. Sorry for the Idiocy, sir- It is soup you know. WAITER! THERE'S Lead Paint IN MY SOUP!
  17. I think that KSP planets and moons need Volcanism (Eeloo has jets of lce, Laythe has volcanoes, Kerbin has volcanoes dotted all around the planet, and Minmus has cryovolcanism (similar to that of Eeloo's), needs more volcanoes everywhere, even on Eve). Needs a planet that has thick cloud cover in which Kerbal scientists don't know if the planet even has a surface (and it has a surface with volcanoes all over the planet (max distance from each volcano would be about 5km)) it would be absolutely amazing to see such a creation in KSp (Atmo pressure needs to be higher than Eve's).
  18. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Sorry, I just had to do that.
  19. When you swing by the Mun 10 times before returning back to Kerbin, successfully (yes, this happened to me, I tried to get into orbit without using too much Delta-V).
  20. Procedural fairings, you can't survive FAR without them.
  21. How about Lack Luster Labs? Also, Bargain Rocket parts ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58639-0-24-Bargain-Rocket-Parts-v1-1-Bust-out-the-duct-tape-we-re-going-to-space! ) and the Vertical Propulsion Emporium (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74625-0-25-Vertical-Propulsion-Emporium-v0-20a-%2827th-Oct-2014%29), just for fun. Also, what are your fairings made of? wings? structural panels? anything? This sounds like a job for procedural fairings
  22. Woah, I like the design of the suit, but how about a cheap cardboard fairing and fairing base (it would be absolutely awesome!).
  23. KSP definitely needs more explosions, considering that just about every launch goes really well for me. I am considering on downloading this mod for the fun of test flights.
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