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Everything posted by secondcircle

  1. Any idea why your change would be showing up as a virus on windows? Anyone else used this? My windows virus detector is probably just acting dumb.
  2. What nodes are the fairings in? I cannot find them. Edit nevermind I found them.
  3. Does this work with the Universal Storage Mod? I'm cant find the struts to mount the science parts but not the science parts themselves.
  4. Is there a way to fix it for now? I'm really bad at using the hydrogen tanks, I have to make absurdly large and long rockets to get the same deltav as liquid fuel.
  5. Anyone have a problem with the nuclear engines? You should be able to change the fuel type they use but I can't seem to do it. When i click next propellant it doesn't do anything. They only seem to work on hydrogen and it's annoying the .... out of me. Anyone knows how to fix this? http://puu.sh/kQzY7/83fab0705b.jpg [1] I'm just not understanding how or what you use this nuke for. It also has a million other stats that i'm not clear on. I can't find any information on this particular part in the wiki.
  6. Anyone have a problem with the nuclear engines? You should be able to change the fuel type they use but I can't seem to do it. When i click next propellant it doesn't do anything. They only seem to work on hydrogen and it's annoying me. Anyone knows how to fix this? http://puu.sh/kQzY7/83fab0705b.jpg [1]
  7. I'm having this issue as well. Incredibly frustrating because this mod is awesome and everything else works perfectly. Any idea how to fix it?
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